College of Engineering and Science publishes annual report

Sep 16, 2012 | Engineering and Science

Louisiana Tech University’s College of Engineering and Science has released its 2011-2012 annual report, “Leading the Way,” which provides a review of student and faculty research, accomplishments and awards, news from its academic programs, and alumni awards and support from the past academic year. “Leading the Way” also provides program-by-program enrollment numbers for the previous academic year and a 2007 to 2011 comparison that shows a 15 percent growth in overall student enrollment and a growth of over 30 percent in research expenditures. College of Engineering and Science Dean Stan Napper offers the report as a summary of the careers and recent accomplishments of many alumni, faculty and students who have been “Leading the Way” for Louisiana Tech and our nation. “Reading this report makes me proud again and assures all of our friends and supporters that we will continue ‘Leading the Way’ for the engineers and scientists of tomorrow,” said Napper. Despite continued budget reductions, the report shows how the College of Engineering and Science continues to excel in undergraduate education, leading the way in new teaching methods and offering several programs that are ‘firsts’ in the country, including a bachelor of science degree in cyber engineering and a Ph.D. in molecular science  and nanotechnology. “Leading the Way” also presents College highlights such as the team of Louisiana Tech physicists who played an important role in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, or “God particle,” an introduction to Dr. Hisham Hegab, the College’s new associate dean for undergraduate studies, briefs on College research in green and hand-held DNA analysis technologies, student organization news such as the National Distinguished Chapter of the Year for the National Society of Black Engineers, and recognition of Louisiana Tech’s four Grand Challenge Scholars for 2012. For a copy of the College of Engineering and Science’s annual report, contact Catherine Fraser at Written by Catherine Fraser –