Dua co-edits book on computational analysis of human eye
Dr. Sumeet Dua, the Upchurch Endowed Professor of Computer Science and coordinator of information technology research at Louisiana Tech University, has co-edited a new book on computational modeling methods that can help ophthalmologists develop innovative computer systems to provide critical support and better care options for patients.
According to Dua, the speed at which data on eye disorders such as cataracts and glaucoma are collected can make it impossible for the human observer to directly monitor subtle, yet critical details. “Computational Analysis of the Human Eye with Applications” presents students and practitioners with computational image modeling methods as they are applied to many of these scientific problems in ophthalmology.
“Diseases of the human eye can affect a wide variety of people and early and precise diagnosis is critical to ensure that vision loss is prevented in due time,” said Dua. “This book will expose eye care practitioners to carefully selected highlights of computational decision support technologies that are rapidly maturing and finding their way into clinics to provide enhanced ophthalmological care.”
Advanced image processing, data mining techniques, and computer simulations are currently used to improve accuracy in diagnosing common eye diseases. The editors say the book can aid medical practitioners in developing efficient and cost-effective computer systems that can lower costs, save time, shorten waiting lists, and identify painless treatment options.
“Recent advances in automated data collection instrumentation that is routinely employed in ophthalmology have led to tsunami of data that is being generated, making ophthalmology a data-driven science,” explains Dua. “This book is a novel endeavor to present the most recent advances in the fusion of computer-driven methods and a variety of critical decision-support challenges in ophthalmology.”
Dua also says researchers in both ophthalmology and computer science will benefit due to the exposition of current techniques that are in the intersection of these two areas.
“Computational Analysis of the Human Eye with Applications” was co-edited by Dua, Rajendra Acharya U. of Ngee Ann Polytechnic Institute in Singapore and E. Y. K. Ng of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The success of and demand for Dua’s first co-authored book, “Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity” resulted in its recent release for the Amazon Kindle.
Dua earned his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge and has received numerous research awards from the State and Louisiana Tech, including the 2007 Research Recognition Award and the 2009 Inventor Recognition Award. He is a nationally-recognized expert in data mining, image processing and computational decision support, pattern recognition, data warehousing, biomedical informatics, and heterogeneous distributed data integration, and is frequently invited to serve as a scientific review panelist for various federal agencies.