

Evans, K.A., M. Apter-Desselles, M.K. Orr, “Year 3 of an S-STEM Summer Scholarship for a Sophomore Bridge Program,” Executive Summary, NSF Grantee’s Poster Session, Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, virtual, June 2020.


Evans, K.A. and K. St.Amant, “Structure of Professional Components for a Multidisciplinary REU Program,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL,, June 2019.

Evans, K.A., M. Apter-Desselles, M.K. Orr, “Year 2 of an S-STEM Summer Scholarship for a Sophomore Bridge Program,” Executive Summary, NSF Grantee’s Poster Session, Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL, June 2019.


Evans, K.A., M. Apter-Desselles, D.E. Hall, and M.K. Orr, “S-STEM Summer Scholarship for a Sophomore Bridge: Year 1 in Review,” Executive Summary and Poster, NSF Grantee’s Poster Session, 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018.

Corbett, K.S., K.A. Evans, S McAdams, J. Gaudin, M.A. Walker, and T.S. Fontenot, “Work in Progress: Developing a Model for Student-led Peer Mentorship Programs,” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018.


Reis, L.G., S. Cronk, K. Evans, and D. Cahoy, “WIP: An on-going analysis of the impact of assigning online thermodynamic homework in place of traditional homework,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. 10.18260/p.18197, June 2017.

Swanbom, M., M. Collins, and K. Evans, “Development and preliminary assessment of an open-source, online homework suite for Advanced Mechanics of Materials using WeBWorK,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH. 10.18260/p.18927, June 2017.


Evans, K., P. Hummel, and M. Gates, “An expanded study to assess the effect of online homework on student learning in a first circuits course,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. 10.18260/p.26588, June 2016.

Swanbom, M.K., D.W. Moller, K. Evans, and T. Reeves, “Open-source, online homework for statics and mechanics of materials using WeBWorK: Assessing effects on student learning,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. 10.18260/p.25835, June 2016.


Evans, K.A., P. Hummel, and M. Gates, “Assessing the effect of online homework on student learning in a first circuits course,” Proceedings of the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA. 10.18260/p.23586, June 2015.

Orr, M.K. and M.L. Rucks. Dynamics of Machine Elements: Lessons Learned from a Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, in Mid Years Engineering Experience Conference. March 2015. College Station, TX.


Carpenter, J.P., O’Neal, D.P., “Creating a Sustainable Model for an NSF ADVANCE Project,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2014.

Deemer, E.D., Smith, J.L., Carrell, A.N.N., and Carpenter, J.P., “Academic procrastination in STEM: Interactive effects of stereotype threat and achievement goals,” Career Development Quarterly, 62 (2), 143-155 (2014).

Orr, M.K., Swafford, C., Hahler, S., and Hall, D.E. Factors that influence confidence: Untangling the influences of gender, achievement, and hands-on activities. in Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 2014. Madrid, Spain. Swafford, C., Orr, M.K., and Hall, D. Building Confidence through Hands-on Activities. in ASEE Gulf-Southwest. 2014.

Ohland, M.W., C.E. Brawner, X. Chen, and M.K. Orr. A Comparative Study of Engineering Matriculation Practices, in American Society for Engineering Education. 2014. Indianapolis, IN.

Brawner, C.E., M.K. Orr, and M.W. Ohland. The Accidental Engineer, in American Society for Engineering Education. 2014. Indianapolis, IN.

Orr, M.K., Lord, S.M., Layton, R.A., and Ohland, M.W., Student demographics and outcomes in mechanical engineering in the US. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2014. 42(1): p. 48-60.

Orr, M.K., S.M. Lord, M.W. Ohland, and R.A. Layton. Student Demographics and Outcomes in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Including Migration between the Disciplines in American Society for Engineering Education. 2014. Indianapolis, IN.

Miller, M.K., Martin, J.P., and Orr, M.K., Toward Determining Changes in Engineering-Related Social Capital: Resource Composition as Students Make Decisions About College. Journal of Education and Training, 2014. 1(2): p. 72-91.

Lundy-Wagner, V.C., Veenstra, C.P., Orr, M.K., Ramirez, N.M., Ohland, M.W., and Long, R.A., Gaining Access or Losing Ground?: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students in Undergraduate Engineering, 1994–2003. The Journal of Higher Education, 2014. 85(3): p. 339-369.


Carpenter, J.P., Deaett, L., and Stob. M., “Lessons from Both Sides of the Interviewing Desk,” MAA Focus, August/September 2013.

Ledder, G., Carpenter, J., Comar, T., eds., “Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences:  Models, Processes, and Directions,” MAA Notes Series, Mathematical Association of America, 2013.

Carpenter, J.P., O’Neal, D.P., “Building a More Supportive Climate for Women in STEM:  Discoveries Made, Lessons Learned,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2013.

Carpenter, J.P., O’Neal, D.P., “Equipping Women STEM Faculty for Success:  Professional Development Lessons, from an NSF ADVANCE Project,” Proceedings of the Women in Engineering ProActive Network Annual Conference, June 2013.

Orr, M.K., Brawner, C.E., Ohland, M.W., and Layton, R.A. The Effect of Required Introduction to Engineering Courses on Retention and Major Selection. in American Society for Engineering Education. 2013. American Society for Engineering Education.

Lord, S.M., Ohland, M.W., Layton, R.A., and Orr, M.K. Student Demographics and Outcomes in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. in Frontiers in Education. 2013. IEEE.

Chen, X., Brawner, C.E., Ohland, M.W., and Orr, M.K. A Taxonomy of Engineering Matriculation Practices. in American Society for Engineering Education. 2013. American Society for Engineering Education.

Brawner, C.E., Ohland, M.W., Orr, M.K., and Chen, X. The Effect of Matriculation Practices and First-Year Engineering Courses on Engineering Major Selection. in Frontiers in Education. 2013. IEEE.

Crittenden, K.B., Tims, H., Hall, D.E. “2D paper trusses for K12 STEM education,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2013.

Tims, H., Corbett, K.S., Turner III, G.E. “Cyber Science – Interdisciplinary approach to cyber studies,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2013.


Carpenter, J.P., O’Neal, D.P., Bakken, L., “Mentoring Women Faculty in STEM – a Multi-Pronged Approach,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2012.

Sullivan, M.D., de Cohen, C.C., Barna, M.J., Orr, M.K., Long, R.A., and Ohland, M.W. Understanding Engineering Transfer Students: Demographic characteristics and educational outcomes. in Frontiers in Education. 2012. IEEE.

Strutz, M.L., Orr, M.K., and Ohland, M.W., Chapter 7 Low socioeconomic status individuals: an invisible minority in engineering, in Engineering and Social Justice: In the University and Beyond. 2012, Purdue University Press. p. 143.

Orr, M.K., Ramirez, N.M., Ohland, M.W., and Lundy-Wagner, V. Using High School and District Economic Variables to Predict Engineering Persistence. in American Society for Engineering Education. 2012. American Society for Engineering Education.

Orr, M.K., Brawner, C.E., Lord, S.M., Ohland, M.W., Layton, R.A., and Long, R.A. Engineering Matriculation Paths: Outcomes of Direct Matriculation, First-Year Engineering, and Post-General Education Models. in 2012 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. 2012. IEEE.

Ohland, M.W., Orr, M.K., Lundy-Wagner, V., Veenstra, C.P., and Long, R.A., Chapter 8 Viewing access and persistence in engineering through a socioeconomic lens, inEngineering and Social Justice: In the University and Beyond. 2012, Purdue University Press. p. 157.

Ohland, M.W., Orr, M.K., Layton, R.A., Lord, S.M., and Long, R.A. Introducing “Stickiness” as a Versatile Metric of Engineering Persistence. in 2012 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. 2012. IEEE.

Crittenden, K.B., Nelson, J.D., Turner III, G.E., Petrus, J.A. “Summary results from seven years of LaTechSTEP: A high-school teacher development and student recruiting program,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Turner III, G.E., Crittenden, K.B., Nelson, J.D., Tims, H. “An index to aid in the development of high school recruitment of future engineering and science majors.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Tims, H., Turner III, G.E., Cazes, G.B., Marshall, J.M. “Junior cyber discovery: Creating a vertically integrated middle school cyber camp,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Corbett, K.S., Turner III, G.E., Tims, H., Taerat, N., Naksinehaboon, N., Cummings, O.T. “Enhancing the graduate experience: A conference for graduate student put on by graduate students,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Corbett, K.S., Tims, H., Turner III, G.E., Nelson, J.D. “Utilizing the engineering design process to create a framework for curricula design,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.

Tims, H., Turner III, G.E., Deemer, E., Corbett, K.S. “Using Cyber Discovery to assess change in student STEM-related attitudes,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2012.


Carpenter, J.P., O’Neal, D.P., Bakken, L., “Utilizing an NSF ADVANCE Grant as a Platform to Advance all Women Faculty and Graduate students in STEM,” Proceedings of the Women in Engineering ProActive Network Annual Conference, June 2011.

Carpenter, J.P., “Creating a Culture of Success for Women in STEM,” Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2011.

Crittenden, K., Tims, H., Corbett, K., Hall, D., Swanbom, M. “Work in progress – Using a “cigar box” guitar to teach waves and sound in a high school physics program,”Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2011.

Petrus, J., Nelson, J., Turner, G., Crittenden, K. “High school teacher development workshops that create long-term student impact,”  Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2011.

Crittenden, K.B., Turner III, G.E., Nelson, J.D., Petrus, J.A. “Building relationships by avoiding the “show-and-Go”: A STEM project for high schools,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2011.

Tims, H., Corbett, K., Hall, D., Turner, G., Harbour, D. “Work in progress – Application of the Boe-Bot in teaching K12 electricity fundamentals,” Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2011.

Tims, H., Corbett, K.S., Turner III, G.E., Hall, D.E. “Technology enabled projects for high school physics,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings,2011.

Swanbom, M.K., Hall, D.E., Tims, H. “Oh, g! high school students discover gravitational acceleration using ubiquitous technology,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2011.


Nelson, J. D.Building Strong Partnerships Between Universities and High Schools through STEM.Invited Webinar Presentation for the New Century Learning Consortium, October, 2010. Presentation

Corbett, K., Nelson, J., Tims, H., Turner, G., Engineering a Context-Based College Algebra Course –Work In Progress, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2010, Arlington, VA.

Hall, D., Swanbom, M., Tims, H., 2D Paper Trusses as a Mechanism for Teaching K12 Fundamental STEM Topics – Work In Progress, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2010, Arlington, VA. Paper

Etheridge, B., Turner, G., Tims, H., Duncan, C., Studies in Cyberspace: Honors, Professional Teacher Development, Curricular Development, and Systemic Change in Louisiana, Honors in Practice, 2010, Vol 6. Paper

Crittenden, K., Hall, D., Brackin, P., Living with the Lab: Sustainable Lab Experiences for Freshman Engineering Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010. 2010 Best Paper Award, Division of Experimentation and Laboratory Oriented Studies. Paper

Easley, J., Hall, D., Beard, N., Fardsalehi, G., Wallace, N., Swanbom, M., A Student-Run Help Desk to Facilitate a Robotics-Based Course Sequence, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010. PaperPoster

Nelson, J., Crittenden, K., Swanbom, M., Turner, G, and Petrus, J., Launching into Engineering: A Project-Based Approach to STEM Education in High School, Course Notes and Workbook for the 7thAnnual Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, June 2010, Louisville, KY. Workbook, PresentationCatapult Model (Excel)

Tims, H., Corbett, K., Turner, G., Hall, D., NASA-Threads: A Hands-on Context Based Approach to a High School STEM Course, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010, Louisville, KY. Paper

Tims, H., Turner, G., Nelson, J., Wooley, M., Nelson, M., Building a Collaborative K-12 Partnership,Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition,  June 2010, Louisville, KY. PaperPresentation

Watson, M., Corbett, K., Prather, K., Carpenter, J., Cronk, S., Fostering Dissemination Skills in STEM Doctoral Students: Tips for the Ph.D. Student and the General Impact on STEM Students,Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2010. Paper

Corbett, K., Watson, M., Prather, C., Swanbom, M., Hall, D. Mentoring and Training of Ph.D. Students in the STEM Academic Enterprise: Tips for Doctoral Students and the Overall Effects of STEM Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, McNeese State University, 2010. Paper

M. Watson, K. Corbett, K. Prather, J.P. Carpenter, S. Cronk, “Fostering Dissemination Skills in STEM Doctoral Students: Tips for the Ph.D. Student and the General Impact on STEM Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2010.


Nelson, J., Turner, G., Crittenden K., and Boudreaux A., A Model for High School Teacher Professional Development and Student Learning, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2009, San Antonio, TX.

Tims, H., Turner, G., Duncan, C., Ethridge, B. Cyber Discovery Camp – Integrated Approach to Cyber Studies – Work In Progress, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2009, San Antonio, TX. PaperPresentation

Nelson, J. Crittenden, K., Swanbom, M., and Turner, G., Integrating Engineering Design Projects into High School Mathematics and Science – The Fuel Cell Future, Course Notes and Workbook for the 6th Annual Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, June 2009, Austin, TX. Workbook

Swanbom, M., Harbour, D., Hegab, H., Eddy, D., Microprocessor-Based Control System for Integrated Freshman Curriculum, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009. Paper

Hall, D., Barker, M., Nelson, J., Living with the Lab: Update on the Second Year of Full Implementation for Over 400 First-Year Engineering Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009. Paper

Crittenden, K., Hall, D., Barker, M., Brackin, P. First-Year Design Experience: Assembling the “Big Picture” Through Innovative Product Design, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009. Paper

Hall, D., Cronk, S., Nelson, J., Brackin, P., The  Facilitation of Lifelong Learning Skills through a Project-Based Freshman Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009. Paper

Cronk, S., Hall, D., Nelson, J., Living with the Lab: A  Project-Based Curriculum for First-Year Engineering Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Gulf Southwest Division Annual Conference, March 2009, Waco, TX. Paper

J.P. Carpenter, “Using Web-based Technologies to Reach and Engage Millennial Students in Calculus,” Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2009.


Hall, D.E., Hegab, H.E., Nelson, J.D., Living WITH the Lab – A Freshman Curriculum to Boost Hands-on Learning, Student Confidence and Innovation, Proceedings of the 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2008. Paper

Hegab, H.E., Hall, D.E., Microfabrication of a Resistance Temperature Detector, Proceedings of the 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2008. Paper

Boudreaux, A., Crittenden, K., Nelson J., Turner, G., Achieving a Vision: Connecting Programs to Increase STEM Graduation, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY. Paper

Nelson, J., Carpenter, J., Napper, S., Ramachandran B., Innovative Administration Supports Innovative Education, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY. PaperPresentation

Boudreaux, A., Crittenden, K., Nelson, J., and Turner, G., Increasing Student Success in Engineering and Science through a Freshman Enrichment Program, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA.

Crittenden, K., Boudreaux, A., Nelson, J. and Turner, G., TechSTEP: Connecting High School Teachers and Students to Integrated Engineering and Science, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA.

Swanbom, M.E., Hall, D.E., Crittenden, K.B., Centrifugal Pump Design, Fabrication and Characterization: A Project-Driven Freshman Experience, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA. Paper

Tims, H., Turner, G., Schillinger, D., GEARUP: Teaching Engineering, Science, and Mathematics to Junior High and High School Students Through the Use of K’Nex Bridges, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.

Tims, H., Turner, G., Schillinger, D., IMELT: Integrating Mathematics, Engineering, and Literacy in the Teaching of Mathematics, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburgh, PA. PaperPresentation

Hall, D.E., Cronk, S.R., Brackin, P.D., Barker, J.M., Crittenden, K.B., Living with the Lab: A Curriculum to Prepare Freshman Students to Meet the Attributes of “The Engineer of 2020,”Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA. 2nd Place Best Paper Award, Freshman Program Division; this paper was also invited for presentation and publication at the 63rd ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference held January 4-7 in Berkeley, CA. Paper

Reed, A., Creekbaum, T.M., Matthew, E.D., Hall, D.E., Harbour, W.D., Utilizing Robotics to Facilitate Project-Based Learning: A Student Perspective, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA. This paper was invited for publication in the Computers in Education Journal, Vol. XVIIII No. 1, January – March 2009 pages 2 – 11. Paper

Hall, D.E., Barker, J.M., Nelson, J.D., Living with the Lab: Expanding a Project-Based Freshman Curriculum to Over 350 Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2008, Pittsburg, PA. Poster

White, J. and J. Carpenter. “Integrating Mathematics into the Introductory Biology Laboratory Course” Primus, January 2008, Vol 18, Issue 1. Pp. 22-38.

J. Nelson, J.P. Carpenter, S.A. Napper, and R. Ramachandran, “Innovative Administration Supports Innovative Education,” Proceedings of the 2008 Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York, October 2008.

J. Carpenter and B. Camp, “Using a Web-Based Homework System to Improve Accountability and Mastery in Calculus,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2008.


Hegab, H.E., Hall, D.E., Increasing Experiential Learning in Freshman Engineering through a Microfabrication Project, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2007. Paper

Crittenden, K., Nelson, J., and Turner, G., LaTechSTEP: Louisiana Tech’s STEM Talent Expansion Program, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2007, Honolulu, HI.

Carpenter, J. “Integrating Calculus and Introductory Science Concepts,” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Meeting, 2007.

Hall, D., Barker, M., Living with the Lab – Boosting Experiential Learning and Creativity in 1st Year Engineering Students, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 13 (1), 2007, 3-18.

J.P. Carpenter, “Integrating Calculus and Introductory Science Concepts,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2007.

J.P. Carpenter, “Predicting Student Success in Calculus,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2007.


J.P. Carpenter, R.E. Hanna, “Predicting Student Preparedness in Calculus,” Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2006.


Barker, M., Hall, D., Teaching Innovative Product Development Skills to Freshman Engineering Students, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2004. Paper

J.P. Carpenter, R.E. Hanna, “Using Web-Based Tutorial Software to Increase Retention and Success in Mathematics,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2004.


Guice, L., Napper, S., and Nelson, J., Interdisciplinary Administration Supports Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, Texas A&M University, pp. 203-216, February 2003.


Nelson, J., and Schroder, B., Establishing an Integrated Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Curriculum: Lessons Learned, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2001, Albuquerque, NM.

J.A. Puszynski, J.P. Carpenter, A.J. Pintar, M.D. Graham, M.B. Cutlip, “Mathematics and Chemical Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, November 2001.

J.P. Carpenter and H.M. Black, “Enhancing Freshman Engineering Mathematics Courses with Web-Based Material,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2001.

J.P. Carpenter, M. Cutlip, M.D. Graham, A. Pintar and J.A. Puszynski, “Mathematics and Chemical Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2001.


J.P. Carpenter, D. Meng, N. Ponder and B. Schroeder, “Team Teaching Merged Sections as a Way of Mentoring Faculty,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education 2000, November 2000.


B.S.W. Schroeder and J.P. Carpenter, “Mathematical Support for an Integrated Engineering Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 1999 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 1999 (nominated for best paper).

Nelson, J., and Napper, S., Ramping Up an Integrated Engineering Curriculum to Full Implementation, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


J.D. Nelson, S. Napper, E. Elmore, J. P. Carpenter and B. Deese, “An Integrated Freshman Engineering Curriculum,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, November 1998.