Fall 2023 College of Engineering and Science Report
As you may know, Dr. Hisham Hegab retired after serving as Dean of the College of Engineering and Science for a decade. I plan to follow in his footsteps of steady leadership for the College. I am grateful to Dr. Daniela Mainardi, Dr. Teresa Murray, and Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore for serving as Interim Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Interim Academic Director of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Academic Director of Industrial Engineering and Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, respectively.
The Class of 2027 is one of the largest in College of Engineering and Science history and is fewer than 100 students short of a College record. I am delighted to share some of our other successes with you. Our students are constantly engaged in innovative research guided by talented faculty. Students are helping create the next generation of tools and techniques for safer cyberspace, more accurate medical diagnoses, increased engineering education engagement and engineering and science solutions for many other fields. They also continue to win national recognition, earning scholarships and winning competitions.

COES By the Numbers

Fall Enrollment
Average Starting Salary for COES Graduates with Bachelor's Degrees
First-Time Students
COES Student Fall Career Fair Participation
Average Starting Salary for COES Graduates with Master's or Doctoral Degrees
Research Expenditures

Undergraduate Degrees Conferred
Employers Recruiting COES Majors
Graduate Degrees Conferred
Meet Don Metz: COES Alumnus of the Year
Meet the COES 2023 alumnus of the year: Don Metz. Since earning their degrees in Geology and Education, Don and his wife Ann have found ways to give back to Louisiana Tech and its students. They have established two scholarships for Louisiana Tech: the Don and Ann Metz Endowed Scholarship for Engineering and the Don and Ann Metz Endowed Scholarship for Education, which have helped numerous students.
COES Dean Retires after Transformative Decade
When Dr. Hisham Hegab gave his last address as Dean of the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech’s Summer 2023 graduation, he gave graduates advice that anyone who’s worked with him or taken his classes could have predicted.
Dr. Wick Named Dean
Dr. Collin Wick, Associate Dean of Research and former Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the College of Engineering and Science, stepped in to serve as Interim Dean of the College following Dr. Hegab’s retirement. After three months in the position, Louisiana Tech has appointed him as permanent Dean. For Dr. Wick, who moved from Minnesota to Ruston in 2007 along with his three boys and wife, DeEtte, being a Bulldog has become a family tradition. Shortly after he joined Louisiana Tech’s Chemistry program, DeEtte became a student at Tech, earning a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Tech. She also worked for many years as a middle school English Language Arts teacher at AE Phillips Laboratory School, which is a part of Tech’s College of Education and Human Sciences.
Hands-On Education on Display
The College of Engineering and Science’s newest bachelor’s degree program, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology (ICET), and one of its oldest Industrial Engineering (IE) celebrated hands-on success this year, as the ICET program earned accreditation and the IE program earned an international award for a senior capstone project. Both programs also received a new Academic Director: Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore.
Excellence in Engineering: Gearing Up for the 2024 Steel Bridge Showdown
The Louisiana Tech chapter of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Steel Bridge team spends every year working out schematics on how to bring the title of best bridge builders to Tech. Typically, that process includes creating a plan to construct a 20-foot bridge capable of holding 2500 pounds of weight that solves the problem in the AISC prompt. This year, they will be busier than usual as they juggle fundraising and event planning with their annual competition prep. The reason for the extra hustle and bustle? The team will host nearly 1,000 visitors for the 2024 Student Steel Bridge Competition National Finals this summer. It’s an ambitious task – but one that the team is up for.
COES Doctoral Student Helps Develop Biosensor Neuroprobe
Have you ever wondered how you could be involved in creating life-saving technology? For PhD Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology student Sanjeev Billa, it was as simple as focusing his doctoral studies on nanotechnology, finding a research position with an expert in designing advanced materials, and learning a little biomedical engineering along the way.
Hanna Elliot: Building Success From Day One
When Hanna Elliot of Beckville, Texas, visited Louisiana Tech the spring before she graduated high school, she had a mental checklist. She already knew the University had a nationally recognized biomedical engineering program and a focus on hands-on engineering, so that checked two boxes. During the visit, she learned that Tech and the College of Engineering and Science have a distinct culture that encourages community building along with academics.
Ashton Ward: Putting Research into Action to Make a Difference
This fall, Louisiana Tech University’s College of Engineering and Science (COES) had a nearly 10 percent increase in doctoral program enrollment. Why do Louisiana Tech engineering and science PhD programs attract students?
Doctoral Engineering student Ashton Ward, the unique mix of community, research and outreach opportunities, academic excellence, engaged faculty, and a well-respected Engineering Education concentration are just a few reasons she chose to earn her doctorate from Louisiana Tech.
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Programs Get New Director
The College has named Professor of Biomedical Engineering Dr. Teresa Murray Interim Director of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering. Dr. Murray is well-known at Louisiana Tech and within the biomedical engineering community for her research in neuroscience and micro-imaging. Her innovative biomedical research and collaborations across programs and universities have secured millions of dollars for Louisiana Tech.
Empowering Future Engineers through Student Leadership
Coordinator of First-Year Engineering Programs and Director of the College of Engineering and Science Office of Women in Science and Engineering (COES OWISE), Dr. Krystal Cruse developed the INSPIRE (Introducing New Skills and Proficiencies through Immersive Reassuring Experiences) Workshop with two goals in mind: to provide new students with some practice and to help them find a community. To meet those goals, she invited four students and alums who she knew would create a welcoming environment for the next generation of women engineers. The result was even better than she had hoped.
Join Our Industry Partnership Program
We invite you to join the COES Industry Partnership Program. As an industry partner, your company will play a pivotal role in supporting our students. Your membership fee will help us continue to provide innovative education and enrichment activities that equip our students with the skills for early career success. Along with helping fund enrichment activities and upgrade equipment, resources from our Partnership Program help us promote COES student organizations, facilitate events, and create professional development opportunities. Your company will have opportunities to build connections with our students through on-campus activities throughout the year. As a token of our appreciation for your commitment, we extend priority consideration to your company in our recruitment and hiring processes. Explore the tiers below for available partnership opportunities.
◊ Partner ($2,500 annually)
- Special recognition during College-specific events (E.g., Gumbo Fest, Engineering & Science Day, Spring Release, etc.)
- Annual Partner Report
◊ Collaborative Partner ($5,000 annually)
- Priority invitation to participate in student recruitment events, including “Speed Interviewing,” Employer Expo, and industry panels
- Special recognition through the College and various outlets (web/social media, events, etc.) and at College-wide events
◊ Strategic Partner ($10,000 annually)
- Invitation to annual think-tank meeting with COES leadership and industry partners
- Engineering Expedition (in-person/virtual site visit or specialized info session)

◊ Premier Partner ($15,000+ annually)
- All previously listed engagement opportunities plus:
- Preferred Guest Speaker in COES Events
- Priority sponsorship for our traveling competitive teams (Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge, Eco-Car, Robotics, etc.)
- Brand Logo and Engagement in our weekly activities/events
For information on how you can get involved, contact us at 318.257.2842.