2024 COES Design and Research Conference
First-Year Projects Showcase

Welcome to the Spring 2024 First-Year Projects Showcase. This event features projects from first-year engineering, computer science, and physics students.
All engineering students take the first-year engineering course sequence called Living with the Lab. Many of the products you see here are the culmination of a year-long, project-based learning experience where the Arduino microcontroller is used for sensing and control applications. Each student participant owns and maintains their own equipment, providing a mechanism for boosting hands-on learning for large numbers of students; our hope is that this project-based approach will make our students more competent, confident, and innovative. Through the course sequence, they gain skills and knowledge that enable them to design and build full-function working prototypes for a project of their choosing, which are featured at the First-year Projects Showcase.
All Computer Science and Cyber Engineering students participate in the Living with Cyber curriculum during their first year. This three-part course sequence uses a Raspberry Pi platform to expose the students to the pillars of computing: algorithms, Computer Programming, Computer Architecture, and Data Structures. Students are expected to identify a problem area they are passionate about and apply the hands-on nature of the curriculum to design and implement a solution to that problem that leverages the concepts taught and the hands-on nature of the curriculum.
First-year physics students will be featured at the Showcase for the first time. These students will be highlighting physics concepts through interactive demonstrations.
Feel free to browse the projects and demonstrations that our students have conceived, designed, and prototyped.
6:00 – 7:00 Open House – Visitors are invited to check out the projects
Visitors are asked to wait in the IESB Project-Based Learning Office lobby area (IESB 136) until 6:00 pm.
7:00 – 7:15 Presentation of awards
Living with the Lab Projects
101. The Wobble Watch
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Arie Linton, Walker Henry, Noah Brasher
Introducing The Wobble Watch: a groundbreaking device meticulously crafted to transcend conventional timekeeping by graphing the deviation of your hand’s rotational and linear acceleration. This remarkable timepiece holds multifaceted significance, catering to diverse needs across fields that require steady hands, Parkinson’s patients, and healthcare professionals catering to tremorous conditions. Leveraging its advanced MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope, the Wobble Watch offers real-time feedback on users’ movements with major accuracy. The device portrays a rapidly updated graph that recognizes the slightest deviation. Therefore, the product is invaluable to those suffering from Parkinson’s, healthcare professionals, or those desiring to partake in an occupation requiring extreme hand coordination. For individuals living with Parkinson’s, the Wobble Watch offers subtle yet significant support by visualizing the nuances of a hand tremor, facilitating communication with healthcare professionals, and empowering personalized care plans. Also, The Wobble Watch will be marketed to be made available for day-to-day hand tracking providing personal development and awareness if a consumer has yet to be diagnosed. Such a device may be extremely useful for Hand-oriented occupations such as snipers, surgeons, pilots, musicians, athletes, and artists. Particularly, snipers can rely on its insights to maintain steady aim amidst external factors, while surgeons enhance surgical outcomes and patient safety by monitoring their hand movements in practice or testing.
Sensors and Devices: MPU6050, 783 – Battery Holder 2-Cell – Adafruit, Arduino Nano ESP-32
102. Roll Prevention System (RPS)
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Andrew Coward, Gavin Thomas, Bailie Bourque
Our project revolves around a sophisticated mechanism that has been implemented to ensure that the car does not roll over during sudden accelerations when the front of the vehicle shifts from a vertical direction to a horizontal direction. To stabilize the car on the road, we have designed flaps that are capable of counteracting the weight of the vehicle. In order to detect any acceleration in the positive or negative x-direction, we have integrated an accelerometer into the system. The accelerometer is responsible for detecting acceleration in either direction. Once it detects any acceleration, our specially designed pulley system will activate the motors, which will, in turn, open the flaps to provide the necessary counterforce. This unique mechanism ensures that the car remains stable and safe during sudden movements, making it a reliable choice for daily driving accidents.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, Two L298N DC Motor Driver, Two MPU-6050 Accelerometer & Gyroscope, Two Pittman 9234 24VDC 1050 RPM Gearhead Motor, 2 button switches
103. Blind Hat 2020
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Levin Connella, Abram Garcia, Andrew Pittman
Our system consists of two ping sensors. These sensors are hooked up to the Arduino. Our program can detect objects and tell us their distance. When an object becomes too close, a piezo speaker will beep. Also, we implemented a kill switch so that you could turn it off if you were to have a convo with someone. Our target audience is the blind community. We want to use a hat so we have ample space for our equipment. We will be using an Arduino, a breadboard, and a battery pack. We are mainly concerned with the appearance of our project, but the overall system works great.
Sensors and Devices: Switch, Maxbotix Ping rangefinder(2), piezo speaker(2), Arduino, battery pack
104. Automatic Trash Can
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Ty Himel, John Ewing, Aruna Zuberu
We created a trash can that still has the ease of use of an open trash can without the smell of an open-topped trash can. We decided to use a PING sensor to detect when an object has been thrown into the trash can. We hooked the PING sensor to open the lid by using a motor that is connected to the lid with a string to quickly open up, and after an allotted time, close back up to keep smells inside the trash can. We also wanted to create a way to alert the user when their trash can needs to be taken out. However, we wanted it to be a sound alert and create it to be very annoying so that way the annoying roommates would be encouraged to take out the trash. We did this by implementing an IR LED and an IR sensor. We used the IR instead of another PING sensor because we just wanted to be able to detect objects in the trash can instead of detecting how far away the objects are. We hooked the IR detecting system up to a piezo speaker to emit an annoying sound when the trash can is full. Finally, we decided to add a couple of hooks on either side of the trash can to make it cleaner and easier to take out the bags when it is full.
Sensors and Devices: IR Detector, IR LED, PING(((( Sensor, Piezo Speaker, Servo Motor
105. You’ve Got Mail!
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Kylie Authement, Kendall Duggan, Victor Kwentoh
You’ve Got Mail! allows users to know the status of their mailbox without leaving the comfort of their homes. Too often, the mail never comes on time and checking it multiple times a day and waiting on important letters can be a hassle. Going out to the mailbox can be difficult for people with physical limitations, such as the elderly or disabled. It can also be inconvenient for people living in rural areas with long drives from their mailboxes. In addition, documents like W-2s and passports that arrive in the mail need to be brought inside as quickly as possible to avoid theft or damage. To resolve these issues, we have created a system that can identify when mail has been delivered to make checking the mail quick and simple! Our solution uses an IR sensor that will detect when the mailbox door has been opened or closed, and a FlexiForce sensor will detect if the mail has been added. Using a Bluetooth module, the system can send a notification to a paired device to let users know they have mail. All of the electronics are cased within a laser-cut acrylic housing to protect them from the outdoors. This project can improve people’s lives and make checking the mail only a tap away.
Sensors and Devices: Infrared Sensor, FlexiForce Sensor, HC-05 Bluetooth Module
106. Smart Plant
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Joshua Bennett, Parker Perez, Chosen Ware
The Smart Plant is an enclosed habitat for growing plants indoors. Making gardening accessible for people who don’t have the time, outside place, and knowledge. This product reads the moisture levels in the soil and water the plant when the soil level drops below a set point. This setpoint is calculated to be an accurate ratio measure of the amount of water that the plant needs to be healthy. So, the product will take it upon itself to know when to water the plant when needed. The Smart Plant also has a refillable water storage underneath the plant system that can be refilled when needed. When watering the plant, the water the soil does not use will drain right back into the refillable water storage at the bottom. The Smart Plant also will have a display screen on the front that will constantly display the level of moisture present in the soil. The Smart Plant will prevent users from having to take care of their plants and be able to grow gardening plants without the knowledge and time to do so. The Smart Plant is the future of gardening for everyone who wants to learn and grow.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, Bluetooth Sensor, Moisture Sensor, Water Level Sensor, Water Pump, LCD Arduino Screen
107. Auto Carbo
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Andrew Martin, Zane Sargent, Henry Skipper, Rayne Hanson
This project is all about making adjustments to the idle mixture screws on carburetor engines automatically. To do this, we have a 02 sensor connected to the exhaust, reading oxygen levels and putting it into an efficiency formula, and have it connected to a motor to adjust the screw to optimal air-to-fuel ratios automatically. The 02 sensor will also be connected to another sensor, which is a Bluetooth sensor where the data received from the sensor will be transferred to your phone.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, One 02 Sensor, One Bluetooth Sensor, One Right Angle Motor, One Motor Driver
108. Fresh Fetch Fridge
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Jacob Dougherty, Gabe Chavez, Wren Vine, Lorianne Clark
Step into the future of refrigeration with our groundbreaking project: The Fresh Fetch Fridge. Imagine a sleek attachment providing a state-of-the-art barcode scanner seamlessly connected to a comprehensive database. This ingenious device allows you to effortlessly manage your fridge’s inventory with a simple scan while offering the convenience of remote access via Bluetooth or a user-friendly touchscreen interface. This module will allow better management of the fridge and less user waste promoting a more green solution to our food waste epidemic in the modern world.
Sensors and Devices: TFT 2.8” Touchscreen, Two Arduinos, Embedded Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
109. Self-Inflating Tire
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Nathan Guion, Keith Johnson
Our project is a simple system that regulates air pressure in a car tire. This simple system does wonders for the car, for example, reducing gas mileage, reducing carbon emissions, and helping the lives of the tires last longer. We built this system using a pressure sensor from the help desk and an air pump. The sensor reads pressure and temperature so it can track data inside the tire. The system relies on the user to simply type in the desired PSI, and the system will do the rest. Once the system reads the PSI in the tire drops too low, it begins to pump air back into the tire. There is a version of this out in the world, but our goal was to make it cheaper and more convenient. The reason we decided to do this project is because we noticed how a lot of people just neglect the air tire sensor in their cars. Especially during the colder weather, that is when your tire pressure drops significantly. This system we designed is very simple; however, I think it can do good in the world. Tire pressure is something that people either often forget about or don’t know how to fix. This system can solve all of those problems.
Sensors and Devices: VTI SCP 1000 Barometric Air Pressure Sensor, 5V Air Compressor
110. Fold-o-Matic
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Zachary Chaisson, Lian Palermo, Eli St. Germain
Besides folding clothes, every aspect of the laundry process has entered the modern age. The Fold-o-Matic is a machine that was created to bring folding into the 21st century by automating the process. This machine seeks to resolve problems with folding clothes by hand such as a physical inability to fold clothes well, or even at all. To make this process easier and more accessible, the Fold-o-Matic uses smart technology to fold shirts and shorts automatically. First, place your clothing article on the board. There is an engraved shirt and short outline on the board which matches your clothing. Then click the start button. The machine then uses photoresistors to register which type of clothing is on the surface. Once designated, that
information is used to decide which folding technique will be used by the machine. The machine will then perform a series of folds to fold the item of clothing properly. The machine folds the clothes by activating servos which are attached to the flaps. Different flaps will activate depending on what item of clothing is determined to be on the board. After the article has been folded, the machine returns back to a “resting” position leaving a nicely folded article of clothing.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, 5 Tower Pro MG90S Micro Servos, 1 Tower Pro 9GSG90 Micro Servo, 3 photoresistors, 1 push button
111. Hydrolight
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Jonathan Rhymes, Thaddeus LeBlanc, Corden Blount
Have you ever been driving down the road on a rainy day and suddenly you had to slam on the brakes cause the person in front of you didn’t have their lights on? The hydrolight solves this problem. The hydrolight utilizes an Arduino rain sensor to detect moisture in the air. When that moisture is detected, the Hydrolight will then send a signal to an analog pin on the Arduino; using if statements, a signal will then be sent to turn on a relay such that 9 volts can flow into the vehicle’s headlight. Our product will be hidden in a waterproof box behind the grill of a vehicle so that it goes unseen and you can keep that sleek design of your vehicle, it will also allow for the electronic components to be protected from the weather that it is sensing. While some modern vehicles have similar systems, our design is much more cost-effective and is much easier to install on a vehicle. The Hydrolight will be marketed to those of the general public and will be sold at an affordable price. This product will ensure safer driving in low visibility conditions overall.
Sensors and Devices: 1 Rain sensor, 1 Relay, 1 Arduino
112. Lullaby Lifeline
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Anna Plummer, Olivia Richardson
The Lullaby Lifeline is a device used to provide CPR compressions to children and infants. With just a few steps, a child without a heartbeat can be administered CPR correctly while simultaneously monitoring their heartbeat. The device will deliver 1-1.5 inch compressions at the rate of 110 compressions per minute. An LED will blink to the heartbeat once it is read on the recipient using a pulse sensor to show that the device can be turned off. We want to take away the uncertainty and guesswork involving CPR for infants and children.
Sensors and Devices: Pulse Sensor, two Arduinos, DC gearhead motor
113. Biometric Book-In
Advisor: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore
Team Members: Eddie Calderon, Ian Maroon, Samuel Anderson
Biometric attendance is a game changer for universities. The project idea removes the hassle of pen and paper and replaces it with a secure and more accurate form of attendance. We included 4 sensors attached to the Arduino to make our project work. Firstly, we used a biometric sensor to record students’ fingerprints, which will vastly eliminate lying about attendance. Next, we added a timekeeping sensor to our project, which would record the time precisely so we could track whether students were late or not. An LCD screen will display the student’s name and the time they arrived to let the students know the scan has been performed. The final sensor is a Bluetooth scanner that sends the final products right to the Professor’s phone to make their life easier. Say goodbye to students lying and extra work for professors, and say hello to a more accurate and better future for attendance.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, Breadboard, Display Screen (parallax 2×16 Serial LCD, Backlit), Timekeeping sensor (Sparkfun real-time clock module), Biometric scanner for Arduino Uno, Bluetooth sensor.
114. HITA Water Tester
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Tylere Titus, Alejandro Lopez, Hunter Harris
The HITA Water Tester is a device that detects the purity of a homeowner’s water. Our goal is to make sure people can see when they can drink their water safely without any harm. As of right now, 45% of people are drinking contaminated water. Our device detects purity using a turbidity sensor and temperature sensor, which are all displayed on an LCD screen. A turbidity sensor detects the amount of total dissolved solids in water. If the LCD screen is showing a higher number, the water is less pure. The temperature sensor will detect the temperature of the water in Celsius and Fahrenheit. This sensor is here to display the temperature at which it is safe to drink the water. The LCD screen will display if the water is drinkable or not, and the current temperature of the water. The water will flow from the faucet into the tubing, and once the compartment under the electrical components box is filled up, the pressure will continue to flow out of the bottom of the device. While our device may seem like a filter, it is not. Our device only tests the purity value of water to ensure safety when drinking your water.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, turbidity sensor, temperature sensor, LCD screen
115. Walk This Way
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Yechan Kim, Abby Bieber, Noah Taylor
According to the CDC, in 2021, over 8000 pedestrians were killed due to vehicle crashes on crosswalks. In Louisiana alone, the rate of pedestrian fatality per 100,000 is 3.98. Crosswalks may cause a false sense of security to pedestrians. Walk This Way is an effective method of slowing down and speeding traffic through crosswalks. Adding a speed bump that will project itself upwards if the car is speeding allows an almost immediate stop to the car, protecting pedestrians. Normal speed bumps allow the car to continue going and are not as noticeable. With a bump that will elevate itself, the driver is more likely to make a complete stop and be more aware of their surroundings. Using 2 IR sensors on opposite sides of the road, the distance and timing of a car are calculated, presenting the speed. If the speed goes over the set amount, the bump will protrude upwards, creating a more effective roadblock. This will decrease jaywalking incidents and crosswalk fatalities. A future addition to our project is a siren detection that will keep the bump from projecting when an emergency vehicle is passing. After a certain period of time, the bump will continue as normal, allowing the vehicle to pass.
Sensors and Devices: Two IR sensors, Servo motor, Two Arduinos, Two PING))) sensors, 20 x 4 LCD screen, RC car, Two Piezo speaker, LED
116. Baby and Pet Heat Guard Safety System
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Matthew Bucci, Anthony Denova, Seth Standley
Many children and pets die in hot cars each year. The Baby and Pet Heat Guard System can save those precious lives. This system was designed to detect whether a child or pet has been left in the car once a parent leaves and ensure the child/pet is kept safe from dangerous heat. If the driver leaves their seat while a child or pet is in the car, the parent will be notified via chime, which will remind the parent to get their child/pet from the backseat. If the parent still leaves their child/pet in the car, and the temperature continues to rise, the system will send an SMS message to their phone, reminding them that their loved one has been left. In addition, the windows will be cracked as a temporary relief measure until the parents come to their aid. If the temperature continues to rise to a harmful level and the parent has not returned to the car, emergency services will be notified with a pinged location of the car. This product is designed to be integrated into cars by manufacturers, using some previously existing features of the car, such as the door chime, pressure sensors, seatbelt sensors, etc. The aim is to install this in vehicles manufactured from the present to the future to help prevent loved ones from passing away.
Sensors and Devices: Force Sensitive Resistor, Bluetooth Module/ESP8266 Microcontroller, PIR motion sensor, Thermistor, Button, Servo Motor, Seat Belt Sensor, Piezo Speaker, Arduino
117. Sign Language Glove
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Josh Purvis, Ty Davis, James King
The device that our group is attempting to make is what we have collectively decided to call The Sign Language Glove. This will allow the non-verbal people of the world who know how to sign to speak in a verbal language without an interpreter. This is a device that is made up of accelerometers, two Arduino Nanos, a piezo speaker, a AA battery pack, and a series of wires. The glove utilizes five different accelerometers, one on each finger, to communicate with the Arduino, so we can plot out specific points on an x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis scale. The Arduino then takes the plots and runs them through our code which deciphers what word or letter is being communicated. Then sends the deciphered message to the speaker, so it can be
verbally spoken. With this glove, users will be able to participate in everyday communication. Some examples of this could be, ordering at the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant, asking for directions, or making small talk with those around them because the glove can translate signs to your preferred language in real time. This is helpful in many more scenarios because most of the population cannot understand sign language without an interpreter.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino Uno, Five Accelerometers, One Piezospeaker, AA battery pack
118. Presentation Glove
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Thaddeaus Williams, Lucas Bourg, Isaiah Thigpen
Many people involved with teaching and other forms of social work present on whiteboards and PowerPoints. This is an effective strategy as they can have their main points on the PowerPoint while writing any examples they might need to define on the whiteboard. However, many of these people have a bad habit of erasing the board with their fingers. This is not favorable as this degrades the whiteboard faster and spears ink on the users’ hands. Also, every one of these people is relegated to walking all the way across the room every time they need to go back to their computer and flip a slide. This device will allow the user to control their PowerPoint presentation from anywhere in the room, like a presentation controller. But, unlike a presentation controller, the glove component of this device can act like a whiteboard eraser. The fact that this is the case means that no longer will anyone be erasing their whiteboard work with their fingers as this tears up the board and smears ink on the users’ hands. No longer will anyone have to walk across the room to get back to their computer or grab a whiteboard eraser, as both devices are, quite literally, on hand.
Sensors and Devices: Accelerometer, Arduino Leonardo, ESP-WR00M-32DEVKITV1 microcontroller, button, Bluetooth module, 1000-ohm resistors, felt glove, 9v battery, wires
119. Wise-Wand Pro
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Blair Robichaux, Jace Lejeune, Taylor Terrell, Jacob Whitehead
Our project consists of a window blind attachment, which has smart technology capabilities. Our device will be universal for any common household window blind, and it will come in at an affordable price. This product features an Arduino Mini-Pro for communication and coding abilities. With the Arduino Mini-Pro, we have integrated a photoresistor to read the incoming sunlight and transfer that information into a complex code for precise blind control. In addition to this capability, this product also features Bluetooth capabilities for personal preferences on indoor light levels. We have implemented a servo to power our system to achieve these functionalities. The sensors and devices we have incorporated in this product are Bluetooth, a photoresistor, an RF transmitter, and a servo. This product includes two modes, eco and manual, which have distinct characteristics. The eco mode will specifically use the photoresistor as an input to open and close the blind at certain light levels. The manual mode will use Bluetooth to communicate with your own personal device using the free app Dabble. This application allows you to control the blinds by adjusting it on the gamepad featured in the app. In order to switch between modes, there is a button on the Dabble app which is dedicated to this operation.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one photoresistor, one servo, Bluetooth module, one RF transmitter
120. Adaptive Desk Light
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Joshua Allen, Beau Dupuy, Ned Hammet, Liam Reed
Our project is the Adaptive Desk Light, which sets a Photoresistor as an input to detect the brightness level in a setting and sets White LEDs and RGBs as the output that varies the brightness depending on the Setting. We are using a bendable arm that Grips the desk/(anywhere that can hold it), which we wire up many wires to our LED lamp. We have 3D-printed LED diode holders (8 cm), a lamp-shaped holder that can hold the diodes in place, and a breadboard and Arduino holder that will be placed under the bendable arm. For our wiring, our project has a button that connects to our Leds which can stop or start the system over again. We are placing our LEDS into a parallel Circuit which will allow our LEDs to be the same and change colors at the same time. This project will allow people all around the world to read at any time of the day, sense the area around it, and display the light appropriately. The project will also include colors for other people’s eye sensitivity, allowing any person to read in many colors and brightness levels depending on what they want.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino, Breadboard, 4 White LEDs, 2 RGB LEDs, Photoresistor, button
121. Deer Diner Monitor
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Marvin Alexander, Shannon Kenney, Audrey Wyble
The “Deer Diner Monitor” is for hunters, farmers, or people who simply want to feed wildlife. The idea was to make a notifier for when the feed in a feeder is running low. Current feeders can dispense a set amount of food at given intervals, but there is no way to know when the feeder needs to be refilled. The device that we made will be compatible with the different types of deer feeders available. It uses a laser sensor to detect the level of the feed. When the feed goes below the level that the laser is at, the laser will hit the receiver, and your phone will be notified by a Bluetooth sensor. The Bluetooth sensor uses triggers, things, and push notifications in the code through Arduino Cloud. An LED is attached to the side of the feeder as a failsafe if no notification is sent. With the use of our device, hunters will disturb the land less often, so deer and other prey won’t be scared off as much. It also discourages deer from moving toward roads in search of more food when feeders go empty. With this device, it alerts hunters, farmers, or normal people when their feed is low so that they do not have to travel to their feeders.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino UNO R4, Arduino cloud, laser sensor, laser sensor receiver, one LED, Bluetooth sensor
122. The Accessibility Trash-Can
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Iretomiwa David Ola, Andrew Stevens, Brianna George, Landon Simpson
The Name of our project is The Accessibility Trash-Can. This project design name came about by all of our group members suggesting names and going for the one we felt was best. So, The Accessibility trash can makes use of 1 Arduino, a weight Sensor, a ping sensor, a Servo, and a piezo speaker. The main purpose of our project design is for the automatic opening of the trashcan when our ping sensor detects an object that comes within a 30cm distance from it; the head of the trashcan is going to get opened up by the Servo, which will be connected to the head of the trashcan. The Weight Sensor, which will be located at the bottom of the trashcan, will be used to weigh the trash inside the trashcan. the major importance of this is so that old people avoid trying to carry trash that is too heavy for them, so basically we have thought over how this should be implemented and decided that if it’s going to be a commonly used trashcan rather than it just being focused on old people, the weight sensor will have a programmable weight at which it will cause the piezo speaker attached to the trashcan to make sounds meaning that the trash inside of the trashcan has either reached or overlapped the preset weight and the owner of the trashcan knows that they want to take out the trash.
Sensors and Devices: 1 Arduino, Ping Sensor, Weight Sensor, Peizospeaker, Servo
123. Dog Bowl Defender
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Noah Haney, Remington Lee, Daniel Hodges, JB Elia
The DBD is a bowl designed to be a bowl that can close off its food from other dogs aside from one dog that it is assigned to. It identifies using an RFID sensor installed into the front of the bowl, which is coded to read for a certain ID within range. That ID is in the form of a tag, which will hang on a collar below a dog’s neck. When the dog wants to eat from the bowl, the RFID will send a signal to the Arduino, causing it to make a servo-powered lid mechanism to open the lid of the bowl. An IR sensor then detects when the dog is still eating or when it leaves; if it leaves, it will cause a signal to the servo to turn the lid closed.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one RFID sensor and sensor, one IR LED, one IR Transistor, one Servo motor, two whisker switches
124. Automatic Shower
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Nathan Fraim, Bryce Dupre, Gabriel Brewer, Cohen Lucas
Our project was inspired by the fact that shower knobs can sometimes be very ineffective. We came up with the idea to create a system that will eliminate the error and need for a knob to change the temperature of a shower by automatically changing the temperature of the shower based on a desired setpoint. Our system will work by incorporating Arduino uno, concepts, and devices we have learned over the past year. To begin, we identified the need for two reservoirs, a hot and cold water source. We then identified that by placing the reservoirs above the rest of the system, we could use gravity to do most of the work pumping the water for us. The base of our system relies on a thermistor which accurately reads the temperature of the water going through the shower. We incorporated two valves that will be opened or closed by two 9V motors to allow either hot or cold water through to the shower head. We then incorporated a three-way valve to create a connection point between the two water sources. Lastly, we designed a shower head that gives the water an effective output. The rest was coding and wiring, ultimately the most important part. We created a control loop that effectively changes the temperature of the water based on the readings of the thermistor. We created a desired setpoint and set an upper control limit and lower control limit, and based on that, we will power the motors to either pump in more hot or cold water to achieve the desired temperature.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, 2 9V Motors, DC Motor Driver, LCD Screen, Thermistor, Bluetooth/Button System
125. The White Wizard
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Samuel Davis, Garrett Deal, James Poole, Christopher Kiihnl
The project that we decided to work on for the design Expo is an automatic whiteboard eraser. We have seen many of our professors and teachers in the past be annoyed by erasing the board or that they wish it were done for them. This is what our project is trying to stop. We want an eraser that can have many ways to erase the board. We wanted the teachers to be able to hit a button to allow the eraser to erase whatever is on the board to make everything much easier for them. Also, we made a way so that after every class the board will be erased and be fresh for the next class. Once the lights have been off for a certain amount of time, we get the eraser to move across the board so it is more convenient for the next professor. This project was a way to make professors’ and teachers’ lives a little more convenient and easy. This project could also translate to every whiteboard around the Tech campus to make the campus look more advanced and clean.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one RF transmitter, and one photoresistor
126. Unspillable
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Trevor Tucker, Cohen Lakey, Matthew Guilbault
Our group decided to tackle the age-old problem of spilling your tumbler. Spills are messy, annoying, and often embarrassing. We decided to design a tumbler that will “lock” itself when dropped or knocked over to protect your precious drink inside. It utilizes an MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope to track the tumbler’s linear and rotational acceleration. A spike in linear acceleration means that the tumbler is experiencing a fall or “jerky” motions of some kind, such as those it may experience when its user is going up or down a flight of stairs. A sudden increase in rotational acceleration signals to the tumbler that it has most likely been knocked over. In either case, once the acceleration has crossed a certain threshold, a digital pin on the Arduino toggles a relay inside the device. The solenoid is then powered directly by our 9V power source, causing it to extend. The solenoid presses against a slanted lip on a flap on the lid, creating a watertight seal and closing the tumbler. Of course, most tumblers can be closed manually, but most users don’t take the time to secure their drink between sips properly. This can become especially dangerous if the contents inside the tumbler are very hot. Our system takes on the job of preventing spills, allowing the user to sip their drink with peace of mind.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino Nano, one MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope, one Robot Geek 5mm linear solenoid, one 30V 3A relay
127. Strap-Sync
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Reagan Tapie, Tristan Fulghum
The Strap-Sync was designed to fix the problem of students’ backpacks being unbalanced, causing them to feel more weight than they are carrying. We aim to fix this by creating a device that automatically adjusts the straps of the backpack based on readings from force sensors on the shoulders, causing the backpack to continuously adjust to balance the distribution of the weight inside of the backpack. The Strap-Sync would be attachable to any backpack by velcroing it to the straps and holding it on top of the backpack. The Strap-Sync would have an accelerometer and Arduino circuit attached to the top of the backpack in a case, allowing it to sense shifts in rotation and motion to determine if the bag is moving and whether an improper weight distribution is causing the backpack to tilt. It would then run wires down the backpack straps to force sensors on the shoulders that detect the pressure exerted by the backpack on each shoulder and signal if it needs adjustment to balance the pressure on each shoulder. These sensors will send signals to the gearbox motors near the bottom of the straps, which would turn to adjust the straps of the backpack through a 3d printed ratchet strap that is hooked up to the motor and balance out the weight distribution of the backpack.
Sensors and Devices: One accelerometer (Triple-Axis Accelerometer – uses ADXL335 chip (SOLDERED), SEN-09269), One Arduino Uno, 2 Force Resistors (Force Sensitive Resistor – square, 1.75”x1.5”, maximum 10kg, SEN-09376), 2 Gearbox motors (TSINY gearbox motor – 12VDC, 5RPM, 6mm shaft; 1.2N-m torque; 3”x1.25”x1”, TS-32GZ370-1650)
128. Food-No-Bad HNRS 122
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Christian Orozco, Hayden Newman, Nicholas Hollis
The Food-No-Bad is a small portable device that can be mounted onto or next to any size refrigerator. It “stores” food items put into the refrigerator and notifies the user when each item spoils, preventing potential food waste. Items can be input into the Food-No-Bad’s system in one of two ways: scanning the barcode present on most store-bought items or manually setting a timer through an external application, which would come pre-loaded with several presets based on the type of food, such as produce, dairy, and meats. Once the items are put into the device’s system, timers will be created based on what type of food it is, or specially created per barcode. These timers will be shown on the LCD screen found at the top of the device, allowing users to check on their items with just a simple glance. Other features will also be present, such as RGB LEDs that dynamically shine based on the timer’s progress, which further help the user determine the freshness of their food. In addition to the device’s timer storage function, the Food-No-Bad also comes equipped with an external temperature probe connected via an RF transmitter and receiver pair to the main system. This secondary device sits inside the fridge itself and monitors the fridge’s temperature, which can be used to determine whether the fridge itself is functioning properly, as an unstable temperature could lead to the hastening of food spoilage.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduino Boards, Xenon-Tech XETX01A & XETRE01A 433MHz Transmitter and Receiver pair, one Sparkfun DE2120 Barcode Module, one Sparkfun 4×20 Serial LCD, one Sparkfun BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor
129. Occupancy Detector
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Sameer Chawki, Zachary Evans, Sophia Robinson
There have been numerous times when students and/or groups of students have had to aimlessly wander the IESB looking for a study room, which takes up precious time, and time is money. Oftentimes, the search for a study room is futile because, more often than not, all of the study rooms are full. To make matters worse, you and your team are all tired from walking around and around the floors of the IESB. However, with an Occupancy Detector, the time spent looking for a study room can be reduced significantly. The Occupancy Detector works by utilizing a PING))) sensor to detect if a person is in a study room. Because most people are taller than the furniture in the study rooms, and the walls are always the same distance from each other, the sensor will be attached to a wall above the furniture. That way, when a person walks or stands in front of the sensors, it will detect the person in front of it. It does this by detecting a shorter distance than the preset distance from the wall. When a person is detected, it will send the data over a radio frequency to a main receiver in the rotunda that has an LCD screen. This screen will display whether a room is available or not. This way, a person can quickly determine if a study room is available from the first floor instead of wasting their time walking around looking for one.
Sensors and Devices: Three Arduinos, three nRF24L01, two PING))), one Sparkfun LCD screen
130. VMK – The Vehicle Modernization Kit
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Jackson Turner, Jamie Ledford, Kain Zambie
The VMK will solve a problem that has begun to plague the vehicle market. Despite the lack of modernization kits for older vehicles, including project vehicles and most vehicles made before 2020, the VMK provides an adaptive and adjustable way to add Automatic Breaking Systems (ABS), lane departure alerts, GPS speed limit monitoring, and automatic driving assistance. The system can be installed in older vehicles with or without computer systems while being controlled and adjusted with the help of a planned phone app. This device can also be used by police forces to help cut down on the number of impaired drivers on the roads, making travel much safer for all.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one Ping sensor, two IR detection sensors, four servo motors with wheels, one Bluetooth sensor, and one planned GPS receiver module.
131. Simple Dye Mixer
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Jeremiah Wagner, Ethan Norrend, Jackson Rodger
This device seamlessly blends the artistry of color theory. It was made for bakers who love to bake all sorts of desserts and love to customize their crafts. Bakers use dye to elevate their creations from mere confections to edible works of art. Dyes serve a functional role, too, signaling flavor variations or thematic elements. With a steady hand and an eye for detail, they incorporate dyes into their recipes, infusing each masterpiece with vibrant hues that captivate the senses. The Simple Dye Mixer houses multiple reservoirs, each containing a vibrant hue of dye. With the push of a button, these dyes are dispensed in carefully measured quantities, their streams going through a tube and into a Mixing Bowl. The dye is then dripped onto vanilla frosting. Here, a mixer is then activated. As the two colors combine, their individual pigments bring to life a different shade altogether. The once-separate colors morph and meld, guided by the programming within the machine. Gradually, a radiant spectrum of hues emerges. From subtle gradients to bold contrasts, the Simple Dye Mixer delivers an endless array of possibilities. Whether crafting custom textiles, designing vibrant artworks, or formulating bespoke cosmetics, this marvel of technology empowers creators to explore the vast spectrum of color with unparalleled ease and precision.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, peristaltic pump, Motor driver
132. The Noodle Fork
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Evan Shelton, Ashton Cockerham
The Noodle Fork is a motorized fork that allows people to simply hold a button on its handle, and the pronged head of the fork will spin so that it automatically bundles up their noodles, saving time and effort and making the process easier.
Sensors and Devices: 1 Arduino, 2 9V DC Motors, 1 Tactile Switch, 1 MOSFET transistor, 1 MPU-6050 Accelerometer
133. Automatic Steak Cooker-Tron
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Ricky Carmona, Joseph Waguespack, Gavin Whittington
Cooking a perfect steak consistently is very difficult. Sometimes it is too pink on the inside, sometimes it’s overcooked, and sometimes there isn’t a nice sear. The Automatic Steak Cooker-Tron solves these issues every time! Just insert the steak, press a button, walk away, and come back when it is done, remove the steak and enjoy! This means cooking a steak is no longer an active task because it can fully and safely cook passively while focusing precious time on other things. The Automatic Steak Cooker-Tron uses temperature probes to monitor the internal temperature to ensure a perfect internal temperature every time. The hot plates get up to 392 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that the perfect brown sear is so desired, and they move on their own to ensure safety. There is no need to flip the steak since the plates will perfectly sear the steak on both sides at the same time. No more guessing if the steak is seared enough on the bottom before flipping and searing inconsistently on both sides. Any excess grease drains into a catch basin that can be easily changed out and replaced, and a simple wipe of the plates, once it’s cooled, is all the cleaning needed.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino, three temperature probes, current sensor, IR sensor, 12V DC motor, twelve 12V heating elements rated for 200 degrees Celsius, 12V 66 amp power supply
134. Smart Table Assistant
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Zachary Hill, James Wiggins
Our project is designed to assist those who require the assistance of another individual at all times to get their medication or to bring them food/drink. Many people do not have others in their lives who can assist them around the clock, and that’s why we have decided on this idea. our project is a simplification of this idea due to time and budget constraints but still achieves the basic functions of our final goal.
Sensors and Devices: 2x ping sensor, Bluetooth module
135. Pill Pal
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Caleb Spurlock, Evan Farbe, Brandon Stokley
Our project, the “Pill Pal,” is an automatic pill dispenser that is made to help those suffering from a mental disorder remember to take the medication given to them. Some people have trouble remembering certain things, and what medication you need to take is certainly not one you would want to forget. The Pill Pal will help them remember to take this medication throughout the week and give out the right pill amount for that certain day.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino GIGA Display Sheild, Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi, and 8 servo motors
136. Vinyl Record Shuffler
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Peyton McDonough, Parker Roark
Our invention involves a vinyl record player automatically switching to the appropriate song on the vinyl’s face. Pushing one of the buttons causes the tonearm to move upward and swivel to the tune of choice before gradually dropping onto the disc and playing it.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, Two Nema 17 Stepper Motors, Two A4988 Stepper Motor Drivers, Two 12 Volt Adapters
137. Handshake Helper
Advisor: Dr. David Hall
Team Members: Jude Storch, Matthew Williamson, Sam Blake
Handshake Helper is a machine with a robotic hand that will judge your handshake. The Handshake Helper does this by using a multitude of sensors embedded in the hand to sense and judge the quality of your handshake. It uses a force-sensitive sensor to decide if you are squeezing too hard or too soft and a humidity and temperature sensor to measure the moisture of your hand. The hand on the machine itself is 3D-printed with little holes carved out of parts of it to put the sensors in. The results of the sensors will be put on a screen in separate sections for pressure and heat. You will have a score in each section, and it will be compared to the perfect handshake. You will be able to see exactly how close you were to the perfect handshake and what you should do to change it. If your handshake is within a certain range of the perfect handshake, the section or sections that you did well in will light up green. The score for the best handshake will also be stored at the top of the screen so you can see who is better than you.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, Force Sensor, Humidity, and Temperature sensor
138. Glimpse-n-Go
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Rabab Moqer, Ethan Blanchard, Aspen Woodall
The “Glimpse-n-Go” is an innovative automated locking system that is a convenient alternative to traditional security methods. It features a compact and versatile design that eliminates the tedious hassle of keeping up with excessive keys. Furthermore, it comes as a complete kit that is easy to install in almost any drawer or cabinet. At its core, the “Glimpse-n-Go” is powered by a Raspberry Pi that incorporates face recognition capabilities to allow for seamless access. By using a webcam, the Raspberry Pi can capture images of faces that are attempting to gain access to the locked drawer or cabinet. The system is able to take these images and swiftly analyze and compare them against stored profiles to verify access. Once it determines a successful match, the Raspberry Pi transmits a wireless signal to an Arduino Nano that uses a servo to activate the locking mechanism. To add an extra layer of convenience and security to the system, after a specified time period has elapsed, the “Glimpse-n-Go” is able to lock itself automatically. Gone are the days of flipping through cumbersome key rings or memorizing passcodes, now all it takes is a quick glimpse!
Sensors and Devices: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, Arduino Nano 33 IOT, Tower Pro MG90S Standard Servo, Full HD 1080P USB Computer Web Camera
139. Ping Pong Statcast
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Aidan Cole, Declan Larakers, James Davis
Our project is a stat tracker that can be used for ping-pong. It is modeled after the MLB stat cast that measures pitch speed and exit velocity, amongst other baseball stats. We decided that we should adapt this technology to be used to find velocity and count volleys between points because of the lack of availability in ping pong tracking systems to the everyday person. We decided to find velocity using ping sensors to detect when a ball crosses the net. When the ball crosses the ping sensor a timer is started until the ping sensor no longer detects a ball, at which point the time would be recorded. Then the distance the ball traveled is divided by the time recorded by the timer, and a velocity is computed in in/ms, which we convert to a more common term of m/s or mph. The velocity will be displayed every time it is computed, and the highest velocity will stay shown on the LCD display until the program is ended. The number of volleys will be recorded by the number of times a velocity was given and will be counted for the length of the game. We plan to make an apparatus that vices to the side of the ping pong table on which the ping sensor is mounted and, on the bottom and/or the side of the vice device, the Arduino board and LCD will be mounted. This allows all spectators and competitors to easily access the latest velocities, highest velocity, and number of volleys.
Sensors and Devices: Two Ping Sensors, 4×20 LCD Display, 555 timer chip
140. Awareness Hat
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Spencer Authement, Caden Gardner, Damion Riggs
The Awareness Hat is a device geared for people with visual impairments. It is a smart system built into a hat that allows the wearer to have a heightened sense of their surroundings. It works by having a ping sensor emit ultrasonic sound waves and detect when the sound waves echo off nearby objects. When an object is detected within a predefined distance threshold, the ping sensor sends a signal to the Arduino to turn on the vibration motor, providing haptic feedback to the wearer. The Awareness Hat has six ping sensors strategically positioned to cover a wide range of directions for better accuracy. The vibration motors will have different levels of intensity. For example, a gentle vibration will indicate an object is nearby, while a more pronounced vibration may signal imminent collision. The intended audience is visually impaired who, do not have a good sense of their surroundings, and might need additional help to navigate. While the walking stick is great for detecting obstacles on the ground, the Awareness Hat aids with obstructions that are elevated and/or more at eye level. The intended design is for the system to be attachable to different types of hats for the user’s preference.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino Nano, six ping sensors, four vibration motors
141. KnockLock
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Matthew Longo, Lauren Poole, Peyton Little
The KnockLock is an innovative device that focuses on addressing a common inconvenience: not having hands available to grab keys to open locks. This is a universal experience that anyone who has hauled groceries into their house has gone through. The device is simply attached to the door through the suction cups on the bottom of it, meaning that there is no permanent damage to the door to which it is being placed. Then the motor is routed through and hooked up to the lock. Using extensive coding through Arduino and a piezo speaker to serve as the microphone, the device is able to store a particular series of knocks by their cadence and vibrations set by the owner. When inputted correctly, This series of knocks can then be used to activate the motor, which opens the lock. The device is also capable of resetting when it comes to a wrong series of knocks to stop unwanted guests from entering. The KnockLock has the potential for many more additions and improvements, such as a camera that takes a picture when the wrong series of knocks is inputted and Bluetooth capability that can be paired with a phone.
Sensors and Devices: Piezo speaker, Motor, Arduino
142. Foldie Woldie
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Aidan Grillo, Riley Ovalle, Bilal Kandil
Our Invention, the Foldy Woldy, will make laundry around the house easier for everyone, especially kids. This project is mainly meant to be used by kids, which allows them to help with laundry without messing it up. We used the BoxLegend V3 folding board as the base for our design. The whole base is elevated by legs of extruded aluminum. Some of the legs are magnetically attachable so that they may be removed to fold the machine all the way for more efficient storage. At each turning point, we installed and programmed servos that were attached to 3D-printed hinges. The 3 servos will do all the work for you with just the wave of a hand(literally). We used an IR LED and receiver to detect hand motion above the board that signals the servo code to run. This will then neatly fold your shirt and play a completion noise through a piezo speaker. Everything is wired to an Arduino, which is attached to the bottom, out of the way. This invention could be further improved by adding an option for folding pants as well as having the IR sensor directly sense when an article of clothing is placed on the board. This would make the machine more applicable in different scenarios and improve the ease of use.
Sensors and Devices: 3 Standard Servos(DSSERVO), Arduino board, IR sensor, and piezo speaker
143. NeuroGuard Helmet
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Sage Hargove, Anthony Guernsey, My’Keilyn Francis
Our project, the NeuroGuard Helmet, will be used for many recreational activities, such as biking or rock climbing. It is a helmet that will have a cloth interior to make it extra comfortable, with a 3D printed TPU helmet on top to ensure adjustability and an ability to fit all heads, and then the real helmet on top of that. This will protect our Arduino, which will measure the force on vital areas of the head, such as the temples and the back of the head. If this force exceeds a certain amount, it will automatically text an emergency contact that the user gives. All information is acquired through the Dabble app, which is an app on the smartphone that can be quickly downloaded, and once downloaded, you can quickly connect Bluetooth to the smart helmet. It will ask for the user’s name, their emergency contact’s name, and their emergency contact’s phone number. This will be powered through lithium batteries in a coin battery holder, giving it quite a significant lifespan. This project will also be very easy to enhance, such through additions like GPS tracking and an accelerometer, which would give it the ability to give information on where the user is and the accelerometer would boost the emergency contact’s ability to understand how severe the hit is.
Sensors and Devices: 8 Force Sensors, Bluetooth, SIM7000 Shield Kit, Arduino NANO
144. Angry Elephant
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: William Ransbottom, Sahej Dhillon, Jeremy Beaner
The Angry Elephant is a universal pill reminder that works with 30-, 40-, and 60-dram pill bottles. Currently, the product uses Walmart pharmacy pill bottles are used as a base on which a sleeve is slid. After the sleeves are placed onto the bottle, the lid for the sleeve is placed on top of that can be sealed and unsealed. The attachment for pill bottles connects to phones via Bluetooth and allows for the logging of medications when they are taken. The attachment not only reminds the user when to take the pills but also can notify the user if the pill has been taken or not in the case that they are interrupted whilst taking the pills and do not finish the process. The attachment uses irritation methods to provoke a user into finishing the process of taking the pills to prevent a forgetful user from under or overdosing. These irritation methods include a flashing light, which has an inconsistent pattern, along with a speaker that produces multiple different notes in quick succession, creating a grating sound to the ear. These can only be stopped once the pill bottle is closed but will resume if the sequence for the confirmation of taking the pills is not completed.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, One Bluetooth Module, One Piezo Speaker, One Button
145. Auto Brake
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Ramey Demaree, Isabella Cockerham, Dawson Hebert
Our project design is an aftermarket automatic brake system. It is aimed at aiding new drivers who are learning to be attentive to their surroundings and to ease the minds of parents worried for their kids. The system will identify an impending collision and engage the brakes using the linear actuator, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidents and mitigating their severity.
Its retrofit capability ensures accessibility to a wide range of vehicle models, allowing safety innovations to be beyond factory-fitted options. Furthermore, our aftermarket automatic brake system is not just a technological marvel but a testament to our commitment to making roads safer for everyone. By seamlessly integrating with existing vehicles, it provides a cost-effective solution that prioritizes safety without compromising on performance or convenience. With the implementation of a distance and speed sensor, our automatic brakes will be able to sense how quickly an object is approaching and if you are going to be able to prevent the accident on your own. If you are unable to stop in time, the brakes will be initiated at your place. This ensures that new drivers and parents can enjoy the benefits of enhanced safety without the cumbersome price tag that comes with newer cars.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino uno, piezo speaker, linear actuator, PING sensor, motor, motor driver, speed sensor
146. Budget Bath
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Ashton Alston, Caleb Self, Josh Monk, Matthew Baffes
The Budget Bath is an innovative smart bath system designed to optimize your bathing experience while efficiently managing water usage and temperature. Equipped with two solenoid valves, two water flow sensors, and two temperature sensors, this system offers precise control over both hot and cold water inputs. The solenoid valves act as automated gates that control the flow of water into the bath based on inputs from the temperature and flow sensors, ensuring that only the required amount of water is used, reducing waste. The inclusion of separate sensors for hot and cold water allows the Budget Bath to monitor and record the usage of each, providing real-time data on the volume of hot water remaining. This is particularly useful for managing energy consumption, as it prevents the unnecessary heating of additional water and helps in maintaining optimal hot water levels for immediate or future use. Users can set their desired water temperature and bath duration via a user-friendly interface. The system then calculates the mix of hot and cold water needed to achieve the specified temperature.
As the bath fills, the flow sensors continuously monitor the volume of water, adjusting the solenoids to maintain the correct temperature and shut off once the desired bath volume is reached. This automation not only conserves water and energy but also enhances comfort by preparing the perfect bath according to personal preferences and specified timings. Overall, the Budget Bath offers a sophisticated solution that brings together convenience, efficiency, and customization in water management for a luxurious bathing experience tailored exactly to your needs.
Sensors and Devices: Two Water Flow Sensors 1/2”, Two Brass Solenoid 1/2”, Two IR Infrared Temperature Sensor, Two Arduino Unos
147. W.A.S.P (Weight of Amputee Sensor for Prosthetics)
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Madison Marshall, Josephine Day
Prosthetics are used constantly in the medical field for those with amputees. One of the biggest issues with a prosthetic is that those using the prosthetic must maintain a certain weight. This is to ensure the best overall fit for the prosthetic since many are custom-made to fit each patient specifically. This can cause issues because many patients tend not to see the weight changes until it becomes uncomfortable for everyday wear. This leads to a new prosthetic being made to accommodate this change. While this is part of maintenance, it can take weeks for the newer prosthetic to come in while the patient is still experiencing pain. Our design aims to fix this waiting time that is experienced. Our project uses a conductive rubber cord that changes resistance levels as the band stretches. This band is attached directly to the prosthetic and touches the patient’s limb. The changes in resistance levels can help tell the patient and their doctor of any trends toward a higher weight gain or loss. These changes can let the doctor and patient know sooner when a new prosthetic is needed so that there is no need for as long of wait times on receiving a new prosthetic. A Bluetooth sensor is used to send this information to the patient on their phone so that they are constantly aware of new changes regarding their health.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, Bluetooth sensor, conductive rubber cord
148. KEVIN: Keyboard Educator Virtual INstructor
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Micah Young, Jordan Crum
KEVIN (Keyboard Educator Virtual INstructor) is intended to teach children or adults to sightread music by making the learning process a game. This is important because playing an instrument has been proven to help build cognitive abilities in young children, slow the decline of cognitive abilities in older adults, and boost happiness and mental health in all ages. KEVIN receives input from the MIDI keyboard to the Arduino, and the Arduino sends the data to the computer. The computer will show the desired note and the note being played in a window on the screen, and the person using the keyboard will attempt to match the notes and play the correct one. Notes that are played correctly will be rewarded with points, while notes that are not played correctly will not be rewarded with any points at all. The point system is based on the concept of positive reinforcement and has been proven to be effective on all people, including children with short attention spans. KEVIN will be a motivational tool for learning to read music, and with its points system, there will be more incentive to go back and learn more. This device is meant to be used as an individual learning tool or possibly for a classroom setting. It can teach learners where all the notes are on the keyboard so that they can gain the required foundational knowledge for future musical adventures.
Sensors and Devices: USB host shield, MIDI keyboard, speaker/synthesizer
149. SmokeWise Monitor
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Lucas Robb, Natalie McCollum
The SmokeWise Monitor is a preventative smoke alarm to keep your smoke detector from inconveniently going off. The device works by detecting smoke at a more sensitive rate than typical smoke alarms. On the device is a knob to adjust the sensitivity of the alarm to ensure it will go off at an appropriate time. When the alarm detects the set amount of smoke, it will nicely alert the user their overhead smoke alarms may go off soon. This device would ideally be useful in small kitchens or dorm settings where a small amount of smoke, unrelated to a fire, would set off the overhead alarm. In a home setting, overhead alarms can cause chaos. In a dormitory setting, overhead alarms will cause everyone to evacuate and emergency vehicles to arrive. While these precautions are necessary for actual emergencies, most of the time, there is no fire. A simple case of burning butter could cost the school money, disrupt students’ time, and waste emergency services. The fix is as follows. When the SmokeWise Monitor‘s alarm goes off, exterminate the smoke with a fan or, by any other means, turn off the SmokeWise Monitor and continue cooking without a fire alarm hassle.
Sensors and Devices: MQ-135 Sensor, Potentiometer, LED, Button, Piezo Speaker, Arduino
150. Package Locker
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski
Team Members: Dallas Yentzen, Nicholas Fryar, William Kessler
For our engineering project, we decided to focus on package theft. To accomplish this, we decided to construct an at-home Dropbox. This came in the form of a 3ft tall, 2ft wide, and 2ft thick secure box. For the purposes of demonstration, our box is made only out of wood and foam board, however, in the publicly available model, it would have a sheet metal cover and wooden support to prevent bending. This box has a one-way drop shoot similar in construction to the blue post office boxes and the flap on many vending machines. The security features of this box, which we have named the Package Locker, consist of a keypad lock, an infrared sensor, and an accelerometer. The keypad is hooked up to a servo motor that will operate a sliding bolt for the access door on the back of the Package Locker, which will be how the owner retrieves the package from the device. The infrared sensor will activate the accelerometer as a security measure so that alarms will not go off if the device is empty. The accelerometer is linked to a piezo speaker that will sound an alarm if the Package Locker is shaken when a package is present within the device.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one IR sensor, Accelerometer, Keypad, Servo, LED
151. Smart Hopper
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Aaron Ritch, Christian Bock, Grant Felton
The Smart Hopper is a novel method to store and dispense a wide array of dry, powdered ingredients. This product has the intended design to improve the quality of life in everyday cooking activities. By storing ingredients in the Smart Hopper, users know where their ingredients are stored, ensure precise measurement, and don’t have to worry about the hassle of spillage or cleanup! The product has a simple interface and is constructed out of simple parts. This translates to a user-friendly experience, a cheap cost, and relatively easy repair/troubleshooting. The user’s desired ingredient is placed in the main body of the hopper, which serves as a dedicated storage area. Then, through the use of a potentiometer, the user can twist the dial to change the amount of the good (by weight) to be dispensed (current weight in storage and desired good will be displayed on an LCD screen). After making this selection, the user simply presses a button, and the hopper expels the desired amount. All weight readings are accomplished through the use of two 10kg load cells, ensuring a proper degree of precision with robust measurement capability. Additionally, the interface can withstand unreasonable inputs without harm to device functionality. With a little help from the Smart Hopper, cooking can become a lot easier!
Sensors and Devices: Arduino, two 10kg Sparkfun load cells (bar-type), HX711 load cell amplifier, 100kOhm potentiometer, two momentary switches, L298N motor driver, motor included with 120 kit.
152. The Great Gate
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Bryleigh Wickham, Mason Smith, Lathan Whiddon, Luke Vining
Our project, The Great Gate, is designed to solve the issue of lack of seating at outdoor events such as tailgating, fishing, sitting around a bonfire, etc. We took a tailgate from a truck and implemented a comfortable seat that conveniently opens and closes at the push of a button. The seat will remain flush with the rest of the tailgate when closed, allowing the bed of the truck to still be easily accessed. It will open to form a chair that provides a place to relax anywhere you want. The Great Gate also eliminates the need to pack chairs when traveling to these events. It is there whenever you need it! The seat can be activated by either an RF transmitter in a key fab or through the Dabble app on your phone using Bluetooth. Pressing one button activates the two motors inside the tailgate, which causes the seat back to open. The seat can be closed by simply pressing a different button. The seat back is made to be strong enough to support a person sitting down. The Great Gate allows you to spend more time doing what you love outdoors without the added stress of packing chairs or spending hours standing.
Sensors and Devices: one Arduino, one RF transmitter/receiver pair, one HC-05 Bluetooth Module, two Greartisan DC Motors
153. Automatic Storm Shutters
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Jacob Brewster, Christopher Pettis, Jacob Cobb
Window protection like no other! Your house is an investment, and you want to protect your money. Some of the most vulnerable locations in your house are your windows. These weak spots are susceptible to major damage from extreme weather events such as hurricanes and tornadoes. If you do not properly protect your house then you may suffer extreme financial loss. One way to protect your windows is to install storm shutters that can cover them; however, this can turn into a hassle if you have to close each one before or during a storm manually. The automation of the process is convenient because, during a storm, you are focused on either grabbing important items from your house or completely abandoning your house. Luckily, our group has designed a product that will be hands-off and completely automatic. Whenever a storm approaches, the barometric pressure drops due to all of the warm air rising. This product features automatic storm shutters that will read the barometric pressure of the atmosphere and close whenever it senses a drop from the average range of barometric pressure. Whenever the storm passes and the barometric pressure rises, the shutters will open back up, returning to their regular state. We have also implemented a Bluetooth sensor that will allow the user to control the shutters from their phone manually, overriding the function of the sensor. With our project, the windows on your house will be protected from every storm, and you won’t have to lift a finger!
Sensors and Devices: An Arduino, Motor Driver, Two Linear Actuators, Barometric Pressure Sensor, Bluetooth Device
201. Remote Flex
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Brayden Barnes, Nathan Silvernale, Elijah Miller, Brendan O’Toole
Remote Flex is a device that uses accelerometer data to control a television based on what the user prefers. Accelerometer data can detect if the user’s hand tilts forward, backward, left, and right. It can be calibrated using IR signal detection. Activating a setting by triggering both touch sensors can allow for the control of different television sets. Simply point your remote at it and it will control the television based on the signals you have sent to it. Different signals can be sent by touching your index or middle finger with your thumb. All of the directions that are supported with the Remote Flex include forwards, backward, right, left, touch 1 + forwards, touch 1 + backward, touch 1 + right, touch 1 + left, touch 2 + forwards, touch 2 + backward, touch 2 + right, and touch 2 + left. It has a recharge-friendly battery and can be carried anywhere in your household. A 0.96-inch OLED screen supported by i2c bus terminals, in which all components are controlled by an Arduino Nano, will show the nds featured with each direction. This allows for the user to look at it for reference, as it may be difficult for the user to remember the, nds associated with the direction on their own.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Nano, IR led, IR receiver, MPU6050 accelerometer, 0.96” OLED screen, Two TTP223 Capacitive Touch Sensors, 48” TV, 9V Li-ion Rechargeable Battery
202. RemoteFinder
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Josh Horak, Zach Howe, Sam Jones, Michael Frazier
The RemoteFinder is a device that will be dedicated to finding a lost remote by attaching it to the back of the remote and using its features to locate it. Its features consist of using a speaker and an LED to locate the remote when it can’t be found. It can be activated by using a Bluetooth app to control its features and turn it on and off. It can be attached to the back of your remote with your choice of adhesive.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino Nano, one Bluetooth sensor, one LED, one speaker, and one battery
203. Smart Greenheart Garden
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Amerie Brown, Allison Johnson, Connor Driskell
The purpose of the Smart Greenheart Garden is to make a system that can allow people in places like urban cities to grow their own nutritional foods. It will also account for an improved quality of air in your home. Here’s a breakdown of the components that will be added to this project. The moisture sensor will allow users to know when they should effectively water their plants without having to waste water in the process. Along with that, a piezo speaker will be used to help notify the user of that indication. Next, to provide the plants with a sustainable temperature, a thermistor will document the current humidity of the plant’s surroundings to communicate to the fan and heater when they should turn on or off for the plant to grow effectively. Finally, we will have a photoresistor used to indicate when there is or isn’t enough light available for the plant. If enough light is not detected for the plant to grow, there will again be another type of notification given out by the piezo speaker to indicate light is needed for the plant if the user does not give it enough. Finally, to ensure that our sensors and devices will work to their maximum potential, the circuitry for our project will work at 120V.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, one moisture sensor, one photoresistor, one thermistor, one piezo speaker, one fan, one hairdryer, one LED
204. Blind Man’s Guide
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: James Welch, Parker Kennedy, Gabe Amorello, Raymond Godail
The Blind Man’s Guide is an attachment system created for a blind person’s mobility cane. The system has two main parts that are vital in its function. The first part is a PING sensor near the bottom of the cane that is used to measure the distance from the cane to any possible tripping hazards. The PING will relay the relative distance to a vibrating motor that will be located near the handle of the cane, so the closer you get to an object, the harder the vibration giving you a better estimate of the distance of the object. The PING will be placed on a GoPro-like mount allowing the PING sensor’s height and what it is looking at to be changed, making it more customizable relative to the customer. The second main component of the project is a sound component that will allow door and office plaques to be more visually impaired-friendly. It works by using two transceivers one in the cane and then another in the plaque. The transceiver in the cane sends a signal to the one in the plaque that it is in the set distance using radio waves. The plaque transceiver then sends a signal to a text-to-speech device that has a speaker hooked up to the output. The speaker will output the coded information which would be the same as braille on the plaque. The project is intended to help visually impaired people with senses other than just hearing.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arudinos, Two Breadboards, Two 2.4 Ghz Transceivers, PING))) sensor, Emic 2 Text-to-Speech, a speaker, a vibrating motor
205. Aqua Log
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Andrew Faulkner, Cody Fuller, Liam Connell, Samuel Baker
We are designing a replacement for the standard water bottle for our Engineering Design Project. It is called the Aqua Log. Instead of tracking water consumption based on the measurement lines on the bottle, we are using a weight sensor that will track the weight deficit over time. The components besides the weight sensor include an accelerometer, an Arduino Nano, and a Bluetooth transceiver. The Aqua Log attachment is designed so that you can place it on the bottom of the water bottle. This is useful because we want the user to be able to take the water bottle out and wash it without needing to account for the electronics. An additional functionality is the app that comes with the water bottle. This app displays the total amount of water consumed by the user. The app is only available to Android devices due to iOS incompatibility. The power source of the product is a battery pack that is capable of powering the system for days at a time. This pack can be easily accessed within the attachment if necessary to replace the batteries. Our product will help many health-conscious individuals meet their water intake goals successfully.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino Nano, One Digital Weight Sensor (SEN0160), one Accelerometer, One Bluetooth Transceiver
206. At- Home Physical Therapy
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Kyra Poree’, Samuel Morgan, Liberty Hasse, Isabella Clardy
The At-Home Physical Therapy device is a new option for physical therapy patients, specifically concerning the knee and elbow! This device works from a computer camera that tracks the position of the physical device, alerting the patient if they over-extend the injured joint; note that a laptop with a camera is required for this device. The patient can simply strap the device to their leg, ensuring that the colored points are facing the camera, and start the program to begin stretching the joint. The patient also has the option to provide stimulation to the area around the joint with a built-in tensing unit! The At-Home Physical Therapy device is not meant to replace physical therapy, it is meant to assist the healing process. This new option is beneficial in many ways, including comfort, cost, and convenience! Although physical therapy is not typically comfortable, the comfort of this device comes from the ability to use it at home! While this unit is not meant to replace physical therapy, it is cost-effective because the patient is stretching the joint between therapy visits, ensuring that the patient isn’t stagnant between visits, therefore requiring less time in physical therapy and fewer payments per visit. Finally, this product is convenient because it can be used in a variety of different settings: at home, in the office, and even on vacation!
Sensors and Devices: one Arduino, one photoresistor, one laptop camera, one laptop speaker, 3 LEDs
207. Automated Spice Cabinet
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Spencer Towns, Wesley Binog, Joshua Thorson, Aiden Thomas
The Automated Spice Cabinet will make storing and retrieving spices from your storage more convenient. It is composed of a c-shaped extruded aluminum frame connected by 3d printed corners, a series of pulleys connected by steel bolts to the outer edges of the frame, a long piece of twine connecting each of the pulleys, custom spice containers attached to the twine, an Arduino with a motor driver wired onto a breadboard. a motor connected by steel bolts to the center of the frame and wired to the Arduino, a 4×4 matrix keypad on the front of the frame wired to the Arduino, two limit switches along the sides of the frame wired to the Arduino, and a rectangular exterior cut from plywood that has a window to retrieve a spice container. This device is operated by inputting a specific key combination into the 4×4 matrix keypad. This activates the motor, which pulls the twine and spice containers until the desired spice container reaches the window where it can be retrieved. The limit switches detect the position of the spice containers, which is how the device knows when to stop pulling the twine. The motor driver signals the motor at the desired speed and direction.
Sensors and Devices: Two limit switches, one 4×4 matrix keypad, one motor, one Arduino, one motor driver
208. Aqua Guard
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: James Toal, Kamble Luttrell, Jack Granger
The Aqua Guard is designed to save people who cannot swim from drowning in swimming pools. After the client is done swimming, all they would have to do is press a button on their phone that activates the system. Whenever the sensors detect motion crossing the plane of the water, they will automatically set an alarm off. The detected sensors will also cause lights to begin flashing in hopes that someone there will know that someone or something has fallen into the pool. In case there is nobody in the vicinity of the pool, a Bluetooth sensor will be installed so that a notification of someone living at that house is sent to the phone. Since we want this to be the last resort, we have also installed four PING sensors covering the perimeter of the pool that set off an alarm if someone or something crosses. This will hopefully make the person or animal turn around and get away from the pool. Even though the main point of our design is safety, it can also be installed as a security system. A good example of this would be to have it implemented in hotels to let the workers know if someone is swimming past hours. The Aqua Guard is a design that will save lives around the world.
Sensors and Devices: PING))), Bluetooth, PIR, IR, LEDs, Piezo/speaker
209. Smart Microphone
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Jordan Pieri, Grace Burke, Carter Pratt
This Microphone will have a compartment wrapped around the handle that will hold an Arduino Pro Mini as well as a laser ping sensor and an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The compartment will have a small opening on top for the laser ping sensor to sit on. The laser ping sensor will measure the distance from the user’s face to the microphone. The laser ping sensor will send the distance measured to the mini-Arduino, which will then map the values to the new speaker values. The HC-05 module on the microphone will send the values to another HC-05 that will be linked to an Arduino Uno along with our speaker. The mini-Arduino, laser ping sensor, and the HC-05 Bluetooth module are powered through a 3.7V lithium-ion battery also located on the microphone. The Arduino Uno is wired to the speaker through a spliced wire between the actual speaker and the wiring. Using the values sent, the Arduino Uno will adjust the volume of the speaker according to how far or close the user holds the microphone to their face. Thus, the sound emitting from the speaker itself is at the same volume level, no matter the distance from the user to the microphone.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, Two HC-05 Bluetooth Modules, Laser Ping Sensor, 3.7V Lithium Ion Battery, Speaker with paired Microphones
210. Glow-Guide
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Hayden Savoie, Jeffrey Barker, Jackson Phelps
The Glow Guide is a solution to a fundamental disadvantage that every motorist experiences – the ability to see at night. Any person with a license and driven at night can understand that being aware of the surroundings, particularly other people, is rather challenging. As a motorist, encounters with bikers, walkers, and other pedestrians can often end in a common thought: ‘I’m glad I saw them in time.’ To combat these visual failures, many wearable luminescent products have been designed to allow the pedestrian to be more visible to the common motorist, inherently increasing the safety factor for night-time travel. Our project sought to address a population that is often not considered in these designs- the visually impaired. The Glow Guide combines cane travel and night-time visibility into one product, reducing the need for other wearables and adding convenience for night travel in blind populations. This product not only adds convenience but drastically mitigates night-time risk with bright LEDs that automatically turn on according to the light levels read in. Importantly, they allow motorists to be much more aware of their presence. In addition to the LEDs, a system of distance indication was included, attempting to give the visually impaired people a better sense of location in space when traversing foreign environments.
Sensors and Devices: HR-SO4 (distance sensor), Photoresistor(Digikey), Amomii Individually-Addressable Glow LEDs, DIANN Vibration Motor, Arduino Uno
211. Seat Sense
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Jena Lancaster, Gavin Wilcox, Madeline Krzystowczyk, Olivia Legg
Our project is an automatic toilet seat and lid. The point of the project is to make the toilet as contactless as possible. When the bathroom light is turned on, the lid will raise automatically. If the individual needs to raise the seat of the toilet, they will wave / gesture at the left side of the toilet at the IR sensor, and the seat will raise. When the individual needs to put the seat back down, they will wave / gesture at the IR sensor on the right side of the toilet, and the seat will lower itself. And when the light turns back off, the lid will lower itself again.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, two Object Avoidance Infrared Sensors, two 25kg 270* Servos, one photoresistor
212. Smart Deer Feeder
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Declan Bostick, Mason Skipper, Alex Soriano Leon, Michael Spurlock
Our smart deer feeder is an innovative device designed to enhance the efficiency and convenience of putting out feed for deer. The main capabilities our Smart Deer Feeder will have are its Bluetooth compatibility and the ability to control the motor, remotely dispensing the feed for the deer. The Bluetooth connection from the feeder to the website/device will show you the percentage of feed that is in the container, and it will allow you to dispense feed directly from your device. The percentage shown on your device makes it more convenient and provides less time wasted for hunters, so they do not have to go out and check the feed on-site. The way the data on the website/device works is by an Arduino collecting data via the use of an IR sensor translating the distance gathered by the sensor into a percentage of the feed left inside the container to a website on your device.
Sensors and Devices: One HC-05 Bluetooth Module, One Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR Distance Sensor, One Mini Micro N20 Gear Motor DC 3V-6V, One Arduino
213. Musicians Dream
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Jacob James, Carter Helms, Ethan Wagnon
The Musicians Dream is a device that uses an Arduino Uno and an Adafruit microphone in order to receive incoming audio frequencies and output the corresponding musical notes using Fast Fourier Transform, FFT, onto either a computer screen or an LCD screen. The microphone on the device is movable so that it can be adjusted to the position with the least audio interference and so that it can be as close to the instrument as possible. If plugged into a computer with the program running, the notes will be displayed as guitar tabs on a GUI. If not plugged in, the device will simply display the current note on an LCD display on its casing. The GUI is programmed via Python and runs using the Tkinter and Pyserial Libraries. TKinter is used to create the GUI, while Pyserial is used to get the data from the Arduino serial monitor into usable data in Python. The entire device is inside a 3D-printed case, specially designed to be portable yet sturdy.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, AdaFruit Microphone, LCD Display Screen
214. Nonverbal Autistic Soundboard
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Mario Martinez-Valadez, Landry Pyles, Kaleb Jackson
The Nonverbal-Autistic Soundboard’s purpose is to give people who suffer from conditions that render them nonverbal a way to communicate. It does this by having buttons from a matrix keypad that trigger a soundboard that outputs set words. These words are set to have the most broad applications and interactions with one another in both emergency situations and daily living. One button maps to one phrase, and with the soundboard having 11 outputs, these words have been carefully chosen to be effective on their own and produce more complex ideas when combined. It is meant to be portable and easy to use so that anyone of any age can benefit from it. With portability, issues arise with any sensory disturbances that this product may cause, which is why multiple attachment points will be available, such as a clip for a belt/belt loop as well as a standard lanyard-type attachment. It could also be clipped to a backpack or other clothing item. The soundboard used is compatible with any kind of speaker that uses an aux cord. This means that family members can use earbuds to quietly hear what the person is saying, or a small speaker can be attached to loudly communicate their needs.
Sensors and Devices: 1 Arduino, 4×4 Matrix Membrane Keypad, 1 Audio FX Sound Board (SOLDERED), One 3.5 mm Aux Input Mini Portable Speaker for Mobile Devices
215. Crisis Clear
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Nicole Guidry, Molly Kern, Lillian Land, Piper Smith
Crisis Clear is an all-encompassing emergency water purification system, integrating a 5-gallon collection tank, a 1.2-gallon pitcher, a water pump, PING))) sensor, water purification tablets, a weight sensor, and a servo-based dispenser. Operationally, the system begins with the weight sensor under the pitcher, which triggers the water pump when the total weight falls below a preset threshold. This prompts the transfer of water from the collection tank into the pitcher until the desired weight is attained, at which point the pump ceases. Subsequently, the dispenser’s servos are activated, initiating the release of water purification tablets into the pitcher through a hole in a plexiglass sheet. This process repeats three times, ensuring the purification of 1.2 gallons of water. Concurrently, a rubber duck floats to the top, signaling its near-full status as it approaches the PING))) sensor. Once within 2 inches of the sensor, a 30-minute timer on the Arduino commences to allow the tablets to dissolve fully. Upon timer completion, a green LED illuminates, indicating the water is now clean and safe for consumption. The system restarts the purification process when the weight of water in the pitcher falls below the set threshold, ensuring a continuous supply of purified water during emergencies.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, one PING))) Sensor, one Servo, one Flexiforce Sensor Demo Kit – maximum 25 lbs., one green LED, one YXQ 12V DC 6000RPM Torque Magnetic Mini Electric Motor, one Dual Motor Driver
216. The Superior Switch
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Gage Renfrow, Garrett Lee King
Our project is a hardware system that can be installed to increase the functionality of one’s light switches. By using the Superior Switch, a user can have access to different functions that expand the uses of a light switch, all while being easy to install and use. Our project is intended to act as an alternative to traditional systems that enhance light switches, which are often more difficult to implement and use. The main mechanic of our created device is the movement of a servo that then activates or deactivates a light switch. The movement of this servo is dictated by various functions built into an onboard Arduino controller. The first main function is distance activation. By utilizing a separate transmitter system connected to a separate Arduino, a receiver on the main body can be activated that will then activate the main servo, turning on or off the light switch. The second main function is light sensitivity-based activation. When activated, the Superior Switch will get an average of the ambient light in the surrounding area. Then, if the ambient light drops by a certain amount at any point, the device will activate the main servo to turn on the light switch. The third main function is time-based activation. When activated, the Superior Switch will wait for a certain amount of time to pass, such as 8 hours, and then activate the main servo, turning on or off the light switch.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, one RF transmitter/receiver pair (Xenon-Tech 433 MHz RF Transceiver Package), one photoresistor, one servo (Parallax Standard Servo)
217. Vibra-Door Alert System
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Coleman Zeringue, James McKay, Ethan Loup, Kameron Williams
“Our project is a simple yet innovative doorbell device designed to assist individuals with hearing disabilities by providing them with easier alerts. Utilizing RFID sensors, the device communicates wirelessly and activates a vibration tab upon detecting someone ringing the doorbell. The wearer, equipped with a watch-like wristband housing the necessary electronics, receives prompt notifications. We believe in the superiority of RFID sensors due to their independence from Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, offering a range of approximately 15 meters even through walls. This approach minimizes the likelihood of startling incidents frequently encountered by individuals with hearing disabilities. Our objective is to introduce a solution that enhances the daily lives of these individuals, providing them with a sense of ease and security.”
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, 2.4 GHz nRF24L01+ Transceiver, Button, Phone Vibrating motors, Arduino mini pro.
218. GateGuard
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Madelynn Russell, Amelia McDaniel, Emily Norcross, Madelyn Fitch
GateGuard the safety you need, the aesthetics you want. GateGuard is the future of child safety technology that is designed to prevent tragedy and injuries. GateGuard is not just a baby gate, it’s an advanced automatic monitoring system designed to ensure the safety of children without compromising the ease of your daily routine. Utilizing a PING sensor, a Bluetooth feature, and a piezo speaker, GateGuard detects the proximity of your child and reacts in real-time. When a child approaches, the gate automatically closes and uses a piezo speaker to alert the guardian of the child’s proximity to the gate. Once the child moves away, the gate opens. Then, the gate allows adults to pass through without the inconvenience of manual operation. When the Bluetooth feature is activated, the baby gate can be used solely through the app, and the PING sensor deactivates until Bluetooth is no longer used. Then, the PING sensor will reactivate and function as it did before. GateGuard was created with safety and aesthetics in mind. Using dense foam, the GateGuard prevents child injuries related to the gate, such as head injuries. Unlike other gates, there are no openings in the frame of the gate to prevent child injuries such as entrapment and suffocation. With this in mind, GateGuard redefines baby gates as proactive elements of home safety. By blending smart technology with a safe design, GateGuard offers peace of mind to parents and a safe environment for children to explore and grow.
Sensors and Devices: One Arduino, One ping sensor, one piezo speaker, dabble Bluetooth feature
219. MedAlert
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Joseph Matherne, Rachel Dahl
The goal of the MedAlert is to prevent people from forgetting to take their medications. Using Bluetooth connections and an encrypted, easy-to-navigate UI, our system will allow people to set reminders for medications, with systems monitoring whether or not they have actually been taken. Using a high-precision load cell, the MedAlert will monitor and communicate a designated pill bottle’s state and begin sending new alarms every few minutes until the bottle’s weight corresponds to having one dose removed. All user data is encrypted before being stored in an SQL database to keep medical information secure. We use two Raspberry Pis, one of which monitors the weight sensor and -when the GUI notices an alarm time has been met- sends the weight of the bottle via Bluetooth to the second Pi, which runs the GUI and will recognize when pills have been removed. This main part of the system will keep track of time and send an alarm to the user when it is time to take their medicine. If a pill has not been removed within a set amount of time after the alarm, it goes off again, repeating until the medication is taken. Our system can track multiple medications at a time by weighing the total amount of a single dose rather than individual pills.
Sensors and Devices: Two Raspberry Pis and a TAL220b Load Cell
220. The FRED (Fire Retardant and Extinguishing Device)
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Madison Cary, Tomás Jimenez, Sydney Skinner, Jose Deluna
The FRED (Fire Retardant and Extinguishing Device) is a home fire safety device designed for use with standard candles. The purpose of the FRED is to limit the possibility of an accidental fire from starting and spreading, resulting in a potential catastrophe. The device works by measuring the tilt of the candle container and, once a certain range has been reached, encloses the candle with a flame-resistant lid. This is achieved through a motor that rotates the lid over the candle, preventing further oxygen from entering the device. The candle flame then burns up the remaining oxygen within the device and extinguishes the flame of the candle in the process. The FRED consists of an aesthetic external shell, for the purposes of marketability, with a rotating lid, an internal cylinder that houses the candle, a base housing the sensors and circuitry, and a port to power the device. The FRED also comes with a radiofrequency keychain transmitter and its corresponding decoded receiver, which allows the lid to be opened and closed at a distance and on nd. This device was designed with the understanding that accidents happen, and adding layers of security to a home decor item that does not currently have safety layers is our main goal.
Sensors and Devices: Accelerometer, RF Sensor, Servo
221. Postal Prophet Mail Detector
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Garrett Lee, Brennan Armstrong, Oliver Scott, Luke Babin
Our design project is a mail detection system that accurately displays when mail is received inside a mailbox. This project will help eliminate the unpredictability of walking to your mailbox and not knowing if you have received your letters or small packages. We built 2 separate Arduino circuits and connected them through RF, this way you can have a standalone box that you can place anywhere in the comfort of your own home. Our sleek and simple design is battery-powered, allowing the user to place the receiver anywhere inside their home. We have implemented an IR and weight detection system that transmits an RF signal to our receiver. To account for errors in our sensors, our receiver only displays a blinking light once both sensors read something inside our box. Once the RF receiver has received the signal, it turns on an LED that signifies to the client that they have received mail. To avoid our clients having our system turn on when they put mail in their mailbox, we built a system that reads when the flag comes up and shuts off the circuit when it does. This way, we do not have a faulty reading when we receive mail. This system is reliable and affordable and helps our clients save their precious time.
Sensors and Devices: RF Receiver, RF Transmitter, IR LED, Flexiforce Weight Sensor, 2 9V Battery Pack, 2 Arduino Unos
222. Cold-Brew-Inator
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: James Kingman, Thomas Meguess, Noah Roberts
The Cold-Brew-Inator is an accompanying device to the OXO Compact Cold Brew Coffee Maker. It can hold two of these devices, and it will improve their functionality by automatically refilling and emptying them using a multi-pump system, a motor-driven valve lifting system, and various sensors all while leaving the tanks easily removable for cleaning and refilling with fresh grounds. This system will be controlled by Arduino Uno, and many sensors will be used to ensure your cold brew is perfect every time. The machine makes use of two identical tanks: one for water and one for the finished coffee. These tanks can hold up to 5 liters each. The central compartment houses all electronics and systems. It has two holes in the top, which allow the tanks to sit securely above the device’s brain. The device will pump water from the designated water tank into one of the tanks used to brew the coffee which will have a user-specified delay before it is finished. Once the specified brewing time has elapsed, the bottom valve of the tanks is opened using a motor-driven system and the drained coffee is caught and fed into a final pump up into the finished product coffee tank.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, Motor Driver, Pump, Brushed Motor, Battery Pack, Ping))), Moisture Sensor, Bluetooth
Module, Float Switch
223. Game Locker
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: John A. Bergeron, Cole Maestrini, Roy Bennett, Caleb Savoie
The Game Locker is an automated solution that has been designed to store and distribute games in a communal environment, such as the IESB. It is a perfect addition for engineering students who want to take a break from their studies and have some fun. With the Game Locker, students can access their favorite games by simply scanning a QR code that is placed on their ID. The QR code contains the student’s CWID, name, and username. Once scanned, the locker door will unlock, and the ID will be secured using the rack-and-pinion mechanism in the card slot. This ensures that the game is available for the students whenever they want to access it. To prevent the loss or theft of the game, the student’s ID will only be returned once the IR sensors on the locker confirm that the game has been returned and the door is shut. This ensures that there is no chance of anyone taking the game without returning it. The locker also keeps a log that includes the information of any ID that is scanned, so any attempted theft will be easily identified. The Game Locker is not only a safe and secure way to store and distribute games, but it also ensures an enjoyable experience for the students while maintaining a clean environment for the faculty. It helps to keep the campus organized and reduces the risk of lost or damaged games. The Game Locker is truly a must-have for any communal environment that wants to provide an excellent gaming experience for its students.
Sensors and Devices: Two Arduinos, two IR sensors (Obstacle avoidance sensor Module), one QR scanner (Barcode scanner module), one Bluetooth module
224. Excalibur Kill Switch
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Evan Leaber, Addison Brown
The Excalibur Kill Switch is a user-friendly anti-theft device that uses a Bluetooth connection to a smartphone to allow the user to disconnect and reconnect their car battery remotely. It utilizes an Arduino, relay, and Bluetooth module to control the flow of power from the battery. A phone sends a signal to the Bluetooth module, which sends a signal to the Arduino, which sends a signal to the relay, toggling disconnected and connected states. The relay is normally closed so that the battery will only be disconnected when the user toggles it with power from the Arduino. For protection and functionality, it is secured in a housing box that is locked onto the battery terminals, making it difficult to remove. Additionally, the housing box is locked, requiring a key to be opened. The application of this device is to prevent access to carjackers; if the battery is disconnected, the car cannot start. Simply click the button on your phone and walk away with peace of mind that no one can steal your car. For this expo, we will be using a motor to test the flow of power from the battery and how effective the device is at disconnecting the positive line.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, Bluetooth Module, 12v to 5v DC Converter, 12v 30A Relay, Switch, 12v Motor
225. Forget-Me-Not
Advisor: Dr. Michael Swanbom
Team Members: Caleb Weaver, Virginia Bowen
The Forget-Me-Not is a device that detects if the user has a desired object with them when leaving the house. This would prevent people from locking themselves out of their homes or driving off without a necessary item and wasting time to turn around. The user would first attach the RFID transmitter to the object they don’t want to forget. The device, which includes an Arduino, a PING Ultrasonic sensor, an RFID transmitter and receiver, a push-button, a piezo speaker, and a Bluetooth module, would be attached to a door frame, like the front door of a house. The Forget-Me-Not uses a PING Ultrasonic sensor to detect when the door it is connected to opens or closes and an RFID transmitter and receiver to detect if the user has their desired object. It utilizes a Piezo Speaker to alert users when they have forgotten their item. The user would hold their object up to the RFID receiver to turn off the device. To temporarily turn off the device, the user would use the push button on board or set a timer with a partnering mobile app. The mobile app sends and receives data to and from the Arduino to alert the user on their phone if they are missing their item or to temporarily turn off the device.
Sensors and Devices: Arduino Uno, RFID Transmitter/Receiver pair, Push-Button sensor, PING Ultrasonic sensor, Bluetooth HM-10 Module, Piezo Speaker
226. Open Lots
Advisor: Dr. John Easley
Team Members: Cody McLendon, Alexandria McLean, Grant Blouin, Samuel Owen
This project addresses the issue of wasted time, fuel, and money that comes with finding parking spaces on campus. The goal is to make the process more efficient for everyone. The device counts vehicles entering and exiting- transmitting the number of available parking spots in a given lot to an external website that adjusts in real-time, allowing anyone to save time looking for parking.
Sensors and Devices: One ESP8266 NodeNCU CP2101 ESP-12E, One HiLetgo GY-271 QMC5883L 3-5V I2C Triple Axis Compass Magnetic Sensor, Two IR Sensor-IESB, Two IR Emitter-IESB, 900mA MPPT Solar Panel Controller – 5V
227. B-yond Backpack
Advisor: Dr. Krystal Cruse
Team Members: Adam Mahfouz, Brenden Maestri, Kaden Victor
Our backpack is an advanced design of a hiking backpack. It contains a few sensors that help the hiker feel safe and keep track of some of the most important necessities. We include a GPS sensor which can gain location information based on satellite instead of service providers. This allows hikers to know their location no matter where they are. It will display the coordinate location of the hiker on the LCD screen embedded in the backpack. We have also included a water flow sensor, which will be used to measure the water entering and exiting the camel pack within the bag and to track the remaining water within the camel pack. This can be helpful for hikers to determine how much water they have and how much they will need in order to make their hike. The backpack uses an Arduino with Wi-Fi capabilities. This Arduino runs the codes for the GPS, LCD screen, and water flow sensor simultaneously, allowing the backpack to operate at peak conditions. This backpack is a hiker’s dream and an explorer’s best friend. Its best feature is its ability always to know where it is, this way you can never get lost.
Sensors and Devices: LCD Screen, GPS Ultimate Breakout, Water Flow Sensor, Photoresistor