ASCE teams win big at Deep South Conference
The Louisiana Tech University American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe teams won first and second place, respectively, at the 2017 ASCE Deep South Conference held recently in Memphis, Tennessee.
Competing against 10 other teams from universities around the region, the Steel Bridge team won first place in the “Display,” “Weight” and “Efficiency” categories, third place in the “Speed,” “Stiffness” and “Economy” categories, and first place overall.
The Concrete Canoe team won first place in the “Women’s Sprint,” “Men’s Sprint,” “Co-Ed Sprint,” “Women’s Endurance” and “Men’s Endurance” categories, second place in the “Final Product” category, and third in the “Oral Presentation” category. The Concrete Canoe team placed second overall.
The Louisiana Tech chapter of ASCE also won second place for the “Professional Paper” competition, in which chapter member Beverly Case submitted a paper on ethics. Twenty-six members of the Louisiana Tech ASCE organization attended the conference, which included professional and technical presentations, and social activities.
Dr. Sanjay Tewari, assistant professor of civil engineering and construction engineering technology and Louisiana Tech chapter ASCE advisor, says that he is proud of the teams’ performances.
“It was excellent performance by all or our Louisiana Tech students,” Tewari said. “I want to congratulate all team members, especially the seniors who are graduating and wish them luck in their professional lives.”
The ASCE represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries and is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public.
The Louisiana Tech chapter of the ASCE also participated in the 2017 Louisiana Tech Engineering and Science Day, presenting their concrete canoe and a steel bridge to local high school students.

Louisiana Tech’s ASCE Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe teams recently competed at the 2017 ASCE Deep South Conference.