Computer Science (MS)

The program places a strong emphasis on fundamental theoretical and practical computing foundations, preparing graduates for academic and industrial careers. It aims to produce graduates who can practice computer science in various fields such as software, high-tech, manufacturing, healthcare and service degrees, as well as pursue advanced degrees. The curriculum consists of 30-36 credit hours, depending on the track the student chooses.

Three options are thesis, practicum, and coursework only. All three options require five core courses totaling 12 SCH (semester credit hours): three at 3 SCH, one at 2 SCH, and one at 1 SCH.

Prospective students must take the GRE and earn a minimum 150 Quantitative score and a 145 Verbal score for admissions consideration.



Interested in Joining Our Program?

Whether you’re interested in joining our program or just have questions, we’re here to help.

Admission Requirements

All applications are reviewed independently by the program.

Unconditional admission is granted to an applicant who meets the following criteria in addition to those outlined by the graduate school:

  • Has an undergraduate degree in computer science from a regionally accredited university in the U.S., or
  • Has an undergraduate degree in computer science from a university outside the U.S. and meets the GRE minimum requirements (145 Verbal and 150 Quantitative scores).

Conditional admission is provided to an applicant who meets the following criteria in addition to those outlined by the graduate school:

  • Has an undergraduate degree in computer science, and have GRE scores close to the minimum scores required for admission, or
  • Has an undergraduate degree in a major other than computer science that meets the minimum GRE requirement.

Students with conditional admission status may be required to take additional undergraduate courses for enrollment.

Concurrent Enrollment

The Concurrent Enrollment Program is available to undergraduate seniors who are within 30 semester credit hours (SCH) of completing bachelor’s degree requirements at a regionally accredited institution. You have the opportunity to get a head start on earning graduate-level credits that can be applied towards a certificate or a Master’s degree!

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to register for graduate credit and take classes, students need a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 and have less than 30 hours remaining in their undergraduate degree program.

Accelerated Baccalaureate and Master’s Program

Louisiana Tech students in the Concurrent Enrollment Program may, with approval from the undergraduate program, use up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses to satisfy requirements in their undergraduate curriculum. The number of hours that can be double-counted is subject to the requirement that the combined Baccalaureate and Master’s curricula will total a minimum of 144 credit hours.  Program Chairs of the respective programs should be contacted to make sure courses taken can be applied to the respective degrees.

Students must do the following to apply.

  1. Submit a graduate school application, a $40 application fee, and two letters of reference. One can be from a business professional and the other must be from your faculty advisor. The letter from your faculty advisor must state that you:
    1. Have less than 30 undergraduate hours to complete your undergraduate degree;
    2. State when you are expected to complete your undergraduate degree (quarter/year) leaving room for graduate-level courses;
    3. include your current UGPA;
    4. and that you are recommended for a Master’s program.
  2. Contact the Graduate Studies Office once you have submitted your application and obtained your two letters of reference so that a letter of support can be attached to your application.

Once Admitted

  1. Students must maintain undergraduate status.
  2. Keep a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 until awarded the bachelor’s degree.
  3. All students are expected to enroll in at least one graduate-level course each quarter of undergraduate enrollment.

No more than 12 graduate credit hours may be earned while completing bachelor’s requirements.

After Earning Your Undergraduate Degree

Students are required to apply to graduate school for admission into the master’s degree program. Applicants to the graduate school will not be charged another $40 application fee and GRE scores may be waived by the program. Students seeking admission to another master’s program, other than the program in which they were granted concurrent enrollment, must meet the same admissions requirements as other applicants of that program.

Practicum Option (36 SCH)

Requires ENGR 511, 3 SCH of practicum, 21 SCH of approved electives (at least half of which must be CSC courses) and submission of a practicum. Must complete a total of 36 SCH.

Thesis Option (30 SCH)

Requires ENGR 511, 6 SCH of Research and Thesis, 12 SCH of approved electives (at least half of which must be CSC courses) and a thesis defense. Must complete a total of 30 SCH.

Coursework Only Option (36 SCH)

Requires ENGR 589A, 24 SCH of approved electives (at least half of which must be CSC courses). Must complete a total of 36 SCH.

Advising Materials

For a list of prerequisites, required courses and suggested pathways, select the curriculum sheet below.

Computer Science (M.S) Curriculum

Contact Dr. Pradeep Chowriappa, Program Coordinator, for more information.