Tech’s Cyber Discovery to serve as national model

Apr 22, 2012 | Engineering and Science

Louisiana Tech University will partner with the Cyber Innovation Center (CIC) in Bossier City, Louisiana to demonstrate the portability of Cyber Discovery – a highly integrated, team-based model for educating, motivating and retaining student interest in cyberspace, cyber-citizenship, information technology and security. Cyber Discovery works by empowering individual teachers through advanced and innovative curricular designs that make use of team-based learning in five core academic areas: engineering, liberal arts, mathematics, science, and technology/cyber. Louisiana Tech, a leader in integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula, led the development of Cyber Discovery in 2008 and what is now called the Cyber Discovery Model.  Louisiana Tech has hosted Cyber Discovery on its campus since 2008. “This model is an excellent example of what can happen when you have a quality and nationally-recognized program making a profound impact regionally,” said Dr. Stan Napper, dean of Louisiana Tech’s College of Engineering and Science.  “To be able to share nationally what we have been doing at Louisiana Tech for many years is a tribute to our faculty and staff.” G.B. Cazes, vice president of the Cyber Innovation Center, agrees.  “Louisiana Tech has been instrumental in developing dynamic and innovative content.  This approach to integrated curriculum and emphasis on mentoring high school teachers is what makes our program so unique.” In 2004, the College of Engineering and Science expanded its Cyber Discovery offering by implementing professional development programs for high school teachers which included student teams from their schools. This past summer, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano accompanied U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu on a tour of the CIC to learn about the regional impact of the CIC’s educational programs for K-12 schools systems, higher education and the community. “The Cyber Innovation Center serves as a model for the rest of the country on how to educate and train a cybersecurity workforce,” said Landrieu during the visit.  “In today’s high-tech and constantly evolving world, we must have innovative, integrated and bold protection against the dangers that exist in cyberspace.” Written by Catherine Fraser –