Leadership, Awards, and Service: ASCE/AISC Teams Organize, Win Deep South Conference

The Louisiana Tech chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers/American Institute of Steel Construction hosted the Deep South Conference this March. The organization’s officers, team members and faculty advisors worked tirelessly to put the conference together and to prepare for the competitions. All-in-all, the Tech teams put in a combined 3000 working hours preparing for the competition, in addition to the hundreds of hours they put in raising money, scheduling events, recruiting judges, and managing venues.

“The ASCE student organizing committee was outstanding in planning and implementing the conference. Students were well organized and careful to make sure that they missed no detail. Because they exceeded their budget fundraising goal early, the students had the money for extras to make the conference enjoyable for everyone.”

Dr. Norm Pumphrey

ASCE/AISC Advisor, Program Chair – Construction Engineering Technology, Professor – Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Technology

Teams from thirteen universities from across the region visited Ruston to compete in four categories: the ASCE Concrete Canoe, the AISC Steel Bridge, ASCE Sustainable Dog House and the ASCE Meade Technical Paper presentation. Students from Tech’s ASCE/AISC teams aided the visiting teams in finding housing and food while in Ruston and organized a social event and the awards banquet to build camaraderie amongst the participating universities.

In addition to hosting the competition, the Louisiana Tech teams earned several awards, and the Concrete Canoe team qualified for the national ASCE competition, which will be held in Melbourne, Florida, this summer.

“Louisiana Tech is the first school to compete in ALL of the competitions AND host the conference in my four years in the ASCE organization. We received many compliments from the judges and schools on how smoothly everything went. We are preparing for the ASCE Concrete Canoe national competition that will be hosted in Melbourne, Florida, this June! As organization president, I couldn’t be happier to see such a successful conference.”

Allie Thurman

Civil Engineering Senior and ASCE/AISC Chapter President

2019 Deep South Conference Tech Team Awards

First Place

Overall Concrete Canoe Competition
Mead Paper Competition
Sustainability Doghouse Competition Oral Presentation
Sustainability Doghouse Competition Design Report

Second and Third Place

Concrete Canoe Design Report (Second)
Concrete Canoe Surveying (Third)
Overall Steel Bridge Competition (Third)