Advising and Student Success

First-year Students: To set up a one-on-one advising appointment with our Student Success Specialists, Alexis Cole and Eli Doyle. If you have any questions, contact them by email or phone (318-257-2260 , 318.257.3180), or stop by Room 109 for Alexis Cole and Room 113 for Eli Doyle in the Integrated Engineering and Science Building.

*Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Construction Engineering Technology, and Instrumentation Control Systems Engineering Technology students will be assigned advisors within individual departments.

For block schedules and program curricula, go to the Advising Materials page.

Helpful Videos for First-Year Students

How to Use the Online Advising Form

Navigating First-Year Advising Materials

*Use your CAS login to sign into MediaSite and view the videos.

What Mathematics Class Do I Take Next?

  • If you started in Math 101, take Math 240 next.
  • If you started in Math 100B & 100C, take Math 112, then Math 240.
  • If you started in Math 099, then take Math 100B & 100C, followed by Math 112, then Math 240.
  • If you started in Math 103B & 103C, then take Math 100B & 100C, followed by Math 112, then Math 240.

*You must complete each class with a “C” or higher to take the next class.

Academic Status

There are three categories of academic status for undergraduate students: academic good standing and eligible to be enrolled; academic probation and eligible to be enrolled; and academic suspension, therefore not eligible to be enrolled. Although students will usually receive official notification of academic status, such notice is not a prerequisite to students being placed in one of the above categories. Students have the responsibility to learn their academic status prior to the beginning of the next enrollment period.

Good Standing

All undergraduate students are expected to achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 (C)on all college work attempted and on all work attempted at Louisiana Tech. The University will, however, certify a student to be in “good standing” as long as that student is eligible to be enrolled. There are some degree programs that specify higher GPA requirements for good standing, eligibility for entry into an upper division, and/or eligibility for graduation in the program. Specific GPA requirements can be found in the curriculum descriptions contained in the college/department/degree found in the undergraduate program pages of this catalog or through the individual departments.

Academic Probation

Undergraduate students will be placed on academic probation whenever their cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) are below a 2.0 average.

  1. Once on academic probation, a student will remain on probation (as long as each quarter or summer session average is at least 2.0) until the cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is achieved.
  2. Once a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is achieved, a student will be placed in academic good standing.
  3. Transfer students may be admitted on probation pending receipt of official academic transcripts to determine actual academic status.

Academic Suspension

Undergraduate students on academic probation will be suspended at the conclusion of any quarter, including summer, in which they fail to earn a GPA of at least 2.0. First-time freshmen admitted in good standing will not be suspended prior to the completion of three quarters of enrollment.

  1. The period for the first suspension will be for one quarter. Students suspended for the first time at the end of the spring quarter may attend summer school without appeal. If these students raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, they are placed in academic good standing and their suspension periods are lifted. They may then attend the fall quarter without appeal. If they do not raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher in the summer session, the suspension for the fall quarter is in effect. In this case, only one suspension is counted against the student.
  2. All subsequent suspensions will be for one calendar year. Students suspended for a second or subsequent time at the end of the spring quarter may also attend summer school. To be readmitted to any quarter, other than the summer session, they must follow the Readmission from Suspension procedures below.
  3. All Universities within the University of Louisiana (UL) System have a one term (quarter or semester) suspension, except for second or subsequent suspensions that shall be for one calendar year.
  4. An undergraduate student suspended from a UL System university may not enroll in another university within the UL System but may enroll in a community college. To ensure minimal or no loss of credits upon return to the university, the student should consult with his/her university advisor regarding the choice of courses to be taken at the community college. Credits earned under these conditions may be accepted for a degree at the suspending institution provided grades of “C” or higher are earned in each of the courses to be transferred.

Readmission from Suspension

Appeal for reinstatement after academic suspension may be made to the student’s academic dean or to the Director of Basic and Career Studies, as appropriate. Appeals must be accomplished no later than noon on the day prior to the first day of classes (General Registration/Fee Payment/2nd Purge day).

If reinstatement is approved, the dean notifies the University Registrar and the reinstated student’s registration status is reactivated and their preregistered schedule retained. Reinstated students will be continued on academic probation.

If reinstatement is denied, or the student did not appeal, the student’s preregistered schedule will be purged on the afternoon of General Registration/Fee Payment/2nd Purge Day.

Probation and Suspension

A successful student and remaining in good academic standing go hand in hand!  Being proactive, forming good study habits, self-discipline, efficient time management, committed attendance – can all help a student flourish academically.

When a student’s cumulative (overall) GPA is a 2.0 or better, the student is considered to be in Good Academic Standing.

However, sometimes students do struggle during various times for different reasons. Academic probation is a warning that a student is having difficulty in meeting academic requirements. A student is placed on Academic Probation when the cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. Students who are on Academic Probation must earn at least a 2.0 for their current quarter GPA to avoid Academic Suspension.

Your Student Success team will work with you to understand the context of your situation, help specify what needs to change, refer you to available forms of assistance, and aid in the implementation of a plan for future success.

If you feel at risk of being placed on academic probation or suspension, or would like to ask questions about your individual academic status, please contact Tasha Smith at