College of Engineering and Science Graduate Student Council

College of Engineering and Science Graduate Student Council

The Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering and Science (COES) Graduate Student Council (GSC) serves as an official representative body for the current graduate students at Louisiana Tech’s COES. The council consists of a representative structure of elected members from the graduate student body. The GSC seeks to organize events such as academic seminars, workshops, and competitions to support scholarly activities as well as assist graduate students in their graduate and post-graduate work. The GSC also aims to create better communication among the students of diverse COES graduate programs with meaningful cultural and recreational events.

COES Graduate Students in the News

President Mohammad Bappy

Doctoral student contributes to NASA research

Louisiana Tech University doctoral student Mohammad Jabed Perves Bappy’s research may help NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) create habitable environments on the moon and Mars.

Bappy, a member of Dr. David Mills’ research lab and doctoral candidate in Tech’s interdisciplinary micro and nanoscale systems engineering program, has helped develop cost-effective antibacterial nano agents for a filtration system capable of integration with widely used high-grade industrial plastics during his time at Louisiana Tech.

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Ashton Ward Headshot

Doctoral student returns to Louisiana Tech to make a difference

This fall, Louisiana Tech University’s College of Engineering and Science (COES) had a nearly 10 percent increase in doctoral program enrollment. Why do Louisiana Tech engineering and science PhD programs attract students?

Doctoral Engineering student Ashton Ward, the unique mix of community, research and outreach opportunities, academic excellence, engaged faculty, and a well-respected Engineering Education concentration are just a few reasons she chose to earn her doctorate from Louisiana Tech.

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President Mohammad Bappy

COES graduate students elect GSC new members

Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering and Science (COES) graduate students have elected three new members to serve on the Graduate Student Council (GSC) for the rest of the 2023-24 academic year.

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Plans for 2024

The College of Engineering and Science Graduate Student Council Top Initiatives

1. Faculty Seminars in every quarter.
2. Graduate Student Symposium in Spring 2024.
3. Research Seminar with Dr. B. Ramu Ramachandran.
4. Career fair for COES graduate students with Mr. Ron Cathey.
5. Finding Sponsors for the Cap and Gown for the commencement ceremony.
6. Trying to get companies to offer internships to graduate students through Career Services.


Potential Upcoming Changes

A new amendment to the Graduate Student Council has been brought forward concerning Article IV, Section 1: Officers.

“The treasurer position is no longer necessary as the Graduate Studies office staff will, by default, be handling all the accounts and purchasing documents related to GSC events and activities. To distribute the tasks generously among the executive committee members, the Treasurer position is being replaced by an Event Coordinator position.”

This amendment has received two-thirds majority ‘yes’ votes (20 out of 30 members). The amendment is awaiting final approval by the Student Government Association (SGA).

Past Events

2022 Fall Festival

Graduate students at tables, enjoying a potluck meal
Graduate students and Sylvia Shultz enjoying conversation at the 2022 Fall Festival
COES graduate students and College Dean, Dr. Hisham Hegab enjoying a potluck meal at the 2022 Fall Festival

2019 Social

Graduate social at a bowling alley
Students visiting at the 2019 graduate social
Graduate students gathered in front of a rock climbing wall

African MegaFest

Ruston Mayor Ronny Walker and Tech President Dr. Les Guice with African MegaFest shirts on stage
People lined up a buffet at African MegaFest
Performers at the African MegaFest

2023 Graduate Student Council

Meet the 2023-24 Graduate Student Council

President Mohammad Bappy


Mohammad Jabed Perves Bappy
PhD student, Engineering

Vice President Kritik Saxena

Vice President

Kritik Saxena
PhD student, Engineering

General Secretary Md-Reazul-Islam-Jamil

General Secretary

Md Reazul Islam Jamil
PhD Student, Engineering

Treasurer Tobias K. Misicko


Tobias Misicko
PhD Student, Engineering

GSC officers group photo
Public Relations Officer Mohammad-Tarikuzzaman

Public Relations Officer

Mohammad Tarikuzzaman
PhD Student, Engineering

Read the Graduate Council Constitution (PDF).