2021-22 COES Graduate Council elected
Louisiana Tech University’s College of Engineering and Science (COES) graduate students have elected the 2021-22 COES Graduate Council.

2021 – 22 COES Graduate Student Council members are (from left) Md Tanbin Hasan Mondal (president), Rifat-E-Nur Hossain (public relations officer), Winner Anigbogu (vice president), Omar Shahrear Apu (treasurer), and MD Shafayet Alam (secretary).
During the election, held on March 22, Md Tanbin Hasan Mondal (doctoral student in engineering with a concentration in micro/nanoscale systems), was elected president of the council, while Winner Anigbogu (doctoral student in engineering with a concentration in micro/nanoscale systems) was elected vice president. Rifat-E-Nur Hossain (doctoral student in engineering with a concentration in micro/nanoscale systems) was elected public relations officer, and MD Shafayet Alam (doctoral student in engineering with a concentration in micro/nanoscale systems) was elected secretary. Omar Shahrear Apu (doctoral student in engineering with a concentration in materials and infrastructure systems) was elected treasurer.
“I ran for president of the council because I would like to serve the graduate community at Louisiana Tech and increase the interactions between students,” Mondal said of his election as president of the council. “I’d also like to increase the events for graduate students here to increase their education and knowledge.”
The COES Graduate Council represents graduate students, planning social events and meeting with College leadership to address and suggest solutions to issues that affect graduate students throughout the College.
In the first meeting, the Council began planning Spring Quarter career workshops focusing on career opportunities in industries and academia. The Council has also begun developing a competition for graduate students to design a logo or tee shirt for the Graduate Council. Both events will be further discussed at the general body meeting later this quarter. The Council has also discussed ideas for social events in the upcoming Summer, Fall, and Winter Quarters.
“The Grad Council gives members a direct line to address graduate student issues and policies and to organize events carried out by the College,” Dr. Collin Wick, COES associate dean for graduate studies, said. “It also is an opportunity for the students elected to demonstrate leadership.”
The Louisiana Tech College of Engineering and Science offers graduate students a variety of degree options, including doctoral degrees in biomedical engineering, computational analysis and modeling, engineering, molecular science and Nanotechnology, and master’s degrees in Applied Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Engineering and Technology Management, Mathematics, and Molecular Science and Nanotechnology.
Graduate students within the College of Engineering and Science participate in research-heavy curricula, often earning fellowships, grants, and awards, as well as graduating with a portfolio of peer-reviewed publications. Learn more about Louisiana Tech COES graduate opportunities.