Computer Science/Cyber Engineering 132
Living with Cyber (part 3 of 3) CSC/CYEN 132: The Science of Computing III
Course Description: Additional coverage of algorithm analysis and development, object-oriented programming, data structures, computer architecture, and problem-solving; applications of computing. This is the third Living with Cyber course.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should:
1. Be able to identify a problem’s variables, constraints, and objectives;
2. Understand more advanced data structures and their applications (e.g., dictionaries, lists, sets);
3. Be able to write object-oriented programs in a general-purpose programming language (e.g., Python);
4. Understand more advanced concepts of the object-oriented paradigm (e.g., polymorphism, coupling, and cohesion);
5. Have a basic understanding of signed and floating point number, and character representation in computers;
6. Have a basic understanding of how a computer is made (e.g., ALU, CPU, memory, I/O);
7. Have exposure to various applications of computing (e.g., problem-solving with computers, software engineering, artificial intelligence);
8. Work in groups on a significant computing project with a presentation.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSC 131 or CYEN 131.
Textbook: The Living with Cyber text (in PDF format) is available for free online at
Grades: Your grade for this class will be determined by dividing your total earned
points by the total points possible. In general, graded components will fall into the following categories:
Attendance: ~2.5%
Puzzles: ~2.5%
Raspberry Pi activities/project: ~30%
Programs: ~15%
Major tests: ~50%