2023 COES Design and Research Conference
First-Year Projects Showcase: Living with the Lab

These projects are the culmination of a year-long, project-based learning experience where the Arduino microcontroller is used for sensing and control applications. Each student participant owns and maintains their own equipment, providing a mechanism for boosting hands-on learning for large numbers of students; our hope is that this project-based approach will make our students more competent, confident, and innovative. Feel free to browse the “smart products” that have been conceived, designed, and prototyped by our students.
4:20 – 4:30 Opening Remarks
4:30 – 5:15 Official judging of assigned teams (13 minutes per team, 2 minutes transition time)
5:15 – 6:10 Open judging (all judges circulate to observe all projects)
7:00 – 7:15 Presentation of awards
101. Safe-n-Convenient Keyless Door
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Gage Nail, Casey Markham, Austin Parker
Our product is a simple remodeling of an electric lock door that is secure but can also be unlocked without using your hands. We have made the door to be more convenient to the average person by using pressure sensors in a doormat to basically create a keypad that will be operated with your feet. We have also used Bluetooth sensors to create a two-step verification to open our door. One Bluetooth sensor would go in the homeowner’s vehicle, or on their person, and the other in the house. When the two sensors detect each other, then the keypad will be able to be used. When the Bluetooth sensors are close to each other, and the correct passcode has been put into the keypad a linear actuator that is acting as a deadbolt will withdraw and allow springs to open the door. Finally, when the door is closed there is a photo interrupter on the door that will detect when the door is closed and lock automatically. This should provide a secure door, but also convenient entry for the average person.
102. Tri Sense Firearm Safety
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Harrison May, Drake Caldwell, Brandon Franks
The three-point contact safety device is a product that aims to provide gun owners with an added layer of protection against accidental shootings. It is a simple yet effective mechanism that requires the shooter to establish three points of contact with the firearm before it can be discharged. This ensures that the shooter has a secure grip on the gun and is in complete control of it, minimizing the chances of a misfire or a stray bullet. The device features a locking mechanism that prevents the gun from being fired unless all three points of contact are established. The three points of contact required for the safety device to be disengaged are the shooter’s hands on the grip and trigger of the firearm, and a contact point on the shooter’s body, such as the shoulder or cheek. Once all three points of contact are established, the safety device can be disengaged with a simple press of a button or lever, allowing the shooter to fire the gun. The three-point contact safety device is an ideal product for gun owners who prioritize safety and responsibility when handling firearms. It provides an extra layer of protection against accidental shootings, especially in high-pressure situations where split-second decisions can make all the difference. With this safety device, gun owners can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that they have taken every precaution to prevent accidents and protect themselves and others.
103. Rainforest
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Brandon Turner, James Scharr, Elijah Turner
This project is useful when it comes to people who wanted to keep their plants alive while either away or just forgetful. This project will pick a plant due to preregistered plants in the code by what buttons you press on the keypad. Once a button is pressed, this will pick a plant like, for example, a rose. Then the sensor will be constantly reading the moisture levels in the water to then tell the value of when to stop releasing water into the system. During the entire process, you will be able to see different lights for different settings for all the different components to make sure everything is working properly. once the water hit a specific level then the value will be shut off and this will be a constant checking of the water level. But if you want to change plants you will need to hit a preregistered key, which in our case is the Astrid key. Once this button is pressed and you see no led then you can pick another plant and see new LEDs. We will have a tank that you can refuel with water now this is the only thing you will need to do manually.
104. Motion Music
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Luke Martin, Ian Dryg, Shaun C. Leone Jr.
The Motion Music device is an all-in-one musical device that streamlines and simplifies the process of producing music in order to make learning music more approachable than traditional instruments do. The device is a glove that detects gestures and movements and manipulates sound files to allow the user to mix songs on the spot with nothing more than their hand. The device utilizes an Arduino Uno which serves as the brain of the glove. An MP3 sensor shield is used to store song files and play them back using the connected speakers. Accelerometer and Ping))) sensors have been incorporated to detect the user’s hand angle and height which will manipulate sound files.
105. FrameGuard
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Bryce Trumble, Dwane Stein, Marquise Douglass
FrameGuard is a door lock that secures the door itself to the doorframe, rather than only relying on the door handle. Whereas normal door locks are easy enough to either pick or breakthrough, the FrameGuard can not be picked since it has no actual locking mechanism and would be difficult to locate through a closed door, much less destroy. In addition, FrameGuard could potentially be installed into the wall itself to be completely hidden on both sides of the door, rather than just being attached to the wall/door frame on one side of the door. With FrameGuard, the door locks are hidden from the outside, and the locking mechanism itself is secured inside the door frame and is not accessible to the person trying to break in. When the person is trying to break in through the door, they may be able to break off the door handle and the lock, but the FrameGuard will keep the door in place. At that point, the invader is better off going through the wall or finding another way into the room than trying to get the door open. FrameGuard will only activate through a ,nd given by the Bluetooth device, and even then it will check to see that the door itself is actually closed beforehand using the IR sensor. Otherwise, the locks would engage and jam the door open, defeating the purpose.
106. HVAC RF
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Will Verret, Gaven Hinson, Quin McDonald, Jason Jones
Our product the “HVAC RF” is a portable unit that can be connected to any HVAC system. This device is designed to make the jobs of technicians easier and more efficient as they are working on or are attempting to diagnose problems with HVAC systems in people’s homes or even commercial buildings. Our product eliminates the need for technicians to physically adjust the thermostat every time they need to make a change. It allows for the current inside the thermostat wall unit to be re-directed between ports that power the fan, compressor, and heater remotely. This also eliminates the need for technicians to make trips back and forth from the control panel to the wall unit using a jumper cable to manually control which ports are getting power which is a major time saver. Without the use of this device, technicians would constantly be making potentially dangerous trips to and from the attic, or in some cases under the house or building. The HVAC RF is very easy to use and the remote is equipped with built-in LEDs that allow technicians to easily determine where the fault in the system is located.
107. GasGuard
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Cameron Westerfield, Chloe Lorca, Jeremiah Eubanks, Connor Lambert
This project is meant to help give a sense of safety to consumers who have gas stoves in their homes. This is an over-the-counter stove gas detector that will send off an audible alarm and send you a notification on your electronic device as well as putting out an alert sound informing you that the concentration of gas the around the stove is above the normal concentration. It does this through an MQ-2 gas sensor It can also detect if there is a fire near the container, through an accelerometer, it can detect temperature as well as movement. This way, you can know if you left the stove on or if the object falls from its intended surface and thus turn it off and or pick up the device. This device will also turn on the kitchen hood fans remotely to help ventilate the gas. This is a functional device that not only can detect gas concentration but it can hold kitchen utensils to keep them off the counter. This device does not need to be plugged into an outlet. No more of the, “Did I leave the stove on???”, let your mind rest at ease knowing when your stove is off and on.
108. OmniRemote
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Connor Loman, Jacob Marks, Jayden Toussaint
The OmniRemote is a handheld device that has the capability to control most smart products in your home. Similar to a TV remote, all you need to do is point at what you want to control and press the appropriate buttons.
109. SoniSensor
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Leah Nguyen, Brielle Bordelon, Ella Locke, Jordan Ward
We bring to you today our newest invention, the SoniSensor. This device, specifically designed for the visually impaired, has the ability to detect oncoming objects or obstacles within 30-35 feet of the device. This operates through our Arduino recognizing any movement traveling through a ping sensor. The Arduino Nano Every board transmits a trigger pulse to prompt the ping signal and awaits for its return signal. The ping ultrasonic sensor will emit ultrasonic waves and decipher when the waves bounce back from the object. Once the Arduino receives this information, it changes the emitted sound from a low tone to a higher pitch, alerting the user. There are numerous advantages to this device. Many civilians we’ve spoken with from the Center of the Blind mentioned how agitating the buzzing on pre-fabricated devices can be. Therefore, it ensures the user’s safety without being a nuisance to them. It is cost convenient–nothing was over $60 in its expense. We designed the SoniSensor to be small, lightweight, and compact, ensuring the utmost comfort. Finally, it possesses the capability of reaching an entirety of 35 feet, which is nonexistent on the market as of now. In no circumstance are we limiting our options to one problem area. Initially, our team initially designed this because of our blind community here nearby Tech. However, this device could be adjusted to assist other people with differing disabilities. It could be adapted to any scenario the user decides on.
110. Package Protector
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Zachary Vines, Ethan Englert, Ryan Pearson
Our project consists of an outer shell and an inner shell wooden box. Its purpose is to conceal and protect delivered packages from possible “porch pirates.” It will do this by using a FlexiForce sensor the sense the weight of a package essentially, in doing so, the inner box will be pushed forward and utilize a door mechanic to close over the package and pull it back in. It would be presented as a pleasing project that wouldn’t look out of place on your porch.
111. Intersection Detector
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Faith Delgado, Kylie O’Connor, Shelby Wicker
The Intersection Detector is a device that is meant to be used as a preventative measure against people that are illegally and unsafely entering an intersection, and the device can also be used for Drivers Ed students to help all of them remember to stay behind the line when learning to drive their vehicles. It takes advantage of a QTI sensor to detect the white intersection line on the road, which then will notify the LCD screen and Piezo speaker. The Piezo speaker will go off at a high frequency which will get the driver’s attention when the traffic light is red or yellow, and the LCD screen turns on to notify the driver that they need to check the traffic light before entering the intersection. A color sensor was implemented in the device to read the traffic light to help in situations the driver is momentarily distracted by other things in the vehicle, such as children in the backseat. The color sensor will then light up LEDs near the LCD to allow the driver to see the light in their peripheral and recognize they need to regain focus. The device is not meant to control the brakes or to stop the car for drivers in any way, just as a means of keeping them aware of the road.
112. Novel-T
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Andrew Barham, Jared Cassard, Raegan Hartdegen
Our project is a clipboard that will turn the page for you. It will utilize a motion sensor that will tell two separate servos to rotate. The first of the two servos will roll the page up so that the second servo can flip the page. In order to hold down the book we have implemented two elastic bands that will act to hold down the back covers of the book. In the future, we would use these bands to also hold down the back page of a packet so that the board could be used vertically and horizontally but due to time constraints and limited resources we chose to focus on the mainframe of the device. The difficulty of our project didn’t come from the complexity of the electronics and setup, but more from how precise the coding had to be and the physical mechanism in order for one page to be turned at a time. The project is based on a small box with an opening glass top. We chose this base because it was fairly lightweight but also sturdy enough to support the book and servos. The glass was not a deliberate choice but it is helpful for viewing the interior. Only half of the space in the box is taken up by electronics so we added a storage compartment on the other side.
113. House Fob
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Austin Pippin, Frank Buchanan, Shawn O’Neil, James Webb
The “House Fob” is a revolutionary smart lock that modernizes the dated method of locking and unlocking the front door of one’s house. It uses RFID and RF communication to remotely lock and unlock its mechanical deadbolt system. The system works by incorporating a linear actuator that is connected to both the deadbolt and the Arduino, which employs two sensors that allow you to lock and unlock the deadbolt with a wireless key fob. The Arduino is powered by a 9V battery supply that is conveniently attached to the outside of the door in order to allow quick and easy replacement of the batteries. The physical deadbolt-locking mechanism is installed directly inside the door, in place of the original deadbolt. This allows for it to be easily used, without having to compromise safety or security. The key itself is a fob that uses RF communication to allow the user to hit a button in order to lock or unlock his door from a distance by clicking the designated buttons, respectively. Inside the key fob is an RFID chip which, paired with the RFID sensor inside of the deadbolt mechanism, allows for the user’s door to unlock when they get within a range of about four feet.
114. Recovery Bath
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Aaron Cantrell, Benjamin Doughty, James Jackson
The Recovery Bath is an alternative to ice bath muscle recovery by circulating cool water in a tub. Cool, moving water gives the same effect as taking an ice bath but it does not require the effort of obtaining large-scale ice. This effect is similar to wind chill, in that wind changes what the temperature actually feels like. Additionally, the effect of hot, moving water is an alleviation of soreness and better blood circulation. Soreness is caused by a build-up of pressure within the muscle; to relieve it, one must gently massage the affected region. The force of moving water accomplishes that task and allows the user to multitask with hot exposure. Similar products on the market include cold plunge baths, commercial saunas, and more, but our product is one-tenth the cost, portable, and guided. It was designed for attachment to a bathtub; when started, it will circulate the water provided by your own home. Because the range of perceived temperature relates to how long to remain in the bath, the product includes a formula, taking into account the temperature and flow, to find that effective temperature and suggest a time. The product will buzz when that time has been fulfilled to alert the user, but the device will not cease in case the user wants to continue with his or her self-paced desires.
115. Hot Water Meter
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Jonathan Free, Garrett Patrick, Flavie Dube, Sebastian Acosta-Martinez
Our project is designed to detect and display how much hot water is remaining in a hot water tank. The target audience for this device would be large families and/or people who like to take long, hot showers. Our project design uses two thermistors, one for the cold-water pipe and another for the hot-water pipe, along with a Seeeduino Xiao microcontroller to take up less space and to save on cost. The thermistor in the cold-water pipe will be used to take a reference temperature. The thermistor in the hot water pipe will be actively reading the temperature of the hot water. The program used will then compare these two values to determine the percentage of hot water left, which will be displayed by an LCD display. The LCD will show 100% when the water in the tank is at the highest temperature it can be and will display 0% when the temperature in the tank is equal to the reference temperature from the cold-water pipe. To show this design in action, a mock faucet and hot water system were designed. As the hot water tank is depleted, it is constantly being filled up with cold water from a separate cold-water tank. This will lower the temperature in the hot water tank over time.
116. SPRBPM (Super BPM)
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Slade Foil, Laura Todd, Caden Britt, Brooklyn Thomas
The SPRBPM, pronounced as ‘Super BPM’, is a soft robotics blood pressure monitor that is accessible for all generations. The contraption works through the use of soft robotics actuators sourced from Harvard Robotics, connected through a silicone rubber body, and wired to an Arduino Uno. In theory, the SPRBPM will wrap itself around the circumference of a user’s biceps, and inflate itself once he/she presses the button on the Arduino to begin the BPM process. The resistance the SPRBPM reads will track back to the Arduino’s serial monitor, henceforth relating the BPM of the user. The logic required to find the BP is for the contraction of the silicone body to initially measure the systolic pressure, then create a ratio with the diastolic pressure. By inflating the silicone body until the pulse monitor-placed on the inside of the silicone body but also on the surface touching the user’s skin- cannot detect a pulse, someone will then deflate manually the air pressure, and the Arduino will read this as the systolic pressure. As for the diastolic pressure, the Arduino will read this value once there is no pulse detected in the deflated silicone body. Finally, the Arduino will calculate the BP with an integrated conversion equation written in the code sketch.
117. Sunrise Simulator
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Brian Thompson, Josh McLain, Reid Briley
Our project is aiming to improve the circadian rhythm of the day. We intend to do this by fabricating an artificial sunrise as part of an alarm system. We will have an Arduino controlling everything. The inputs for the Arduino will be a Bluetooth sensor and a real-time clock module. The outputs from our computer will be an LCD screen and a transistor. The real-time clock module will tell the computer what time it is constantly. The computer will then send the time to the LCD screen. The Arduino will trigger the transistor to allow a large flow of electrons to go to the light bulb when the time hits the setpoint. The Bluetooth sensor will be used to change the setpoint of the code so the user can set what time they want to get out of bed. The computer will constantly be reading the sensors and controlling outputs at certain times. If the button on the device isn’t pressed within 10 minutes of the light turning on the built-in alarm will turn on. We would like to implement two piezo speakers to help with alarm noises, but we are not sure if we will have enough programming skills to do so.
118. Auto Mag Eraser
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Thomas Maggio, Joseph Denton, Hojun Lee
The Auto Mag Eraser is a commercial product that aims at streamlining a professor’s lecture by eliminating the time spent erasing the whiteboard. It is also a budget-friendly alternative to the now popular Smart Board by using the preexisting technology in the classroom. Simply place the Auto Mag Eraser on the whiteboard and it will be supported by the magnets built into the body. Using a camera-guided system, the Auto Mag Eraser can be told the area to erase on the whiteboard. The camera is equipped with color-sensing technology that can single out a specific area of the whiteboard. Utilizing two DC motors, the Auto Mag Eraser can navigate the board to erase the region specified by the camera. Due to its small form factor and two-motor system, it is equipped with zero-turn technology allowing it for more concise movements. The foam-core design of the body makes it lightweight as well as camouflages it with the whiteboard, to make it as inconspicuous as possible. We invested roughly $200 into materials, sensors, and devices for this project, not including the time spent designing and coding it. At a selling price point of $300, it is much cheaper than any smart-board currently available for purchase.
119. ThermoTumbler
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Sabrina Stone, Aiden Robertson, Whitney Schleiff
Our project is essentially a tumbler for which the temperature can be controlled via Bluetooth. This helps when you are on the go and your drink is not maintaining its desired temperature. For example, as time goes on, coffee gets colder, and then it is not good to drink, so then it becomes wasted. The system is powered by a heating element called a Peltier that runs through a MOSFET and an H-Bridge. Because the heating element required 12v of power, we had to acquire a 12v-5amp plug in the power supply to get enough power. The H-bridge is used to change the polarity of the heating element in the event that someone desires a cold temperature over a hot one. Additionally, there is an LED and a speaker which will light up and make a jingle respectively whenever the Peltier has reached the set temperature. The entire system will be controlled using a Bluetooth sensor which can be connected to a cellular device. We used the pin brightness feature so that way we could use the wheel to adjust the temperature. This device will solve many problems such as product waste and incontinency and will also add a practical and useful factor to the task-oriented society we live in today.
120. The Eezy Peezy
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Michael Macaluso, Evan Simon, Jackson Slater
The Eezy Peezy is a revolutionary toilet seat designed to provide ultimate comfort and convenience to its users. The toilet seat lid automatically opens and closes when the user turns the bathroom lights on or off, eliminating the need to remember to put the lid down before leaving the bathroom. This cutting-edge product aims to prevent men from getting yelled at by
their wives or girlfriends for leaving the toilet seat or lid up, which can cause tension and frustration in relationships. The Eezy Peezy features a high torque output gearbox and motor connected to the hinge, which enables the toilet seat lid to move smoothly, quickly, and quietly. Additionally, the toilet seat lid comes equipped with UV lights, which can help eliminate bacteria and viruses from the surface of the toilet seat when the lid is in the closed position. This feature provides added peace of mind to users, knowing that their toilet seat is clean and sanitary. Our product also doubles as the perfect solution for those who have trouble remembering to put the lid down or for people with mobility issues who may have difficulty lifting or lowering the seat manually. The Eezy Peezy is easy to install and can be used with any standard toilet. With its robust and modern design, this toilet seat is a stylish addition to any bathroom.
121. Parking Lights
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Connor Johnston, Jacob Wilkerson
Here at Louisiana Tech, we have a few issues. One of these issues is our parking system. It is an exhausting task to try and find a parking spot on campus. Our project is designed to ensure that you never have to hassle with driving around a parking lot, or through campus again. Our project will be using an electromagnetic sensor and multiple RGB LEDs to provide useful information to those still struggling to find a parking space. The electromagnetic sensor will be placed underneath the asphalt under every parking space to read whether there is a car present in the spot or not. Once the sensor has provided its feedback to the Arduino system, an LED display will begin to take action. If the spot is taken by someone else, the LED will glow a red color, however, if the spot is vacant then the light will glow green. Although our project is useful to that around the Louisiana Tech campus, we want to see a system like this everywhere. Our project should be displayed at malls, grocery stores, or even roller rinks. This project should help everyone forget that parking was a worry when you went somewhere.
122. Smart Air Pump
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Andrew Dunnam, Kevin Mijares
The Smart Air Pump is a device to inflate balls faster and more efficiently compared to a manual air pump. As athletes in high school, we found it annoying to have to inflate multiple balls manually because it takes way more time. Our Smart Air Pump will modernize how you air up a ball. We are using a 12V DC diaphragm air pump which will be controlled by the Arduino board. The 12V DC air pump will deliver more than enough air to inflate a ball. We also implemented a psi sensor to read current psi values within the ball. These psi readings will be shown on a 20×4 LCD screen. Additionally, as an interactive tool, the Arduino will have buttons that control the amount of psi that the pump will inflate.
123. The Dog-omatic Door
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Alexandra Patin, Michael White, Jessica Pyle, Preston Jones
The Dog-omatic Door is a smart pet door that utilizes several sensors and devices to keep pet owners and pets safe. The idea of the door is to keep unwanted animals out of a pet owner’s house, while also regulating pets’ trips into and out of their home. This smart pet door features a magnetic lock that prevents pets and unwanted animals from freely entering an owner’s home without their awareness. An RFID Serial Card Reader is also attached to a simple pet door and connected to an RFID tag to detect when a pet comes within a certain distance of the door. This then triggers the magnetic lock to be unlocked and allows the pet to leave the home and return within an allotted time period. The pet door is also connected to an app on the owner’s cellular device via a Wi-Fi sensor. The app tracks the number of times the pet is leaving the home and for how long. The pet door app also allows owners to manually control the door from a distance, unlocking it themselves for their pet to leave the home or return to it. The coupling of these sensors and devices allows for a safe way for pets to go outside during the day and the peace of mind that owners know only their pet is entering through their pet door.
124. Solar Shades
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Julian Oghomi, Michael Meggs, Drew Cate, Jacob Hedges
Solar Shades is an automatic window blinds device. This device adjusts the length of window blinds in response to the intensity of the sun, allowing for the blinds to let in more sunlight during the daytime, and close up during the night when it’s time to sleep. The device has a UV sensor that detects the intensity of the UV rays emitted by the sun. This detected value is then converted and used as an index for the stepper motor, which is controlled by a motor driver. The stepper motor will spin clockwise or counterclockwise in response to the intensity of the sunlight being read by the UV sensor. The motor driver is the brain of the motor, controlling its step and direction. This will allow the window blinds to change length without manual input. The entire device is autonomous but can be turned on and off via Bluetooth. The device has a Bluetooth sensor that is connected to the Dabble App on IOS and Android. The Dabble App allows for complete control over the Arduino wirelessly. This allows the user to have control over the blinds and be able to turn the device on or off at their discretion.
125. Terrific Tremendous Towel Dryer (Triple T)
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Joshua Luman, Jeffrey Islam, Kennedy Washington, Gavyn Morales
The idea behind this project was to be able to create a form of heat and/or drying in order to provide a person with a not damp, but dry towel. The way we designed this project to do this task was we created a box in order to encapsulate the damp or wet towel, which will then be closed by a singular door with insulation on the inside. However, there will be a hook for the hand towel to hang from where it can be heated and dried by a fan heater over a set period of time. The form by which the heater knows when and how long to turn on is controlled by the Arduino coding, which establishes sensors like thermistors, photoresistors, and heaters in order to detect the amount of light present in order to determine if the door is open or not and whether the heater should be allowed to turn on. After that is established, and the box system is turned on, the heater will be turned on and a thermistor will begin to monitor how hot the internal system gets while also running a timer. The timer will be set to keep the heater on for a set amount of time that way there are no unnecessary amounts of heat after the specified time and the thermistor is placed in order to prevent too extreme temperatures from arising.
126. Smart TV Mount
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Christian McCoy, John Feet, Chancellor Davis
Our project, the Smart TV Mount, is a device that goes behind the TV, like a regular mount, where it turns the TV based on the location of the user. This allows for the handicapped, who have problems moving in position to watch TV and the busy people who want to watch TV while they clean. This can also help in situations where you want to cook food, and while you are gathering ingredients, the TV (or smaller device as there is a scaled-down version) will follow you so you don’t lose track of your steps. We use a variety of sensors and devices in our project, but the three important ones are the camera, ping))) sensors, and servos. The camera allows for our mount to track individuals based on the color of their clothing. Our ping))) sensors are backup trackers if the camera can’t find the user. The ping))) sensors use sonar to detect where the user is located. Our servos are the backbone of our project. The servos will turn either clockwise or counterclockwise based on the location of the individual. Our servos are programmed using Python coding software. Instead of using Arduino as our computer, we decided to use the Raspberry Pi computer, as it is able to run Python, which is better for computer vision.
127. AutoGlow Boating Lights
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Bryan Warwick, John Gagnon, Caleb Worsham
Through trial and error and a couple of tickets from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, I, Bryan Warwick, and my partners John Gagnon and Caleb Worsham have found the solution to your boating inconveniences. With the AutoGlow Boating Lights, you no longer have to worry about stopping what you’re doing to install those pesky boat lights. When the fishing is too good or you are just not sure what the exact time sunset is, you won’t have to worry about digging around the boat to find your lights. Through the implementation of a photoresistor and two miniature linear actuators, we have found a way to have automatic boat lights, similar to that in your car or truck. On the boat, a photoresistor will be placed near the console. This way, it will be in the most suitable place to detect the change in lighting conditions. When the photoresistor detects low lighting conditions, such as before sunrise or after sunset, it will send a signal to the linear actuators to lift the lights into position. When the photoresistor detects adequate lighting, a signal will be sent to the linear actuators to retract the lights. The lights themselves will also be connected to the photoresistor so they will cut on or off as the lights are going up or coming down. Get some AutoGlow Boating Lights on your boat so you will no longer have to worry about installing your lights ever again.
128. Hungry Hounds
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Aaron Johnson, Ethan Tomsu, Seth Alexander
Our project is a hands-free weight-sensed dog feeder, which will be named the Hungry Hounds. It will dispense the appropriate amount of food and water depending on the size and type of pet, so it doesn’t get over or under-fed. It will help pet owners avoid the terrible feeling of forgetting to feed their pets in the morning because they were in a rush. It will also prevent overfeeding pets so they stay at a healthy weight and size for their breed and age. The owner will be able to input the appropriate serving size for any dog they have. The current model for the dog feeder has been specified to feed the one and only bulldog Techy. The system will release food and water which will be regulated by a timer. The system will know when the bowls are full through the use of a weight sensor, which controls the release mechanism for both containers. The future models of this project would be capable of switching the amount of food to the desired type of dog. The amount of water will likely be unchanged, due to water not needing to be regulated as much as the food.
129. Daylight Deputy
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Jacob Ellis, Henry Bedgood, Courtney Breaux, Salvador Morales-Perez
Our project is called the daylight deputy, and it will raise and lower a flag based on the sunlight and if it detects rain. We have constructed a 6 feet flag pole out of PVC pipe that will house all of the materials and sensor. The PVC consists of two linear actuators, one that runs from top to bottom to raise and lower the flag, and another one that is attached to the first linear actuator by a box that will house the actuator and flag. Inside the box, the flag is connected to the linear actuator that will roll out and reroll the flag at the top of the pole and at half mass. The first linear actuator runs off of a 1000 RPM DC motor to allow the convenience of the flag to move faster along the 6-foot pole, and the second linear actuator is controlled by the DC motor given in class. The sensors we used in our design were a photoresistor to detect the sunlight, a water detector to detect water, and a ping)) sensor to allow the design to know when the flag is at its desired point to roll out, and a Bluetooth sensor to be able to allow half mass. All of the sensors besides the ping)) sensors are housed at the top of the design in a clear acrylic box. The ping sensor is attached to the second linear actuator since that is what the flag is placed in.
130. Overflow Secure Containment Audio Receptacle (aka O.S.C.A.R.)
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Andrew Buras, Michael Terrell, Lander Meinen
Our project is targeted toward individuals who need a little push and structure to perform a chore that they might push off continually. Whether the buyer is an individual or their children, this item will provide enough of a drive to perform the chore of taking out the trash through the generation of an annoying sound from a piezo speaker and an LED that flashes red when the trash is threatening to overflow or flashes yellow if the bag is too heavy for its weight rating. The project utilizes a Ping sensor to detect the height of the trash and search for the possibility of overflow, and a weight sensor to detect the weight of the contained garbage. There is room for additional technological expansion in the future: if we wished to increase the scope of the audience to include small-scale businesses, we could replace the piezo speaker with a Bluetooth device that would notify the trash person/ janitor that the trash needs to be taken out immediately before it overflows without annoying the workers/ customers. On the other hand, if we wished to expand to different size trash cans, we could utilize different forms of weight sensors and code sources (Arduino) to better adapt to increased sizes and required voltage/ current required.
131. The Dummy Helmet
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Aiden Remont, Ethan Ice, Joshua Schexnaydre
Our project is a pressure-sensing helmet, named The Dummy Helmet, targeted towards motorcyclists and other people who ride off-road vehicles in more rural areas. This device is able to detect crashes through changes in pressure against the helmet through pressure sensors located inside the helmet. These pressure sensors will receive the pressure detected and read that back to the Arduino. Depending on the amount of pressure that it receives, the device will then alert the motorcyclist afterward in order to check for a possible concussion sustained. Another way to detect crashes will be in the form of an accelerometer, which will be able to detect changes in acceleration at a rapid pace in order to detect a crash. This is crucial for less serious impacts where the rider can still walk away from the crash, yet they still might have sustained a serious head injury. A lot of focus on concussion detection has been in the field of sports such as football. However, with our device, riding can be much safer for motorcyclists in more rural areas where they ride alone. Our device gives motorcyclists an extra layer of safety that they can rely on to be aware of their injuries
132. Intersection Emergency Light System (IELS)
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Zoe Allen, William Bules, Brock Houston
The Intersection Emergency Light System (IELS) is designed to increase safety for first responders and civilians alike. The system should be cheap, noticeable, and easy to implement when put into production, and has a few noticeable features. The system works via a pair of infrared devices. The first device, the infrared LED system, will be installed on emergency vehicles, such as ambulances, police vehicles, fire trucks, or even important construction equipment in the event of an emergency like an earthquake. This device will be linked directly to the vehicle’s normal emergency lights and will have no additional visible effect on civilians due to infrared being invisible to the naked human eye. But that is where the traffic light system comes in. The IELS uses an IR sensor tuned specifically to an emergency IR frequency to know when to activate the warning system. If it detects the specific IR light frequency, such as from an approaching police vehicle at an intersection, then it will activate emergency lights at the intersection. This warns vehicles, even those who can’t see the police through buildings at an intersection, that a police vehicle is approaching THEIR intersection. Sirens are a good warning for vehicles, but the IELS is an effective visual indicator that a civilian needs to make way for approaching vehicles.
133. Nurse’s Station
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Lexie LeBoeuf, Kaleigh Louque, Brian Smith
The Nurse’s Station is designed to be an automatic pill dispenser. The food-safe container has a 3-D printed funnel placed in the bottom of it which allows the placebo pills to fall down, with the help of gravity, into the tube, and land in a slot on the impeller. The timer countdown on the 4×20 Serial LCD-backlit runs the project. Once the timer hits 0, the L298N DC Motor Driver turns the DC Motor on which spins the 3D-printed impeller. The impeller spins one-fourth of the way allowing one placebo pill to fall through the 3D-printed faceplate and go down a second tube. The second tube, which is an elbow piece for a PVC pipe, has an IR Distance Sensor implanted in it, so once it senses an object, the servo is turned on. The servo then opens a door at the end of the tube to allow the medicine to dispense. While all this is happening, a Bluetooth signal is sent to the patient’s phone to let them know their medicine is ready. The signal is sent when the timer countdown on the 4×20 Serial LCD- backlit hits 0. The 4×20 Serial LCD-backlit, HC-05 Bluetooth sensor, and the 3D printed impeller run by the DC motor and L298N Motor driver will be on one Arduino, while the IR Distance Sensor and the servo will be on a second Arduino.
134. R.A.D. (Rouge Application Device)
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Walker Gray, Jesse Oliver, Jacob Farrell, Jose Morales
The R.A.D. aims to solve the repetitive process of manually applying rouge to a polishing wheel. Currently, applying rouge takes vital time out of a jeweler’s day. The R.A.D. negates these factors by utilizing a foot pedal that pairs with a linear actuator to apply the rouge directly to the wheel. It accomplishes this action by using a potentiometer in the foot pedal, then converting the read values into a voltage through Pulse Width Modulation, at which point the actuator applies the rouge. Additionally, the linear actuator has a pressure sensor incorporated into it that works to display the force of the rouge being applied to the wheel as a percentage. The foot pedal has been 3D printed from different sources and utilizes springs with gear to read the rotation of the potentiometer. Additionally, the linear actuator features a motor driver in order for the actuator to move in both directions. Finally, the R.A.D features two 3D printed designs to both hold the pressure sensor between the rouge and actuator, as well as to hold the rouge to the actuator. Each component interacts with other components to create a device that lessens the jeweler’s potential for injury, decreases the time involved in applying rouge, and therefore saves the jeweler money in the long run.
135. Package ProTech
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Lily Rabalais, Ethan Kulp, Emma Authement
The Package ProTech is designed to protect packages from Porch Pirates. These pirates are people who steal packages off people’s front porches, waiting to be taken inside. Every year over 210 million packages are stolen from homeowners. Our project aims to eliminate most package theft from last-mile deliveries. Package ProTech is constructed from 1⁄4 inch plywood, with 3⁄4 inch plywood for the bottom of the lid and box. It uses four linear actuators to lift the lid of the box to provide a 12-inch opening to put the package in the box. Since most package delivery services like UPS have a section for special delivery instructions, a delivery driver would enter a passcode on the keypad on the top of the box to make the actuators open the box. The actuators will close after a set amount of time. We used a motor driver to control the actuators’ speeds up and down. It also has a Bluetooth module so the homeowner can open the box without entering the passcode. The back is held on with four Phillips head machine screws and can be removed for maintenance should something break. The top allows for small flowers and grasses to be planted to mimic a planter box.
136. Whiteboard Remastered
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Joseph Haydel, Andrue McMillian, Jacob Garrett
The “Whiteboard remastered” is a regular whiteboard that will consist of many sensors and devices, making it self-erasing and perfect for presentations, meetings, and educational purposes. This, in turn, will make erasing the whiteboard more effective and save teachers time and effort. All of the wiring, sensors, and devices will be hidden behind the whiteboard using 2” by 4” wood blocks, with additional accessories to hold markers for the board. The linear actuator is responsible for moving a magnet behind the whiteboard, which is then attached to the magnetic eraser in front of the board. They move horizontally across the front of the whiteboard erasing it. The system is controlled by an electronic control system, which can be operated by a smartphone or switch. When activated, the actuator will run until a force sensor stops it and sends it back across the board. The magnetic eraser will also have a replaceable pad, ensuring longevity and sustainability. The user can simply connect their phone through Bluetooth or press a button to have the board erased in a matter of seconds. With its innovative design and advanced technology, the “Whiteboard remastered” has the potential to revolutionize the way we present and learn.
137. Smart Spotter Arms
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Jonah Drouillard, Ethan Ivey, Owen Brinson
Our design is Smart Spotter Arms for bench press workouts. The device will operate based on inputs from a force sensor and outputs through 2 linear actuators moving in the vertical direction. The force sensor is activated by a pedal-like object that your foot rests on while doing your exercises. Whenever you are done with your set, or fail a max, you can simply remove your foot from the sensors and the actuators will move the weight off of you. When you are ready to do your next workout or set, you can simply get into position, put your foot on the pedal and the actuators will retract allowing you to freely workout again. This product has been created to minimize accidents in the gym, particularly with the bench press. This system could one day operate as an entire replacement for traditional racks and will significantly improve home gym safety and individual performance. The system can be easily powered by any wall outlet and has a maximum weight capacity of 660 lbs. In conclusion, we have gotten rid of the need for spotters in the gyms and have drastically improved safety around working out with weights.
138. Seasoning Dispenser
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Charles Droddy, Jacob Stamper, Isaiah Sharplin
We have developed a seasoning dispenser that can dispense seasonings and herbs in the most commonly used sizes of 1/4 teaspoon, 1/2 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon, and 1 tablespoon. A remote control will be used to say which spice and what size will be dispensed and a motor will move a platform holding a container to gather the spices being dispensed into one bowl. The
base will contain the motors and the plungers to push a certain amount out of the spice containers. The spice container will be placed on top of where the channels are dispensing. All seasonings and herbs have different consistencies and so the idea is that in a fully functioning system, it will have a database of these consistencies and be able to know how much to open up for the seasoning or herb to be dropped down and fill up little chambers that will indicate a quarter of a teaspoon for each chamber. The remote will have buttons programmed to be a certain spice i.e. 1, 2, 3, and 4, and then another set of buttons to indicate sizes i.e. power, vol, stop, and rewind.
139. The Air Bender Fan
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Hunter Hagan, Bryant Moore, Tim Nguyen
A problem our team faced was the inconvenience of trying to stay cool while at a desk. Stationary fans lack the ability to provide a constant stream of airflow no matter where you are positioned. The Air Bender Fan is a self-tracking smart fan that is designed to keep you cool even if you are moving. It tracks the color of the shirt you are wearing and adjusts its position
based on where you are. Whether you are sitting at a desk or simply standing up, as long as you are in range, The Air Bender Fan will always be there to keep you cool! Our smart fan uses the Pixy2 camera from Pixy to track objects with specific hues. To use the fan, first, you must “teach” Pixy the color that you want it to track by holding down the button on top of the Pixy itself with a few, simple instructions. We used a single servo attached to the base of the fan to rotate the fan. The way to turn the fan on is to simply hold your hand in front of the IR sensor implemented into the front of the box for a specified amount of time. An alternative way to turn the fan on is via Bluetooth from your phone. The fan uses an Arduino along with a motor driver to control the fan speed. Our group wanted to develop a solution that delivered convenience mixed with a cool breeze.
140. Nighttime Infant Thermometer
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Isabel Sherrard, Shaye Billiot, Amir Cazabat, Aliya Kattash
The Nighttime infant Thermometer is a hands-off device that reads an infant’s temperature while sleeping. Other infant thermometers that are on the current market include loose wires that are dangerous for an infant. High fever is a symptom of many dangerous illnesses, and examples of these illnesses are SIDS and pneumonia; a fever that is normal to us is very harmful to an infant. Additionally, since babies cannot regulate their body temperature as we can, they can easily overheat. It is often difficult to monitor an infant’s temperature without constant supervision, especially overnight. With our device caregivers can rest peacefully knowing they will be notified by the nighttime infant thermometer if their baby gets a fever or overheats. We have fabricated a platform that will safely hold the infrared temperature sensor microcontroller, and camera onto the crib, in which this platform is adjustable to fit on any size crib. To turn on the system, the caregiver will just need to flip the switch. The temperature sensor will read the baby’s temperature consistently throughout the night, and if the baby’s temperature reaches a dangerous level, above 98.6F, then the piezo speaker will go off to notify the caregivers. The caregiver can pull up a webpage that will display the baby’s temperature as well as live footage of the baby at any time. The caregiver can then attend to the baby’s needs as they see fit.
141. Eyes On Court
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Colin Arnold, Noah Deich, Brandon Kaske, Drake Scoby
The proposed project is a sensor system designed to detect when a volleyball player steps over the line below the net during a game and a camera to show who specifically steps over the line. The system would consist of a series of sensors that are placed across the line and would detect any physical contact made with the line. The sensors would be connected to an Arduino, which would analyze the data and determine whether a player has stepped over the line. If a violation is detected, the system would trigger an alarm or alert the referee, who can then take appropriate action and if it came down to see who stepped on the line first, we would use the camera to review it for a more accurate result. The primary purpose of this system is to reduce human error and ensure that players stay within the boundaries of the court. This system could also reduce the incidence of injuries caused by players crossing the line, as well as minimize disputes between teams and referees. To implement this system, a few technical challenges need to be overcome. The sensors must be sensitive enough to detect even the slightest contact with the line, but not so sensitive that they trigger false alarms. The system must also be robust enough to withstand the physical demands of a volleyball game, such as impact and vibration.
142. The Blind in Line
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Leah Guardia, Liam Denehan, Landon Morreale
Our group decided to tackle an issue that blind people have to face daily: navigating through a moving line independently. Typically, the blind rest their cane on the shoe of the person in front of them and wait for the cue to move forward. Sometimes problems arise when the sighted person in front thinks they are in the way and steps to the side even when the line is not moving. Ultimately, we set our sights on making a device that allows the blind community to be self-sufficient and not rely on the people in front of them. In doing so, we created The Blind in Line! It consists of a passive infrared sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, a vibration motor, and a rocker switch that works in conjunction to send a vibration to notify the blind of when a line moves forward. The housing for the circuitry is simply a fanny pack, as cosmetics were crucial to the blind community. We focused on designing a neat, normal-looking accessory that is entirely functional and prevents drawing attention to the blind who already walk around with a cane. With our product, the blind community can navigate any line with ease all on their own!
143. Automatic Air Freshener
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Zachary Washington, Jared Clay, Cardell Smith
As humans, we have to go number 2 every now and then. However, not many people enjoy the odor that arises from performing such an action. This can lead to one experiencing the embarrassment of turning the toilet into an assault on the noses of innocent bystanders, whether that be in public or at home. We believe we have developed a solution that will make your presence behind the stalls undetectable, leaving you and others with peace of mind. Our chosen approach was to develop a system that can automatically spray a fragrance, of your choice, that will eliminate odors before they spread throughout the bathroom. Currently, there are products available that will spray periodically, but our device will be able to release a spray only when needed. This not only should help preserve the air freshener, but also better stop smells. The design we have chosen makes use of a ping sensor that will detect the presence of a person, once that person is out of view of the ping sensor, it will signal to the Arduino to power a motor which drives a linear actuator, then linear actuator will push down on the spray bottle. We believe that the integration of cheaper systems and parts with a final design could allow us to rival existing products while providing an improved service.
144. ExoKnee
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Cade Key, Austin Gatlin, Eli Hill, Carson Babin
Our group has developed an exoskeleton to enhance the movement or provide movement, to the user. The goal of our project is to help those who suffer from long-term knee pain and/or be the basis for a high-functioning prosthetic for amputees. This project aims to prove that knee/prosthetic-based equipment can be used effectively with the application of a muscle sensor. Our device has a muscle sensor that allows the Arduino to know if the hamstring of the wearer is activated. The sensor detects the voltage flowing through the muscle it is located on and returns a corresponding numerical value. When the muscle is flexed, this value will be high, and vice versa. The Arduino is programmed to perform certain actions depending on the range of values returned. This means that when the muscle sensor returns a high value, the linear actuator will turn forward causing the joint to bend, and when the value is low the linear actuator will turn backward causing the joint to straighten out. These actions are meant to mimic the motion of the user’s knee without having to monitor the knee itself. This allows the build to function as a prosthetic as well as a knee brace.
145. Step-ma
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Caroline Cresap, Hanna Elliott, Jonathan Rosas
As a group, we noticed that the elderly, injured, or disabled people in our lives have trouble getting into and out of larger vehicles. After doing some research, we learned that each year, 37,000 people over the age of 65 injure themselves attempting to enter or exit a motor vehicle. This issue can be rectified with a motorized step that seamlessly carries its users from the ground to the car, so for our project, we designed the Step-ma. The Step-ma moves at the press of a button and uses a PING))) sensor to sense the distance from the step to the ground to know when to stop. Once the user is on the step, the Step-ma senses the user’s weight with a load cell and carefully moves the user up using a pair of linear actuators. The step is brought up to the edge of the vehicle by using another PING))) sensor to detect when the step is near the truck, and stops so the user can safely and securely enter the vehicle. Once the step senses that the user has entered the car and is no longer on the step, it will retract fully under the vehicle until it needs to be used further. If the user wants to exit the car, the same process will occur but in reverse. Our goal is to eliminate the issues faced by those with mobility impairments one vehicle at a time.
146. Eco-Light
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Mollie Terrill, Walker Badon, Maddox Taunton
Streetlights are everywhere. We depend on streetlights to provide light when driving or walking at night. With the help of streetlights, night-time car crashes are reduced by 36%, can help people feel safe traveling at night, and can reduce crime. With the number of streetlights being used, we wanted to create a streetlight that can have a positive impact on the environment. Our goal was to make an environmentally friendly streetlight that generates renewable energy and is easy to maintain. Our product is called the Eco-Light. It is a streetlight that generates environmentally friendly energy over time. We chose to use solar and wind energy for the Eco-Light. We attached a solar panel to the top of the streetlight to absorb energy from the sun. In the Middle of the streetlight, we attached a wind turbine that we fabricated to convert the wind from the cars driving by to electrical energy that the streetlight can use. At the bottom of the streetlight, there is a box. In the box, all of the sensors for the streetlight are stored, creating easy access to all of the sensors for maintenance. Our Eco-Light is a smaller-scale model of how it would be implemented.
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Ashtyne Monceaux, Bryce McClendon, Cayden Lee Lee
The External Tire Pressure Monitoring System by ABC is a system designed to be used in car models that do not have a tire pressure monitoring system in them already. The EXTPMS uses the modern technology of the Arduino Uno and the Arduino Nano to control a Parallax RF Transmitter and Receiver, a Parallax Screen, and an Adafruit Ported Pressure Sensor. ABC has designed a special valve stem that includes the Arduino Nano, a valve stem attachment piece, the Parallax Transmitter, and the Adafruit Ported Pressure Sensor. This valve stem design allows for the air pressure to be calculated with the Adafruit Pressure Sensor and this data is sent from the RF Transmitter to the RF Receiver. Inside the vehicle, on the dashboard, is a box that houses a breadboard, an Arduino Uno, the RF Receiver, and the Parallax 4×20 LCD Screen on top of the box. Once the RF Receiver collects the data from the RF Transmitter, it will give this information to the Arduino. Once the Arduino has this data, it will then print the tire pressure value to the Parallax screen on top of the box for the user to see. The EXTPMS utilizes ease of use and peace of mind for the user, allowing the user to always know their tire pressure.
148. The Pyro Sensor
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Brent Sibley, Michael Berrigan, Julienne Cyprian
Our pyro sensor is an innovation of combining multiple sensors to detect a fire. The box that holds it has multiple holes that serve various purposes. While the prototype is made of wood, we have discovered that it is more resistant to catching fire. We also added multiple coats of heat-resistant paint to provide extra protection to the sensors and devices inside. Moving on to the inside, we have 4 sensors, which are a thermistor, a carbon monoxide sensor, a flammable vapor sensor, and an infrared sensor. Each one is a watered-down version of their more industrial counterparts, but their capabilities will still allow us to get the point across. The product is designed to detect various vapors of material that have the potential to start a fire, such as alcohol or methane. The carbon monoxide sensor is there to detect CO from sources that could potentially overheat or invoke a fire if left unattended. The thermistor is designed to detect an extreme increase in the temperature, which may be the result of something overheating or a fire that has just begun. The infrared serves a similar purpose, but with the intent of detecting the high increase in temperature before the fire starts, though it can still alert you should it begin. Should any of these sensors trigger the piezo speaker will let out a rapid noise to simulate a fire alarm. The information will be sent to a serial monitor to better present how the device works.
149. Smart Park
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Alan McGhee, Holden Clark, Rex Kilpatrick
Our product is a sensor to be implemented into parking lots/parking garages to detect which spots are taken up by cars and which ones are not. The sensors we used are PING))) sensors which are sensors used to measure the distance of objects in front of them, we are implementing them on top of parking curbs to determine if a car is parked in that spot or not. The information collected will then be transferred via RF transmitters to another Arduino controlling an LED display of a parking lot showing users which spots are open and which are taken. The reason we want to implement this new technology is to improve current parking detection technology to make it cheaper and more user-friendly. We also hope to reduce car emissions by allowing cars to know exactly which spot they can navigate to instead of driving blindly into a lot while wasting gas looking for a spot to park. We also want to improve the well-being of commuters arriving at their work or college campus, since time is such an important factor whether you are getting to work or class on time you need to be quick in finding an available parking spot, and it can ruin your morning if you are late because of a lack of parking.
150. IntelliGarden
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Aubrey Stark, Erin Stallings, Claire Howard
IntelliGarden has many functionalities to help develop your green thumb. It automatically senses moisture levels in the soil to determine if they need to be watered. It also measures temperature levels in the environment. IntelliGarden employs fading lights and small speakers to alert the user of safe and unsafe ranges for both temperature and moisture based on the readings from the temperature and moisture sensors. There is also a manual portion included in the IntelliGarden for measuring soil pH using pH testing strips, which allows for a more hands-on experience for gardeners. The pH level found by the user can then be compared to another light that displays the correct pH shade for their specific plant. IntelliGarden is also hands-on because the gardener can input the plant name into the serial monitor on display to change the plant being monitored, which adjusts the parameters for the temperature, moisture, and pH to be catered to the specific plant. Our product is designed to be a portable device that can be easily carried and moved throughout a garden for accessible use for multiple plants. IntelliGarden is also designed with encasing to help protect the device from weather and water damage. The IntelliGarden is a great way to enhance your gardening experience by eliminating some of the guesswork which often threatens to cause trouble for the average gardener.
151. Automatic Pill Organizer
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Jesse Bertucci, Justin Dufresne, Ryan Mulkey
The Automatic Pill Organizer is a machine that allows the user to easily sort their pills. Simply put a pill box into the pill box holder, press Start, select the days of the week the pill is needed, pour the pills in, and press Go. The whole process starts once the user presses the “On” button to begin a stepper motor attached to an impeller. Then, the user selects the days of the week they want the pills to go to. Once these buttons are selected, the user pours a maximum of 21 pills into the funnel which is attached to tubing that leads to the impeller. Then, the user presses the “Go” button, which allows the actuator to start moving the pill box to the first position, based on a PING))) Sensor reading. Once a pill has gone through the impeller and been dispensed onto the Force Sensor and the actuator is in the correct position, the pill is moved from the sensor into the box. It then repeats this process until the pills are dispensed into the proper day slot. If extra pills were put into the dispenser, the actuator will move to the “Extra” slot in the pill box holder, where all of the additional pills will be poured. Once this is done, simply press the “Off” button and grab your pill box.
152. Cone Vacuum
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Randie Arinder, Mallory Pesnell
Did you play sports in high school? Did you hate picking up cones at practice? The Cone Vacuum is a robot that picks up cones off the field for you to save you and your teammates time. It uses a PixyCam2 sensor to sense that there is a cone close by and then it follows the cone. The PixyCam2 also centers the arm to face the cone. We use four micro continuous rotation servos and four 2.5-in. Diameter wheels to move the robot around. We then use a PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to tell how far away the cone is so that the robot can pick it up using an arm. The arm is made of steel rods and PVC pipe and is controlled by a standard servo motor that moves it up and down. The arm grabs the cones and holds them in a similar fashion to the way a door latch keeps a door closed until the handle is turned. Our cones are miniature versions of the small, flat ones. They are bright orange so that the Pixy Cam can easily tell them apart from other objects. We have a barcode that tells our robot when it needs to stop looking for cones so that it does not leave boundaries.
153. Wake-Up Call
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Noah Ferguson, Caleb Granger, Evan Keaton
The Wake-Up Call is a device that detects distracted or drowsy driving by tracking the irregular head movement of the driver. If the irregular head movement is detected the Wake-Up Call will notify the driver with a tone that changes in frequency the longer the driver is unalert. The device uses a Pixy 2 camera to track the head movement of the driver. If the head is detected to have moved down which would indicate falling asleep or texting while driving that is when the device is implemented. The entire device mounts to the back of the review mirror where the Arduino and the breadboard will be housed. The Pixy sensor will mount to an arm that will give the optimal position to track the driver’s head. This arm can be turned and angled to fit a wide variety of cars and trucks, as the placement of the rear-view mirror may be different depending on the model. The housing also uses clamps that safely attach to the top and bottom of the rear-view mirror, allowing the device to be stable on any size of the mirror. Bluetooth is used for ease of access as it will turn on and off the notification function of the device.
154. The Lockinator Mark 44
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Grant Bowling, Riley Lamonte, Nathan Walters
Introducing the solution to safeguarding your automobile: The Lockinator Mark 44. The product is a smart, plug-and-play device that will automatically lock the vehicle when you forget to do it yourself. All in an effort to prevent vehicular break-ins and car theft, this product will serve to protect your belongings as well as yourself. Utilizing a ping sensor to detect when the car door is closed, The Lockinator will initiate the servo motor attached to the door’s control panel. This motor can lock or unlock the vehicle depending on your situational needs. A piezo speaker is also included to serve as an auditory indicator whenever the car is successfully locked. Even though our goal is to prevent car theft, there may be some circumstances where an owner may need to unlock their vehicle. For example, if someone’s car keys were accidentally locked inside of the vehicle, the user can unlock their automobile by using the RF transmitter included with our product. The product will be stored in the storage compartment in the driver’s door to help conceal and protect these components. It will be marketed as an aftermarket accessory for outdated vehicles that do not have an automatic locking mechanism, unlike most modern automobiles.
155. The ColorCycle 2 in 1
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Sydney Leonard, Kari Crumley, Patrick Day
The “ColorCycle: 2-in-1” is a proof-of-concept design that focuses on improving the efficiency and ease of the mundane, time-consuming task known as laundry. We have reimagined the washing/drying process by asking ourselves the question: “What if the same laundry hamper used to collect dirty laundry could be inserted into the machine to be used as its universal washing and drying vessel?” Our vision has taken shape by creating an insertable, colored hamper that acts as the inner drum in a 2-in-1 washer-dryer system. These color-coded drums, once inserted, are recognized by a sensor and can be programmed to have specific washer-dryer settings such as wash temp, spin rate, and time for each varying color. This means you can use a certain colored hamper for specific types of laundry and never have to input settings again. When the user closes the lid, the machine will both wash and dry the laundry without any further input. After the process is completed, the hamper/drum can be removed from the machine with all the clean laundry inside. By doing this, we have eliminated the manual transfer of laundry from the hamper into the machine and reduced the space taken up by separate washers and dryers, all while creating a more user-friendly experience for the consumer.
156. Cycle Power
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Clint Ladner, Jase Garner, Cullen McCord, Bryant Miller
Cycle Power is a generator kit that can be placed onto most bicycles that can provide a small amount of power to charge phones or off the power packs. Cycle Power is targeted at adventure bicyclists that may be on the trail for long periods of time. If an emergency happens and their phone is dead help may not come in time. With the Cycle Power kit a rider’s phone can stay charged, no matter how long they are riding or how many times they charge their phone.
201. Fire OUTlet
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Kullen Hebert, Brennan Henry, Anthony Holyfield
The Fire OUTlet’s purpose is to end outlet fires through early detection and prevention. Our device would be compatible with any wall outlet but is most relevant in bedroom outlets and outlets used by high-power appliances such as heaters and power tools. This device is a multi-sensor modification to the traditional wall outlet. The first sensor is the thermistor which measures the heat of the wall outlet. If the temperature of the wires approaches their burning point, then the thermistor will read this temperature increase and an alarm will begin to sound in order to alert residents of the hazard. The second sensor is the smoke sensor which detects the presence of smoke around the outlet. If smoke is detected, then the Fire OUTlet will shut off power to the outlet, increase the rate and volume of the alarm, and extinguish the fire. The fire retardant for the purpose of this project is distilled water, but if this were a product on the market it would use the same CO2 in a fire extinguisher. By having the sensors detect different stages of an outlet fire, the Fire OUTlet will decrease the likelihood of a costly and possibly fatal house fire.
202. Overflow Alert
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Jacob Terrell, Corey Sternberger, Anna Anderson, Steward Aime
Our device is where it helps people to warn them when a container is overflowing. It can be used for many vessels.
203. Safety Bike
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Brandon Williams, Logan Dulle, Nicholas Vidrine
Our project is to provide cyclists with extra safety features and prevent bike theft. This comes in the form of three features: a blind spot monitoring system, an anti-theft system, and an emergency contacting system. The blind spot monitoring system has two ultrasonic sensors placed on the rear of the bike, close to the bottom of the seat. These sensors measure the distance between the cyclist and any object near the back of the bike. Along with the two ultrasonic sensors are two LEDs placed on the handlebars of the bike. The LEDs communicate to the cyclist which side the object is on and communicates how close an object is by blinking at intervals proportional to the object’s distance from the sensors. Our second system, the anti-theft system, uses an accelerometer and a piezo speaker. The accelerometer measures the acceleration of the bike. When the anti-theft system is engaged, the accelerometer waits for acceleration in a certain direction on the bike and emits a loud noise from the piezo speaker when the bike accelerates. This tone does not turn off until the bike stops accelerating or is disabled by a switch. The last system is the emergency contact system. When the user interacts with a button for a certain duration, a pre-written message will be sent to the emergency contact(s) selected by the user.
204. Solo-Spotter
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Casey Thibodeaux, Cory Boast, Da’Voznik Armstrong
This product is designed as a precautionary safety device intended to enhance the traditional protection measures implemented on a benching machine. It is intended to provide the user with a backup safety standard in the instance that a weightlifting failure occurs and assistance is required to move the weight from the user’s body to prevent serious injury. This product can be for those new to the gym, those experienced in lifting heavy weights, or those with wrist mobility issues that have trouble raising the weight bar to the resting position. This device is positioned on the safety rack of a weight bench and releases a mild alarm to alert those around that the user needs help removing the heavy bar from their chest or neck if their lift has failed. This product allows the user to work at their own pace without worrying that they will become trapped under a heavy bar or face permanent injury if there is no one around to see them struggling. The solo spotter could be the last step it takes for someone to have complete peace of mind that they will be safe inside the gym, allowing them to work on their form and push themselves to new limits without fear of injury or harm.
205. The Improvised Seeing Cane
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Tula Black, Her’mon Jones, Jackson Trigo
The improved seeing cane is a cane for the blind and the blind and deaf. It allows the user to navigate their surroundings with vibrations instead of sound or echolocation so blind and deaf people can use this device. It has an easy-to-hold grip and has been balanced on both ends to allow for more comfort over long periods of time. The frame is cheap and incredibly simple to construct. It is made out of PVC pipe and a t-joint and the electronics are stored in a box at the back of the device. It also contains an internal power source that can power the whole device over long periods of time. This will be improved upon in future development with the hope of adding a solar panel to recharge the batteries within the device. The device can accurately measure up to two meters ahead of the user and has pronounced vibration in the handle so the user can feel the rumble getting slower or faster with ease.
206. Alarm Buddy
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Tucker Raborn, Mark Taylor, Trylen Stephens
Have you ever run late because you hit snooze one too many times? Our project eliminates that issue while giving you a refreshing launch to your day. Our product is the “Alarm Buddy.” A uniquely designed wake-up system that gets you out of bed and moving into the day with vigor and reduces mental fog. Equipped with special force-sensitive touch inputs, an intuitive display, and a smart alarm, our device will help you feel refreshed and save you from falling back asleep even during the most exhausting early morning.
207. Study Room Tracker
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Lindy Azores, Baylor Holloway, Zach Hebert
One of the biggest annoyances we, as students face in the IESB, is having to scale all 3 floors of the building just to find an open study room. To solve this, we created the IESB study room tracker. The tracker is an RFID scanner that would be implemented in every study room in order to keep track of which rooms are vacant or occupied. Upon entering the room, students would simply have to scan in their IDs to mark the room as occupied, then push a button when leaving to mark it as vacant. In theory, all this information would be sent to a monitor located on the first floor of the IESB. The monitor would display an interface that shows the vacancy of every study room throughout the building. For demonstration purposes, we will be using an LCD display to showcase the theoretical functionality of the device. Instead of students having to walk around the whole building to find a room, they would just have to glance at the monitor to see if there are any rooms open. This idea would not be limited to the IESB and could also potentially be incorporated into any other school building with study rooms.
208. Personal Item Checker
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Danielle Kropp, Léance Kiningu, Trinity Thrift
The Personal Item Checker is an innovative device that reminds you to grab your keys before you leave a room. It can be installed on or next to the door of your house, and it is perfect for people who need help remembering to take their personal items with them. The device is composed of several components, including an RFID serial card reader, a reed switch and magnet, a buzzer, and an LED. The Personal Item Checker is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is attach the RFID tags to your personal items, install the device and magnet, and press the button for how many items you want to check for. When you open the door, an alarm goes off and an LED turns red. If the scanner detects the correct amount of tags, then a green LED will turn on, and the user can go about their day. Nothing happens when the incorrect amount of tags go through or the door is shut. The device has different options for use, though it works currently to check for the number of tags. It could check for one unique tag, like keys, or multiple unique tags, like your keys, wallet, and phone, but these have to be coded in. In the future, the team plans to reduce the size of the device and expand its functionalities by allowing users to select the specific tags they want to check for, as opposed to just size or specific tags.
209. Home-Grown
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Jacquelyn Red, Lucas Doutt
The Home-Grown automated greenhouse is an invention created for beginners to start their own gardens. It is an artificial ecosystem that ensures a healthy environment for optimal growth of strawberries. Although there has been a recent increase in the number of small gardens across the US, only about a third of the population has successfully grown food. The goal of our product is to bridge the gap between the green thumbs and the “numb thumbs”. Due to its small size, Home-Grown has endless possibilities for placement, such as studio apartments, homes, schools, or even office spaces. Our device includes a watering, lighting, and humidity system that uses multiple sensors to adjust the plant’s environment. The device’s moisture sensors are used to optimize the soil moisture by adding water once the sensor indicates low levels. Humidity levels from sensors are monitored and corrected through additional heat or cooling by fans. Light is regulated by photoresistors which measure the light that the plant is currently getting compared to the light it needs. All of the parts are attached to an enclosure that acts like a greenhouse. All of the electrical components of the greenhouse are stored in a dry environment that is protected from unnecessary moisture.
210. Temperature-Controlled Automatic Door
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Brayden Bostick, Robert Britton
Nobody loves a high energy bill. Because heating and air conditioning are a large portion of that bill, it can be frustrating to discover a door that had been accidentally left open on a hot summer day, making your A/C work overtime. With our temperature-controlled automatic door, this will no longer be an issue. Like a refrigerator, the door can determine if it has been unintentionally left open with a thermistor nearby. When the thermistor detects anomalous temperatures, it will activate motors that will guide the door closed. Thanks to this approach, the door will only automatically close if the program determines there will be a negative effect on the A/C. This allows for it to be left open if you wanted a cool autumn breeze to flow through your home, for example. The force of the door should not be harmful to people, but in case somebody walks through the doorway as it is closing, an IR sensor will be blocked by the body, signaling the door to stop. A force sensor is used to detect when the door is closed and cuts power to the motors. Since the door only has a handful of low-cost sensors and devices, installation should be simple and cheap for a helpful fail-safe.
211. aLive&Well
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Daniel Waguespack, Toby Latino
aLive&Well is a system aimed at improving largemouth bass conservation. During professional bass tournaments, fish are placed into a holding tank (also known as a live well) until weighed at the end of the day. Research has shown that largemouth bass has a tournament mortality rate of close to 40%. Bass conservation experts agree that the number one cause of death is poor live well conditions. Most recirculating pumps and oxygenators in live wells are controlled by timers. There are general guidelines that tell anglers how and when to run the equipment, but timer-based control systems are unable to account for all variables that impact fish health. Guidelines tend to be overly conservative, leading anglers to quickly drain batteries and perform pump maintenance more frequently than necessary. aLive&Well employs a non-invasive sensor to monitor the dissolved oxygen level in a live well and activates a recirculating pump to introduce oxygen if needed. The sensor also monitors the temperature in the tank. The angler is notified of any potentially harmful conditions including rapid changes in temperature. aLive&Well takes the guesswork out of live good care providing an automated and intelligent solution to a problem previously addressed with sensitive guesswork.
212. H20 Flow
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Elizabeth Dieguez, John Davis Vessel, Sydney Jackwin
The H2OFlow is a unique straw that allows you to accurately track the amount of water you are drinking. We have implemented sensors and coding into a straw to make the product more accessible while also confined. Since it is easily adaptable to any cup you are using, it makes it the most efficient way to track data. With this, you are now not limited to using a singular water bottle, don’t have to try and keep track of how much you drink, don’t have to go through the stress of misinterpreting the amount of water in the bottle or have to wait till it is completely empty to refill it. Our product eliminates the unaccounted-for measurements like ice cubes or other things, you may add to your cup. The best part about all of this is that you can get the data right on your phone through Bluetooth! You will now have a fast and easy way to track how much water you are drinking whether that be at a sporting event, working out, or something as simple as sitting at a dinner table! It is as simple as bringing it around with you and putting it in whatever choice of cup you want!
213. The Cup of Joe to Go
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Henlee Hoffer, Alexander Henderson
The Cup of Joe To Go is a 3D-printed lid that can brew a cup of coffee anywhere that has access to a socket power source. The lid itself is powered by a 120-volt standard wall plug. Once the lid is plugged in and the switch for the Arduino battery is on, simply add the reusable filter, and your choice of coffee grounds, pour water into the lid, and press a temperature button to start the brew. The temperature buttons are color coordinated, with red being the hottest, green being the middle temperature, and blue being the coolest. The three temperature options include 160 degrees Fahrenheit, 180 degrees Fahrenheit, and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Powered by 9 volts, the specific button pressed will communicate to the Arduino to open a 3-amp relay which will open a 30-amp relay. Both of these relays will allow a heater to heat the water in the cup to the specific temperature chosen. These relays will turn on the heater when necessary and turn it off once a temperature probe reaches the certain temperature chosen. Once the brew is done, replace the brewing lid with a normal drinking lid and enjoy your nice, hot cup of Joe on the go!
214. The O.P.E.N. Wrench
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Max Howenstine, Carter Boone, Joshua Lawrence
The O.P.E.N. Wrench stands for the Open Powered Electric Nut Wrench. Utilizing a small motor attached to a train of gears, the O.P.E.N. Wrench inserts and removes nuts and bolts that are otherwise difficult to manipulate due to space confinement or other such restraints. The wrench uses a current sensor in order to detect the amount of load on the motor. This sensor outputs a value that can be converted into a torque reading. With this reading, the device ultimately becomes a torque wrench. With the help of the current sensor, the Arduino will send out a signal to the motor in the wrench to spin until a certain torque rating on a nut or bolt has been met. This ability allows for more precise manufacturing and can prevent both the wrench and its operator from causing damage to machine components. Due to the versatility and maneuverability of the design, as well as the ease of use, the O.P.E.N. Wrench is the perfect tool for densely packed workspaces. While the current design features nearly all plastic parts, the final production of the O.P.E.N. Wrench would use cast metal to allow for increased durability. The O.P.E.N. Wrench is an innovative tool that, after being put into production, could become a standard part of tool sets around the world.
215. Smart Cable Measurerer
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Grant Hull, Gabriel McMillan, Reece Delatte
The smart cable measurer is a device that allows for accurate measurement of items that lack rigidity. Items like wire, cable, and rope are objects that are very commonly used in many different jobs, however, due to the fact that they are not very rigid measuring them can be difficult and leaves a lot of room for error. This error in cutting is often accompanied by a waste of material, which when using material that can be expensive means wasting money that could be better used elsewhere. The Smart Cable measurer allows for a much easier and more precise way to measure these types of items, by using a unique measuring system. The object is passed through two rollers at the entrance of the device. The roller is connected to a rotary encoder that as the roller rotates converts the rotations into a distance. As the object is passed through the rollers the distance measured is displayed on an LCD screen on the side of the device. In addition to its ability to measure the smart cable measurer has a keypad to allow the input of desired length, as well as the ability to change the unit of measurement between inches, feet, yards, and meters.
216. Poseidon
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Charles Dronet, Francisco Rubio, Adrian Orellana
We set out to eliminate the mundane task of refilling your pool. The days of impatient waiting and meddling with your pool system will soon come to an end with our project: Poseidon. It is an indispensable device meant to permanently solve this issue by being precise and effective in keeping the water at a specific level. Poseidon’s notable features include its laser ping sensor continuously monitoring and measuring the distance between it and the water level. When the ping measures a distance lower than the setpoint, a relay circuit is activated switching on a solenoid valve connected to a water source, refilling the pool to its initial setpoint. In real-time, informative feedback is given periodically to users through an LCD screen. This includes the status of the solenoid value whether open or closed. Furthermore, its ability to cut off the water supply at the source eliminates the possibility of overflow or needless waste of water. In situations where the pool has been filling for far too long, a built-in piezo speaker will mimic the sound of an alarm and the LED will flash continuously to alert the user of a problem. Ultimately, Poseidon’s goal is the automation of a troublesome task in an efficient manner.
217. CPAD (Car Proximity Assistance Detector)
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Luke Spillers, Memphis Dalme, Alexander Kyle, Thomas Johnfroe
Have you ever gone to Walmart and when trying to park, there is a car that inconveniently takes up a room? Have you ever had to lean or even get out of your own seat to calculate how much room you have to park? Are you worried about burning a hole in your savings to keep your car in good shape? Then the CPAD is perfect for you! The CPAD, or Car Proximity Assistance Device is a device that you can attach to the dashboard of your vehicle that uses an IR distance sensor, LED display, Accelerometer, Piezo speaker, and an LCD monitor to help the driver know EXACTLY how close they are to hitting something. This device’s main purpose is to help drivers park safely, but it can also be helpful when driving on interstates and highways! The device uses a red infrared laser that looks forward up to 50m in front of your vehicle and prints the distance that is detected to the LCD Monitor. Based upon proximity, the LEDs will light green for far away, yellow for within 15-5 feet, and red for within 5 feet. Along with the LEDs, the piezo speaker will also produce a lower frequency for long distances, a higher frequency for medium distances, and an even higher frequency for very short distances.
218. Force Motors to Thrust
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: John Sibley, Carl Robbins, Jacob Barnhill
Drones have become an important part of our society. Companies use drones for transportation and surveillance, researchers use drones to collect data, and people use drones for recreational purposes. So, that’s why we came up with a device that will help make drones more efficient. The main issue that drones face is that they have a limited battery life. A bigger battery isn’t always the best solution as that adds to the weight that the drone already has to carry. So, the best option is to make the drone more efficient. This is where our product comes into play. Our product is designed to measure both the input current that a motor is using and the force produced by the motor to find peak efficiency. We are able to vary the speed using pulse width modulation from an Arduino that sends the signal to a speed controller. Our device is designed so that a user can insert their own battery pack and speed controller so they can get accurate data. After setting the speed, the Arduino then records the value of the force using the load cell and records the current the motor is drawing by using the hall effect sensor. Once the motor has reached its maximum speed, the recorded data is then displayed on a graph for the user to see how the current, speed, and force are all related.
219. Handy Turner
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Claire Scott, Elisa Tomlin, Trilby Hill
The “Handy Tuner” is a self-automated device that tunes a guitar with the owner only having to flip a switch. After the switch is flipped, the guitar is strummed by a robotic arm that is timed to move in a pattern that best suits the sound sensor in order for it to correctly read the frequency of each string. A wooden hand fixed in a plucking position is attached to a linear actuator that is controlled by a motor driver and Arduino, separate from the headstock’s Arduino. This arm mechanism creates the forward and backward motion necessary for plucking the strings. Inside the body of the guitar is an analog sound sensor module that detects the frequency of sounds, including the guitar. At the headstock of the guitar, there are 6 continuous high-torque servos that turn the keys of the guitar to reach the ideal frequency based on the reading from the sound sensor. Once the ideal frequency of a string is reached, the Arduino connected to the sound sensor communicates to the arm Arduino that it needs to move to the next string for it to be tuned. The whole guitar tuning process is made easy and efficient with the self-automated device, the “Handy Tuner.”
220. BioLock
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Isabella Breaux, Xavier Lewis, Katherine Cortez
Our BioLock wallet is designed for users to safely store their cards, money, and important information they’d like to keep close to them with the touch of a finger. With its widespread accessibility and affordability, everyone is able to purchase the BioLock wallet. Additionally, the wallet includes a Bluetooth sensor that connects to your phone so you always know its location and are able to unlock it manually using a passcode.
221. SmartCan
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Bryce Powell, Caleb Aillet
Our project’s goal is to create a trash can that can automatically read its own weight and fullness level of trash and display these values on a central hub screen. The screen will be separate from the trash can so that multiple cans could connect to the screen and share their data. We created this project so that the amount of trash in multiple trash cans could be viewed in a quick and effective way for a better time and product management. We think that with proper implementation of our project, our idea could be easily adapted and put to good use in many different venues and buildings, like some on Louisiana Tech’s campus. We ended up using multiple sensors while building our SmartCan. Some ways we used sensors to find out how full the trash can is is by using a PING))) sensor to measure how far the level of trash is from the top of the trash can. We also use a Button type load cell and HX711 amplifier to measure the amount of weight applied at the bottom of the bag so that we can accurately measure the weight of the entire trash bag. Both of the values are sent between Arduinos with the RF22 transmitters implemented in each of the Arduino. These allow the Arduino to communicate with one another and share data.
222. Smart Spice Cabinet
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: John Meguess, Jesse Webb, Nikolai Karpovs
Our group’s project is the Smart Spice Cabinet. This convenient device allows users to easily select which spice they want and how much they want. Then, with the press of a button, the Smart Spice Cabinet will automatically dispense the spice and the amount of their choosing. It’s that easy! The Cabinet does so using DC motors, spice containers with built-in Archimedes’ screws, a weight scale, and an Arduino. The Smart Spice Cabinet’s main purpose is to address recent labor shortages within the food-service industry by automating the job of spice measurement. Our group hopes that this device will allow kitchen staff to easily perform what would otherwise be a tedious and boring task. This could free up staff to do other, more important jobs around the kitchen while the spice measurement is done for them. Additionally, the Smart Spice Cabinet includes a speaker that will notify cooking staff when their spice is ready, making it perfect for a noisy kitchen environment. But spice measurement isn’t the only potential use of this device. In fact, a device like this could be repurposed for many different tasks. These tasks could be anything from measuring medicine within a pharmacy (with a more accurate scale that is) to measuring out different coffee grounds in coffee shops.
Joint Living with the Lab/Living with Cyber Projects
223. Auto-Feed
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Kailee Lavigne, Caleb Cameron, Jamal Farhat
The Auto-Feed is an automatic pet feeder that can replace manually feeding your pets in a more efficient manner. The Auto-Feed can be set to provide a specific portion of food based on your pets’ eating styles/habits. You can also set a specific time for your pets to eat so that they are on a schedule. When the container of food becomes low, it will automatically add another pet food bag to your shopping cart for the store you use. This ensures that you can balance your work/personal life with your pet’s schedule. This product gives you ways to operate around work, and last-minute plans, and can be used if you could not find a pet sitter to make sure your pet is still fed and doesn’t develop any health issues due to the lack of feedings. Many sensors and devices are used to ensure the efficiency and flexibility of this product. These sensors include a weight sensor, an IR sensor, a motor, and a screen. The weight sensor measures the weight of food in the bowl so that you can set your pet’s specific portion. The IR sensor is used to track when the container of food is low and will add a bag of food to your shopping cart. The motor is used to allow food into the bowl at a certain feeding time schedule. The screen is used to set both the time and the weight of your pet.
224. Smart Skee
Advisor: Dr. Jason Howell
Team Members: Craig Sturiale, Jake Smith, Max Compeaux
Our project, the “Smart Skee”, is an implementation of the already existing Skee Ball machine. Introducing a variety of new features in a compact size, we hope to modernize the idea of Skee Ball in order to help bring the arcade industry back to the market. In our design, we incorporated a variety of game modes and features to help alleviate boredom from extended play. The users can now play the normal game, along with a spinoff of the basketball party game “Pig”. Our new game mode, called “Skee”, starts with the first and second players having four letters with respect to “Skee.” The first player will then shoot the ball, and if it is made the appropriate LED will indicate the specific hole that the second player must make in order to not lose a letter. The game will then continue until one player runs out of letters, in which the other player will win the game. There is a graphical user interface displayed towards the top of the machine which displays a start menu, the main game, and a game over screen. In order for a user to operate the interface, there are two buttons located towards the front of the system. The button to the left will allow the user to select a widget, and the second button will rotate the selected widget to another option. Lastly, to help train new players, there is a velocity tracker located on the display to train users to either throw softer or harder.
225. Laundro Buddy
Advisor: Dr. Bryant Hollins
Team Members: Erin Campbell, Lucas Dean, William Becker, David Moody
The Laundro Buddy addresses the common problem of using too much or too little detergent for a specific amount of laundry. When buying laundry detergent, one is often instructed or given a specific measurement for a large, medium, and small load. The qualifications for these loads are vague thus causing the user to pour an improper amount of detergent per load. The Laundro Buddy uses weight sensors to obtain an accurate reading on the amount of laundry being used, the weight is then input into a formula that formulates an ideal amount of detergent that would be indicated as the user pours the detergent into the cup. In order to account for diversity, the device comes with a touch screen allowing the user to decide on different brands of liquid detergents to be used along with a history of what has been used and a customizable setting for the screen’s appearance. Economically, the Laundro Buddy is targeted for individual use such as apartments, dorms, suites, households, etc. However, the growth of the product will ultimately lead to uses in larger companies such as laundromats and hotels. Environmentally the device would cut down on the overall use of detergent causing fewer containers to be made, thus preventing detergent containers from being wasted and discarded. All in all, The Laundro Buddy is used to formulate a specific amount of detergent that would be used based on the dimensions of the given load.
226. Study Room Status
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Aidan Schaubhut, McKinley Humble, Micah Heflin
The Study Room Status system provides a simple yet effective solution for tracking the occupancy status of a room. It utilizes a PIR sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi, which is then mounted in a room to detect motion. This information is then sent to a database on another device, allowing anyone to check the availability of a room via a website. To determine the availability of a room, the PIR sensor will start a timer once motion is detected. If no motion is detected in 5 minutes, the room will be marked as available. The data is sent through an API and stored in a JSON file on the Raspberry Pi. This file is then read and displayed on the website, providing users with up-to-date information on the occupancy status of the room. This system is a great example of how technology can be used to simplify everyday tasks. Providing real-time information on the availability of a room saves time and eliminates the need for manual checking. This can be especially useful in busy environments such as libraries, schools, or offices where there are limited study spaces. Overall, the Study Room Status system is an efficient and practical solution that demonstrates the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi and PIR sensor technology.
227. Fetch-Bot
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Chris Ardoin, Hailey Allmann, Kellee Puisegger
This robot is designed to eliminate the need for unnecessary stops during play of tennis. It is a remote-controlled robot that drives on four wheels that will, once it reaches a tennis ball, automatically close the arms and pick it up. The user can then drive it back to themselves to pick it up. We used the linear actuator built in Engineering 121 along with spring-loaded arms to create the desired opening and closing mechanism.
228. Super Mega Package Protector 5000
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Cade Barfield, Brady Burns, Christine Meister
Our project is a wooden drop-box that can be placed on a person’s front porch. The box features an automatic lock that will be engaged when a package is placed inside it. The owner can then input a password on the screen that unlocks the box so that the owner can take the package out. The monitor will also allow the owner to engage a temperature regulator to keep the inside of the box cooler for perishable items such as grocery deliveries and medicines. Additionally, the drop-box will be sealed and insulated to allow for weather resistance, including keeping packages dry from the rain. In order to deter thieves from simply taking the entire package protector box, we set up a loud alarm that goes off when it detects the box is being moved. The only way to turn off this alarm is by inputting the correct password. This package protector is important because of how many people suffer from package theft every year. While this is still an initial version, it will showcase what we believe is a viable product and solution to a very real problem. In the future, we would love to see integration with companies such as the ring doorbell where when a package is delivered it alerts the user.
229. Automatic Lizard Enclosure
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Rylie Malbrough, Bailey Travis, Robert Newman
The Automatic Lizard Enclosure incorporates and automates some of the necessary components to provide livable environments for various lizards. The project contains two time-specific lights attached to the top of the enclosure and an automatic humidifier that uses a fan to circulate moisture into the tank. The lights are regulated based on the time of day using Arduino-powered outlets and a real-time clock module. There is a DHT11 sensor inside the tank to measure the humidity and temperature. An upper and lower control limit is set for the humidity and regulates the humidifier and fan based on those values. A user interface displays the enclosure details (temperature & humidity) and other specific settings for lizard breeds.
230. CodeBuilders: A Tactile Programming Experience
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Hazem AlSabagh, Cole Sylvester, Ethan Bondad
As of today, there are no computer science standards for K-12 students in Louisiana. There are roughly 70000 unfilled jobs in STEM in Louisiana in 2020 and only 29% of Louisiana public high schools offer a computer science course. On top of that, it is difficult for blind students to be engaged in computer science classrooms since there is barely any accommodation for them. Through universal design, our product helps engage blind and sighted students in collaboratively learning to program in a classroom setting. We aim to make a customary product for the classrooms of Louisiana, introducing computer science standards to K-5 students. By introducing blocks that function as code, with braille on them, students can program a micro: bit robot’s movement using constructs such as loops and functions. The blocks will be placed on a rack that generates the code and creates a Graphic User Interface that simulates the robot’s movement on a monitor. The ability to include arguments in the programming adds an element of freedom and adventure to learning. An audible response of each line or block of code is possible once a block is locked onto the rack. A ping sensor attached to the bot allows for programming with distance from an object while a piezo speaker gives an auditory representation for that distance. Utilizing the reach of our product, we hope to expand nationally and globally.
231. Porch Package Protector
Advisor: Dr. Allie De Leo-Allen
Team Members: Caiden Ledet, Julia Wilson, Kailie Carrigee
In a world where online shopping has become much more popular, especially after the Covid 19 Pandemic, there is always a risk that is involved with your package being damaged or stolen from the conditions it endures on your porch. The issue of package theft is common with over 260 million packages being stolen in America alone in the past year. Our Porch Package Protector protects the packages that you pay for with your hard-earned money. It is a smart device that provides users with an additional security aspect to their home for only a little cost. Our main frame includes a watertight seal that allows no outside factors to get in. Also, our device is a temperature-controlled space where one could house groceries or even expensive technologies that would benefit from the regulation of temperature. The smart safe requires specific user input. The Porch Package Protector also utilizes camera footage to ensure that a package is delivered properly and safely. Our location sensing aspect ensures that the device is always in a known location on the owner’s porch. The Porch Package Protector will ensure that all consumers receive their products worry-free in the midst of their busy lives.
232. Braille Printer
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Dominic Rosario, Connor Heard, Lee Saucier
Our project is a personal braille printer with the aim to be one of the cheaper options on the market. The reason that we chose this as our project is because current braille printers cost, on average, over $1,000. By making a more affordable version, we can make braille more accessible for the blind, which is a step towards giving this community a better quality of life. The way that our project works is by using an embosser that moves along a lead screw. This embosser has a set of multiple braille states that are essentially specific bumps that can be switched on, and a flexible roller is then rolled over the desired state, with the paper in between, in order to emboss the braille onto the paper. The program running on the machine is able to take in a text or pdf file and scan the words in the file. It takes these words and converts them into braille characters, which are then split into their multiple braille states, as each character is made up of two different states. These braille states are then sent to the printer, where, line by line, the braille characters are embossed into the piece of paper. This all comes together to make a device that can receive text input and subsequently print out braille characters, making braille printing accessible at a lower cost than is currently on the market.