2024 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

This summer, choose a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) job that pays you to learn!

The Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates is the National Science Foundation-funded program through the “Future Sensors” project. The goal of the program is to provide an eight-week long multi-disciplinary research training to undergraduates toward the development of environmental sensors. The selected students will be mentored by faculty from several areas such as engineering, sociology, business, applied mathematics, and biology. Participants will gain hands-on experience in using cutting-edge equipment and research activities and interact with students from several other institutions. Overall, this program will help the undergraduates to broaden their understanding of research and learn technical, presentation, and communication skills.

REU Collage

Program Dates

February 28: Application Deadline

May 31 – July 27: Selected Students Will Work with Project Researchers

July 26-27:  Annual Meeting in Boise, Idaho

The program will provide:

  • A stipend of $4500 for the full 8 weeks of work,
  • A travel allowance for transportation to the REU site,
  • A travel allowance to the July 26-27 Annual Meeting in Boise, Idaho, and the return home,
  • Free housing, and
  • A meal plan.