COES holds Commitment Day 2017
Louisiana Tech University’s College of Engineering and Science (COES) held its inaugural Commitment Day signing event Tuesday, with more than 170 top-tier high school students from across the south committing to pursue their academic careers in engineering and science at Louisiana Tech.
Applicants who achieved qualifying scores on the ACT and their families were invited to attend a luncheon event where they could meet with Louisiana Tech faculty and leaders including President Les Guice, COES Dean Hisham Hegab and COES Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies Heath Tims.
“It was thrilling to see all of the new engineering and science commitments on campus, and getting engaged with our faculty and staff,” Guice said. “I commend Dean Hegab and Dr. Tims for their leadership in developing this program to celebrate those new students who are committed to come to Tech.”
During the event, the invited students and their families received Louisiana Tech memorabilia and signed certificates of commitment. They were also treated to a performance by the members of the Louisiana Tech Band of Pride who are currently pursuing engineering and science degrees. After the Commitment Day luncheon, some of the students took placement exams.
“It was a fun event,” Tims said. “It served as an opportunity for these students to formally share their commitment to being a part of our program. It was also an exciting time for the staff and faculty at Louisiana Tech to see some of the best and brightest that this region has to offer sign with us.”
“We are very excited to host this new event to celebrate with outstanding students that will be joining our programs in engineering and science this fall,” Hegab added. “The turnout was tremendous, and it was great to welcome them into the Tech Family.”
Written by Brandy McKnight –

Future Louisiana Tech engineering and science students take photos with President Les Guice during Commitment Day 2017.